Kennel Mad Addiction

Kennel Mad Addiction Dog breeder hunduppfödare

🩷 don’t forget our dog walk today and donate to cancer research 🩷En (hund)promenad för Cancerfonden 🌸Tid: lördagen 26/10...

🩷 don’t forget our dog walk today and donate to cancer research 🩷

En (hund)promenad för Cancerfonden 🌸

Tid: lördagen 26/10 kl 14:00
Var: vi möts på ICAs parkering i Ljunghusen (markerat med rött på kartan)
Adress: Falsterbovägen 131, 236 41 Höllviken

För de som inte vill gå milen kan man gena på hälften och gå den ”gröna naturbiten” på kartan bara.

För varje km vi går så donerar vi 10kr var till valfri cancerfond.

För er som inte kan närvara på plats får gärna gå en runda hemma och hänga på insamlingen på så vis!

I finally managed to get them all in one picture! Okey Finn closed his eyes and on the next photo Freja turns her head.....

I finally managed to get them all in one picture! Okey Finn closed his eyes and on the next photo Freja turns her head.. but still. Finally!! 😅❤️

Puppies 2 weeks today!Look at Finn’s last photo 🥹 so darn cute with that milk mustache 😍

Puppies 2 weeks today!
Look at Finn’s last photo 🥹 so darn cute with that milk mustache 😍

Yesterday Disa became INTERNATIONAL JUNIOR CHAMPION 🤩At Bornholm international dog show she wonExcellent, champion quali...


At Bornholm international dog show she won
Excellent, champion quality, 1:st place bi***es, best opposite s*x, Danish junior certificate, Danish cert, Danish junior cac

So now she’s Norwegian junior winner -24 & international junior champion.

Mega huge congrats to her owners 🥳 👏🏼

Pear shape 🍐 ❤️

Pear shape 🍐 ❤️

Mayhem (Mad Addiction Dagmar) entered the Swedish bullterrier club open show yesterday.She became 2 place and nominated ...

Mayhem (Mad Addiction Dagmar) entered the Swedish bullterrier club open show yesterday.
She became 2 place and nominated for best head and movement!
Nice job 👏🏼👏🏼
Her sister Disa (Mad Addiction Disa) became 3 and nominated for best head.

Congrats to you all 👏🏼
the.bullterrier .and.disa.the.minibulls

Daddy said hello to Kenneth. I had to beat him to get to dad first. I never come second! / Anita a.k.a miss jealous

Daddy said hello to Kenneth. I had to beat him to get to dad first. I never come second! / Anita a.k.a miss jealous

Omg. I totally missed that Dagny became Swedish junior winner in Tvååker 🙈What a surprise and we’re so mega proud! Now w...

Omg. I totally missed that Dagny became Swedish junior winner in Tvååker 🙈
What a surprise and we’re so mega proud!

Now we have 2 junior winners this year (and our first 2 ever)
Hugh congrats to owners of Norwegian junior winner -24 Mad Addiction Disa & Swedish junior winner -24 Mad Addiction Dagny 👏🏼👏🏼🥳

You know what I did last night?! 🤪I went all ninja and squeezed myself in between the humans bed and nightstand. There I...

You know what I did last night?! 🤪

I went all ninja and squeezed myself in between the humans bed and nightstand. There I was perfectly still, almost nose to nose and stared at her until she woke up and I can tell you it was a loud wake up.
She screamed like an idiot and jumped up in the air and landed on human dad who woke up by that and got really scared.

She yelled at me saying I need to go to sleep so I sat on the floor instead and started barking. By this time (maximum 2 minutes) human dad had fallen back to sleep (isn’t that nice he can do that so fast?!) and when I barked he flew up in the air and waved his arms in some kind of panic defense and slapped human mom really hard on the butt… still hurts today.

It was a fun night. Let’s see what I will do tonight, last night before I go home again. 😁😎

🌸Puppies expected🌸What to expect when you’re expecting? We have no idea what will come out of this and if it’s gonna be ...

🌸Puppies expected🌸
What to expect when you’re expecting?

We have no idea what will come out of this and if it’s gonna be our litter F with Kenneth, litter F with Stickan or our litter F&G at the same time with both fathers 😁

Some colors can tell who’s the father but we have to take a DNA-test of them all (including mother and both fathers. (Why I don’t know)) according the Swedish kennel club. Until then we have to keep on guessing.

It’s gonna be so fun except the waiting. That’s gonna be like Christmas when you were a child. A long life waiting 🤪

Puppies will arrive in about 3 weeks ❤️

Hip hip hooray for D-litters first birthday today ❤️Hope you’ll have a wonderful birthday Dagny, Gunnar, Moby, Poppy, Ma...

Hip hip hooray for D-litters first birthday today ❤️
Hope you’ll have a wonderful birthday

Dagny, Gunnar, Moby, Poppy, Mayhem, Disa the.bullterrier

Someone swallowed the beach ball… 🤪More info will follow soon 😁

Someone swallowed the beach ball… 🤪
More info will follow soon 😁

Well they are potty trained 🙈

Well they are potty trained 🙈

Baaaaam! Today Disa became Norwegian junior winner 2024 🏆🥇Hugh congrats to handler and owners  .and.disa.the.minibulls

Baaaaam! Today Disa became Norwegian junior winner 2024 🏆🥇

Hugh congrats to handler and owners .and.disa.the.minibulls

Egon 👀🏠We have decided to also let Egon find a new home. This special boy was supposed to stay with us but we have chang...

Egon 👀🏠

We have decided to also let Egon find a new home.
This special boy was supposed to stay with us but we have changed our plans so we are now searching for a home for him.

Preferably nearby us in Skåne.

Egon är en lugn och trygg kille som kan flytta tidigast 23 juli.
Hans mamma Mad Addiction Barbro ”Barbro” och hans pappa Isabull's Bold Legacy Oliver ”Kenneth” är båda häslotestade med hjärtultraljud och är clear på ärftliga sjukdomar såsom PLL, LP, LAD, PKD.
Pappa Kenneth har även gjort BPH

När Egon flyttar så är han vaccinerad, veterinärbesiktigad, chippad och såklart medföljer stamtavlan, alla hälsopapper på Egon och föräldrarna, f***r, snuttefilt, leksaker, koppel, halsband och lite annat smått och gott som kan vara bra att ha första tiden.
Man får också en fantastisk hundfamilj på köpet med livslång support och vänskap. ❤️

Egon kommer inte lämnas på f***r.

Today Dagny went with ’s family to a dog show. She became 1st place junior bitch with excellent 👏🏼Hugh thanks to our dog...

Today Dagny went with ’s family to a dog show. She became 1st place junior bitch with excellent 👏🏼
Hugh thanks to our dog family for the help taking Dagny there and showing her. ❤️❤️





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