Meow Meow Mart will be closed for Chinese New Year from 29 January - 2 February.
28 January operating hours will be from 11am-2pm.
Please note the last day of delivery will be on 27 January and business will resume on 3 February.
Wishing all a Happy Lunar New Year filled with joy, prosperity and good luck!
#meowmeowmartsg #loveforyourfurkid #meowmeowmart #happycustomerhappyus😊❤️ #returncustomersarethebest #cathousedesign #catwallcondo #catification #catlover #comevisitus #furparents #catloversclub #catfurniture #servewithlove
Thank you so much Serene ♥️ for your trust with Meow Meow Mart Singapore
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You don't earn loyalty in a day. You earn loyalty day-by-day. life is for service🫰🏻
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When my furbabies with us in shop 🐈🐈⬛🐈⬛🐈⬛ #meowmeowmartsg #meowmeowmart #loveforyourfurkid #comevisitus #supportsmallbusiness
#catlover #loveforyourfurkid #meowmeowmartsg #meowmeowmart
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JerHigh Omelette Stick is a premium snack filled with nutrients and vitamins to make your dog healthy and strong, with a delicious and nutritious carrot flavor that your dog will not be able to resist. Comes in stick form, it is convenient for you to feed and carry while easy and fun for them to eat. It has been researched and tested in the laboratory to ensure that the treat is hygienic, safe, and filled with all of the nutrients man’s best friend needs to stay healthy and happy. You can rest assured that JerHigh Omelette Stick is the perfect reward that your favorite canine deserves.
🤩🤩🤩And it's now available in Meow Meow Mart Singapore
Selling 1 pack for $3.60
3 for $9.50
Come visit us now 🥳
#meowmeowmartsg #meowmeowmart #loveforyourfurkids
#doglover #JerHighเจอร์แต่สิ่งดีๆ #supportlocalbusiness #sgdogsfurfriends