Ash’s Animal Telepathy

Ash’s Animal Telepathy I communicate with animals and animals in spirit in a respectful manner.

I spoke to 2 elderly guinea pigs from different homes on the same day. Both elderly piggies who lost their cage-mates re...

I spoke to 2 elderly guinea pigs from different homes on the same day. Both elderly piggies who lost their cage-mates recently. Their circumstances may be similar but the realities are different in the sense that all of us, experience life through our own perspective and this story is to help bring that understanding to those who are open to receive it.

First guinea pig I spoke to was Sheri. She is old, have difficulty walking so she stays put most of the time. She said she is ok with visitations from other piggies from her herd, she doesn’t want her family to bring a stay-in companion into her enclosure. She said it will be boring for that guinea pig since she won’t be interacting much anyway.

She is quite alright being by herself but she does not want to be disturbed. She is grieving and sad that her companion crossed over. However, she felt it was better for Shilpa (the guinea pig that crossed over) to leave peacefully than to suffer in pain.

She showed me patches of brown and white fur, saying that she and this guinea pig didn’t get along at first but they later bonded after they stayed together for awhile. I went to look at the photo of the entire herd and noticed that the fur colour she showed me didn’t match Shilpa’s. Her family said the guinea pig she showed me crossed over last year, not recently. Yes, Sheri and the brown /white guinea fought at first and later became closely bonded. All in all, Sheri has lost 3 friends over the years. She is the last one in the home from the original herd of 4. It’s no wonder she didn’t want the younger batch of guinea pigs staying in with her now. Her friends have all crossed over.

She wanted her family to know that she will be joining them when the time comes but she isn’t afraid. She wants them to let her go peacefully then.

She said she won’t be leaving soon but because of her age, she wants her family to be prepared when it is her time to depart.

In the evening the same day, I spoke a guinea pig named Peanut. She walked quickly into the circle which isn’t unusual per se but Peanut has 3 good legs, out of which 2 have missing toes. I spoke to her about a fractured leg before and this girl is a very strong fighter even though she had a lot of pre-exiting health conditions when her Mommy adopted her.

Her Mommy wanted an emergency session the night Peanut’s companion, PeeWee, got very sick. They were at the vet for 5 hours but his condition was not something the vet could treat (cancer mass). He left before we could reach out to him so a few days later, she decided to check in on Peanut instead.

Peanut said she has a lot of urgent messages for her Mommy. The messages were from PeeWee though. Peanut said PeeWee is at home with them. He will be there because he is waiting for something to happen in a few days. It was related to him so I asked his Mommy was there something she prepared for PeeWee? Is she waiting for something that is related to him?

She said it is his remains. She is waiting for his urn bearing his physical remains to be sent home. PeeWee wanted her to know he is staying with her until that happens. He is at home to keep her company, to give her comfort and because to him, his remains being sent home symbolically means a part of him is still with her. After that happens, he has to leave for awhile but he will visit. I don’t ask them where they go, what they do, who they meet, etc? Why? We are not privy to what happens on the other side unless we are given access to that information but not all of us are ready for that kind of revelation. His Mommy understands this and is just happy to hear that he is at home.

She had a vision after he crossed over when she was staring at his cage one night. She said she could vividly see in her mind’s eye, PeeWee was in the cage asking for treats. She wasn’t sure at the time but it was him communicating with her telepathically. When our intuition shows us anything through our clair senses, we should trust our intuition.

When I asked Peanut how she was feeling after PeeWee crossed over, she said she was doing ok. Peanut said she didn’t hate PeeWee, she just disapprove of his behaviour sometimes. Peanut is a very calm, matured and sensible girl. PeeWee was more like a high energy, cheeky little kid who liked hu***ng enthusiastically. Their personalities were not aligned compatibly for a peaceful relationship. Even so, the fact that Peanut almost ran into the circle (3 legs minus toes and all) to pass these messages from PeeWee to their Mommy says a lot. Despite their differences, she was on good terms with him.

She felt a sense of calm and serenity in her home environment after PeeWee crossed over and it was a relief to her. She wanted her Mommy to know that she will be ok by herself, there is no need to find her another companion or cage-mate. She prefers her home environment to be quiet with just the 2 of them. Her Mommy understands and felt a little guilty for feeling the same way but she shouldn’t be. Her grief for PeeWee is not in any way cancelled out by her feeling a sense of calm at home after he crossed over. They need this peace to process everything that has happened.

The reason why I wanted to share Sheri and Peanut’s story is because they have lessons for us to learn from.

Authenticity for one. Peanut was not conflicted by how she felt because she was honest about her feelings but her relief at PeeWee’s crossing over did not mean she wanted him to leave nor was she happy that he left.

She said it was his time to go and she passed her Mommy PeeWee’s messages because she knew it would give her Mommy some comfort knowing PeeWee is home. At the same time, she didn’t feel the need to fake her grief or sense of loss because she wasn’t devastated by the loss.

Authenticity means that she is being honest with herself without feeling any conflicts because she was able to clearly discern that how she felt after PeeWee’s crossing. It does not mean she had any personal dislike towards PeeWee, only disapproval of certain things he did which disturbed her peace. They weren’t particularly close, they lived together.

I often wonder why humans have so many social expectations that have us putting up facades. To act a certain way or speak our truth would draw criticisms even if we are just being honest. Our authenticity becomes a fault under social scrutiny.

Animals have no need for such polite pretentiousness. When I speak to them, they candidly admit whether they like or don’t like their house-mates, house rules… everything. Animals don’t pretend to be nice on the surface but bad mouth each other during the communication. I have noticed that what they tell me in the circle, they act out in person (show outright hostility or just indifference). We go the extra mile to put a smiley mask on but backstab others the moment their backs are turned. Animals are honest about what they feel and why they feel that way. They are unapologetically honest because they don’t use guile or practice hypocrisy. That is something I greatly admire that about them.

So I learn from them because to understand them, I have to shed a lot of human programming in order to see life through their eyes. I see honesty, love, compassion, childlike wonder, joy, truth… and sadness, pain, rejection, grief, helplessness, frustration, anger, resentment as well. They feel a wide range of emotions like we do as they navigate through life but they don’t have multiple personas to maintain like we do. They just are who they are. That is why we have multiple high maintenance social identities and maybe, that’s what is draining about being human.

Perhaps these stories may strike a chord and help us reflect when we feel conflicted. About situations that require us to be honest yet understanding, be authentic yet discerning. 💐💓❣️

The pawrents are going on a trip and they wanted to update the boys, LeLe and Toto, on the dates.Feels like I have been ...

The pawrents are going on a trip and they wanted to update the boys, LeLe and Toto, on the dates.

Feels like I have been talking to these boys through several mile stone events over the years. The boys have been wonderful fur friends, candidly sharing their thoughts and feelings about everything their pawrents want to talk about.

A few days ago, I spoke to them about a trip that was coming up. Lele has come a very long way and he communicates with his pawrents on his own at home all the time. His Dad asks him questions and he will respond by showing his Dad what he wants. He even has a really cute way of apologising if he admits that he was in the wrong. He would put his paw on his Dad’s hand (as a way of saying “I am sorry”) but if he doesn’t believe it was his mistake, he would stare his Dad in the eye and won’t hold out his paw. This gesture of reconciliation (in my humble opinion), is a big deal in understanding Lele’s behaviour.

Our last conversation was about an altercation between Lele and a French bulldog at a swimming pool several months ago. He aggressively barked at the dog and even tried running after it (causing awkwardness between the human pawrents). Lele refused to apologise when his Dad spoke to him about it so his pawrents were puzzled by his behaviour. They arranged a session with Lele to find out what happened even though they were there at the pool, they couldn’t figure out why he was behaving that way.

Lele was pi**ed when I asked him about it. I have seen him upset a few times when he was complaining about things the domestic helper (Aunty M) did at home when she first started working with this household. Aunty M didn’t believe in animal communication so when Lele was telling his pawrents about certain things (nothing serious, just minor stuff) that happened at home when they were not around, it probably came as a surprise to Aunty M because Lele was complaining a lot and was showing aggression towards her until she stopped doing whatever she was doing (it started with allowing Toto to steal Lele’s treats, then giving Toto more treats because Toto said if he acted really cute around her, she will be nicer towards him and he was milking that advantage with shameless impunity so this blatant favouritism was pi***ng Lele off big time). Took a few session over a period of months before this was ironed out. When Aunty M bought him a nice birthday present, Lele decided to bury the hatchet and made friends with her.

So… what happened at the swimming pool? I was curious as well. Lele launched into a tirade calling the bulldog “stupid, fat and ugly (comparing it to a frog), rude and was acting like a victim”. The other dog made some rude remarks comparing his family with Lele’s at the pool and when Lele angrily confronted it, it started running away and hiding behind its family.

Lele was so protective, he even tried swimming towards the other dog (I will swim the fight to you 🤬🤬) while his Dad was trying to play with him in the pool. You know, “It’s not the size of the dog in a fight, its the size of the fight in the dog.”, and Lele refused to tolerate disrespect to his family. He angrily said he was defending his family when I asked why he stubbornly refused to apologise afterwards (family asked, I just delivered the questions 😅😅). When I asked how Toto reacted at the time? Lele said Toto just stood there and stared (wasn’t helping Lele at all 😤). 😅😅 It’s because Lele has an outstandingly principled character while Toto is more sociable and cheeky by nature. Toto watches drama but doesn’t participate in it 😅😅. Lele orchestrates righteous justice against oppression (towards him or his family) in a pretty dramatic manner with no hesitation or restraint when the call comes. His pawrents then realised that the bulldog was acting like a keyboard warrior 😅🤣 so mystery solved.

This session however, was about the trip and Lele has come a long way from being the young, anxious puppy with separation anxiety. He said he understood when I counted out the number of days his pawrents will be away and asked his Dad to tell Aunty M not to change anything in their routine. Just do what she did during their last trip and they will be fine. Lele said he will cooperate with her. Aaaawwww… 😍😍

One of the questions his pawrents asked was, what is Lele’s favourite toy at home? Lele showed me a visual but I couldn’t make out what it was. He said it’s different from the other toys his pawrents bought in the past. He finds it interesting but he doesn’t play with it. Looks like dangling sticks that are sparkly (lights shinning along those dangling, long, thin spikes). Lele said that Toto also finds the toy interesting in a weird way. What in the world is it? 🧐🧐🤨🤨🤷🏻‍♀️

I tried describing it but it was hard so I kinda drew what it looked like. I asked if they bought this toy for the boys? It’s not a chew toy, I just for the life of me, can’t figure out what it is though. I can hear their Dad asking Lele to bring the toy over to show him over the phone but Lele was looking for it.

When I sent the drawing I did based on what Lele showed me, his Mom said it was the head massager she just bought. I thought the head massager was the device with speed and mode control so I was a little unsure that was the item Lele shared… until they sent me a photo of the massager.

That was it, I recognised it right away. It was the manual head massager with metal rod thingys. The sparkly bits are parts where the light hits it so it looks sparkly. That’s what Lele was showing me. 😅🤣 His Mom has been using that on Lele and Toto and they like it but Lele was right. It wasn’t something he can play with, it’s something his Mom uses on them.

Our conversation with Toto this time was relatively relaxed. He is a very perceptive and intelligent individual who is generally fun loving but he has some darkness haunting him from his previous home. He seems to be doing well though and says his anxiety issues aren’t as bad as before. Thunder storms still bother him but sometimes, he comes out and walks about at home even when there is thunder. Other times, he will hide until it is over.

As I am writing this, it is hard not to draw compassions between the similarities we share with them. We too, process our trauma and anger through similar coping mechanisms. We too, struggle with hurtful comments and find ourselves misunderstood when we are trying to seek recompense from trolls. Apparently, there are trolls in their world too 😅😅🤣.

There was a conversation we had before, when Lele was recovering from a leg injury and he was quite overwhelmed by all the attention and treatments he received for it. He insisted he was healthy and desperately sugguested his pawrents bring Toto to see the doctor for his mood swings (Toto gets depressed occasionally and will withdraw into his own world). I suspect Lele was trying to push some of the (medical) attention to Toto at the time 😅😅. When I passed the message to his pawrent, I remember his Dad saying he can’t find a Psychologist for Toto. No vets cover that kind of treatment. 😅

Trauma to the mental and emotional state is something that takes time to heal from and Toto has shown remarkable resilience in how he tries to overcome his fears. We spoke about it several times (his triggers) and because he hasn’t been exposed to it for awhile now, he has been showing improvements (less nightmares and mood swings).

When I asked Lele what’s his favourite toy, he showed me the head massager. When I asked Toto the same question, he said anything that Lele likes. Toto finds Lele’s reaction funny when he (Toto) takes away his (Lele’s) favourite toy. It would seem that Toto’s favourite toy is Lele. 😅😍

I do think that despite their petty disagreements, these two boys have been blessed to have each other and their pawrents.

As I draw a close to this story, I would like to wish everyone out there a Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year to you and your animal families. 🧧🙏 May more happy memories be made to give wonderful meaning to life as we nagivate through the Snake year. ❣️💓

I spoke to 3 dogs from 2 different families a few days ago and it was pretty hilarious.First one is a young female dog n...

I spoke to 3 dogs from 2 different families a few days ago and it was pretty hilarious.

First one is a young female dog named Wuyou and she is 2 years old. Wasn’t sure if she would be open for the communication but I was worried for nothing. When I told her I was sent by her family because they love her and would like to understand how to care for her better by asking her how she feels about certain things, she came running into the circle.

She sat down and started talking about her personality. She said she tries to communicate with her family all the time. She wanted them to pay attention to her body language.. and her barking. She said she is vocal (pawrents confirmed this 😅😅) and she said because she pays attention to what they teach her, they also need to pay attention to her when she tries to communicate with them.

Her pawrent noticed that when she asks Wuyou to do certain things, Wuyou would look at her and follow her instructions. Her pawrent felt it’s a pretty human trait and she was wondering if Wuyou understands verbal communication (when she talks to Wuyou using human language). The block in communication does not come from the animals, it comes from us. Most of the time, our fur, feather or fin family understand us but we don’t understand them. That is why I find it ironic when people express their opinions on how animals are “just animals” that don’t/can’t understand us. Eeerrrrr, no. Just, No.

If we can communicate telepathically as naturally as they do, we can talk to animals. We can also communicate with beings from other dimensions. So 😅😅, the handicap is on us, not on them.

This sassy little girl has some pretty strong opinions about her likes and dislikes. She doesn’t like activities that include other people (outside her family) or other dogs. She doesn’t like visiting other homes or play dates. She said she would watch but not approach for interaction.

Due to her size, she is cautious and prefers to watch from a distance to assess the level of threat to her. That is why she barks a lot, it translates to warnings, questions, observations, call for help, complains, etc.. but we don’t speak Bark so we wouldn’t be able to understand her 😅😅. She kept asking her pawrents to watch her body language, she will show them.

Her pawrents had a list questions for Wuyou and her answers pretty much aligned with her behaviour (from what they were able to observe).

There was one question that stood out though, about her previous home. Her family wanted to know how she felt about it. She said she didn’t like that place (pet shop) and shared a feeling that matched her answer. Then she said, “Stupid people won’t listen.” 🧐😮🤭 I’m just gonna slide that message in here but she isn’t entirely wrong 😅😅… Her pawrents went silent when I passed them her answer. Fortunately, she wasn’t talking about her pawrents, she was talking about the folks at the pet shop where she came from.

With this family, she is very happy and comfortable at home. She wanted her pawrents to know she just needs them to pay attention to her, she doesn’t need or want paw friends or anyone else for that matter.

The session went well, as in, when I passed them her answers, they have observed the same behaviour at home and outside so they now understand why she does certain things and why she reacts so quickly. This family was recommended by my regular client (Lele and Toto’s pawrents) whose session was scheduled to later the same night. I will share the session with LeLe and ToTo in a few days. I am still in the process of writing that story.

I read an article by Penelope Smith on how animals perceive us and she mentioned that some of them (not all) feel that humans are stupid so they don’t bother talking to us. 😅🤣 I heard this first hand from Wuyou and I think she said it within the context of communication, Wuyou mentioned that she pays attention to her pawrents (what they are trying to teach or train her). She feels it is a 2 way street as in, we should also be paying attention to their tone or body language to try and understand what they are trying to communicate to us. Of course, the ones she thinks are stupid are the ones who won’t listen. Well, can you blame her? 😅🤣 We share that opinion about fellow humans too.

I remember Machi, a male
dog I spoke to who brought this up as well. He said his Mom tries very hard to figure out what they are trying to tell her and he appreciates that.

So I guess those of us who are on this side of the fence are **ahem** not the “stupid people” Wuyou was referring to 😅😅🤣😜.

The saddest thing about losing them young, it’s the what-ifs that keep haunting us… wondering if we have done everything...

The saddest thing about losing them young, it’s the what-ifs that keep haunting us… wondering if we have done everything we can for them… whether the outcome would be different if we made different choices… do they blame us for the final decision to help them transition… if they could have stayed if only we hung on.

There is no right answer but one thing is for sure, when the time comes, we can’t stop the transition. We may be able to help ease that transition for them but we can’t stop it. Period.

So we try to find out what they would like to share, their final words, their messages. We can give them a voice to share it with their family…. and if the family so wish, we reach out to them across the rainbow bridge to ask how they are doing.

Cheeto was only 2 years old when she was diagnosed with multiple health conditions. We spoke to her when she was very sick and she shared her messages with her family back then.

I heard about her passing from her family when they asked for a session to check in on Cheeto after her transition. It would be my honour to do so.

Cheeto accepted the invitation right away when I reached out to her one month later. She came running into the circle and started chatting like we were old friends.

Warms the cockles of my heart when I see them appearing in the form that reflects them at the peak of health after they have crossed over. She said, “Cheeto is ok, I am well again and strong. See?” Yes, I certainly can see she looks beautiful. Our last conversation was very different. She was subdued and weak, fleeting in and out of the circle because she was struggling.

She launched into the conversation by telling me she was young but was very sick. She healed after crossing over and was able to raise her vibration because she wasn’t depleted fighting her illness. She would have crossed over on her own but she was grateful that they (her family) helped ease her transition.

She said her family was around her when she left, she wasn’t alone. She was anxious at first but having them beside her gave her courage. She knew her time had come and she had to leave but she wasn’t scared. She said she felt so sick in the end that it was quite painful for her to stay longer… plus she smelled bad. Her family mentioned that it was because of her paw. One of her paw started to rot and the vet said it might cause her death if her heart doesn’t give way first. She was willing to let go. Poor baby… 😢😢

Cheeto said she crossed over by herself (after she disconnected from her body, she wasn’t accompanied by anyone) but she was greeted by a dog with white fur to welcome her back. Her Mom said that Cheeto has never met the dog in person before because that dog crossed over awhile back. She had goose bumps when I told her about the white dog being there to greet Cheeto. Cheeto brought this up in another message later on during the conversation.

Cheeto said she is with others that are like her. Others who died young. They were all healing together. She wasn’t alone and she wasn’t lonely. I asked her what it was like? She said they are being helped to overcome the challenges of letting go of the sickness (vibration). It is like a cleansing of her energy. It wasn’t painful, it was peaceful. These were things she shared on her own, before we started on the questions. 😅😅 Her Mom said Cheeto shared a lot even before the questions started and I asked if she was vocal while she was alive? Her Mom said she was a yapper 😅🤣.

I asked Cheeto what was it like for her when she transitioned. She said she was with her family but her fur siblings were held back a little so they didn’t disturb her. She said the vet did something to help with her anxiety first, then helped put her to sleep. She said it was a peaceful transition and she didn’t fight it.

I talk to those in spirit form a lot. I never really thought of it as strange but lately, I have come to realise that the path I have chosen is indeed the one less traveled. I talk to animals about death (while they are dying or have already crossed over) and it has changed how I see and feel about this archetypal experience that none of us will escape from.

She said she is free from pain, at peace and she is safe. It is to assure her family they need not worry about her well-being.

When I asked her if she has been home to visit her family, she said Yes, she has but she has to be on the other side more. It is for her healing. She can visit her family any time she feels like seeing them.

In a lot of the communication I have done, families ask if their fur family blames them when they are helped to transition. When I asked Cheeto how she felt about it, she said her body was dying. Her Mommy and Daddy knew. It was painful for her to stay so she doesn’t blame them.

Question # 7: Is there anything you want to tell us?

Her answer was she met others on the other side that also love her human Kahu (Mommy and Daddy). Others.. I asked if they were other cats? She said others who have shared lifetimes with Mommy and Daddy before. She couldn’t share more but they were other species, not just cats. That explains the dog who came to welcome her back. Her mom looked after that dog before but Cheeto has never met him in life, only in her after life.

When she was told that her siblings will be cared for at home, she showed me ginger coloured fur and said, this one is ok. The rest she didn’t want to comment further. Her Mom laughed. Cheeto was telling her Mom that she only cared about her biological sister (beige fur cat), she wants her family to take care of her sister.

When she was asked if there was anything she wanted her pawrents to do for her? Her answer was: Be ok. Get better (from the heart pain). Cheeto doesn’t want them to carry the heart pain (heartbreak) for her. She said she is safe now.

That would have been the last of the questions but Cheeto had her own message to share. She knows they created a special space for her at home and she loves it. 💕 She said she feels (present tense because she is still around) very touched by it. She showed me a visual of her sniffing very closely at something. She said the “packet” there, she was sniffing at it very closely. 😅😅 Actually I misunderstood that visual message. Her mom said it wasn’t a packet. It was a print of her nose. When Cheeto showed me the visual of her sniffing at something, it was actually to show me how they took her nose print 😅😅. That’s why visual messages require validation followed by some back story for it to make sense to me. 🙏🙏

I think communication with fur family who have crossed over is always emotionally intense especially if it is a recent departure. I feel honoured to be able to act as a bridge between realms and serve in that capacity because I know a lot of families worry about what happens to their fur family after life.

It is beautiful after life. I have seen visuals of where they are and it’s not always the same space but it is always beautiful and beautifully serene. There really is nothing to fear except for what we create through our fears.

I know the family is relieved to hear from Cheeto again. It is a form of closure that hopefully acts as a catharsis for healing. 💕💐🙏

I spoke to a dog in spirit last night. He is a calm, intelligent being who spoke very clearly, not only about his life c...

I spoke to a dog in spirit last night. He is a calm, intelligent being who spoke very clearly, not only about his life cycle but the reason for the communication.

He wasn’t difficult to reach out to and when I introduced myself, I felt his connection right away. He walked into the circle slowly, unafraid and friendly. He said he also had messages for his family.

He spoke about his life cycle, mostly about his untimely departure but given all that has happened, he is at peace now.

He spoke about how he was not ready to leave when he transitioned, he wanted to stay a little while longer but he understood that this communication was more for closure because he felt both sides did not get to say goodbye properly.

He wanted the family to know that he is happy on the other side and he does visit. One visual he shared was of a very small child playing on the floor. The baby was wearing a white top and diapers (he was quite clear about the diapers as a distinctive feature so the family would know who he was talking about). He said he was lying down nearby watching the child. He was like a guardian. He said he was calm and protective, in life and in death.

He said he knows the family needed to hear from him and it was related to his cause of death. He was very sick despite his age and he felt he had a premature transition but he did not hold any grudges against his family for helping him cross over. It’s just that back then, he had not yet come to terms with it and was not ready to go but because the life cycle is over, he did not want his family to carry feelings of guilt or regret over it. He is well and happy now.

He spoke about an elderly lady who shared a close bond with him. He said she loved him very much regardless of his breed and temperament, he felt her affection and warmth when he was alive. He still loves her dearly (his pawrent’s mother shared a very close bond with him) and he wanted to pass this message along so she knows.

When they asked questions about the other side, his answer was they are trying to find out more than they should know. He gave the feeling that he was not at liberty to share more but he wanted them to know, he is well over there. He was with others but he wouldn’t say more.

His answers were delivered in a manner that was compassionate and understanding (especially the questions they had pertaining to his transition). He bore no grudges and asked them to let it go as well, since what was done is done. He never blamed them for it.

He spoke about his favourite memories and said he was happy as Rocky in this life cycle, in this home. His family was patient (with him and he admitted that he was temperamental so he would sometimes snap when he lost his temper) and they tried everything within their means to help him but he also knew they tried their best.

His favourite memories were being fed “secret” treats, he clarified those were treats he wasn’t supposed to have but they would sneak him some anyway and he loved them.

He said he doesn’t stay here (in our dimension) but he still visits when they think of him and he follows them around outside sometimes since he is no longer bound to a physical body. He loves his freedom, he wanted them to know he is happy and running free now.

The strange thing was, as we were leaving the circle, he told me to tell his family he will be sitting with them during the call. I don’t know how to explain this, it really feels like quantum entanglement (except it’s less like the same thing happening at the same instantaneous moment to quantum entangled objects, it was more like “knowing” an instantaneous event is happening as he spoke because I was connected with him).

One minute we were in the circle together and as I was coming out of there, he said “Tell them I am sitting with them at home for the call. Tell them someone is wearing blue at home”. Wait, what? Strange thing was, I “knew” he was already there at home with them as he was telling me this because I was still connected with Rocky. You know 😏, passing these type of messages only ends one of 2 ways. Either I miss the bull’s eye completely and look like a total quack or I hit the bull’s eye and look awesomely legit 😅. Both extreme ends of the spectrum.

So here goes nothing, Rocky. I took the leap of faith and cast my lot with this boy who was so excited to talk to his family, he wanted to be with them at home when I made the call. At the start of the conversation, I asked if there was someone at home wearing blue at the time and the client paused. She asked me to wait while she checked. She came back to say that her husband was wearing a grey blue shirt and his brother was wearing blue shorts. Awesome❣️❣️❣️ I passed her Rocky’s message. He wanted them to know that he was sitting with them and the information about someone at home wearing blue was to give them the validation that he was really there even though they can’t see him.

So this is how it feels like, being one with all and just being wherever you want to be at the speed of thought. I have experienced yet another spiritual lesson that I only read about in theory last night. Thank you, Rocky. For being everything that you are and more. Safe journey. 💓💓❣️❣️💐🙏


28 Sin Ming Lane





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