Another beautiful shipment from Kairosfarm❤️❤️❤️
Come and visit us now! We have quality China, Indonesia and Thailand goldfishes for sales at our shop now! And we have Hari Raya promotion going on from today onward!
来来来!!! Hari Raya🌙促销现在开始!!!以38.88%的折扣获得第二只(以最低者为准)
Hari Raya 🌙 promotion start NOW!!! Buy one and get the second at 38.88% off (whichever is lowest)
#tankcleaningservices #pondcleaning #tankcleaning
Let’s us do it for you. Cleaning and maintenance services for your lovely tanks and ponds…
Relax and enough your goldfishes
We have plenty of nice good quality goldfishes for you to choose from. If you looking for quality, look for us @ 55 Changi Road B1-14. WA in advance to avoid disappointment.