I spoke to 2 elderly guinea pigs from different homes on the same day. Both elderly piggies who lost their cage-mates recently. Their circumstances may be similar but the realities are different in the sense that all of us, experience life through our own perspective and this story is to help bring that understanding to those who are open to receive it.
First guinea pig I spoke to was Sheri. She is old, have difficulty walking so she stays put most of the time. She said she is ok with visitations from other piggies from her herd, she doesn’t want her family to bring a stay-in companion into her enclosure. She said it will be boring for that guinea pig since she won’t be interacting much anyway.
She is quite alright being by herself but she does not want to be disturbed. She is grieving and sad that her companion crossed over. However, she felt it was better for Shilpa (the guinea pig that crossed over) to leave peacefully than to suffer in pain.
She showed me patches of brown and white fur, saying that she and this guinea pig didn’t get along at first but they later bonded after they stayed together for awhile. I went to look at the photo of the entire herd and noticed that the fur colour she showed me didn’t match Shilpa’s. Her family said the guinea pig she showed me crossed over last year, not recently. Yes, Sheri and the brown /white guinea fought at first and later became closely bonded. All in all, Sheri has lost 3 friends over the years. She is the last one in the home from the original herd of 4. It’s no wonder she didn’t want the younger batch of guinea pigs staying in with her now. Her friends have all crossed over.
She wanted her family to know that she will be joining them when the time comes but she isn’t afraid. She wants them to let her go peacefully then.
She said she won’t be leaving soon but because of her age, she wants her family to be prepared when it is her time to depart.
In the evening the same day, I spoke a guinea pig named Peanut. She walked quickly into the circle which isn’t unusual per se but Peanut has 3 good legs, out of which 2 have missing toes. I spoke to her about a fractured leg before and this girl is a very strong fighter even though she had a lot of pre-exiting health conditions when her Mommy adopted her.
Her Mommy wanted an emergency session the night Peanut’s companion, PeeWee, got very sick. They were at the vet for 5 hours but his condition was not something the vet could treat (cancer mass). He left before we could reach out to him so a few days later, she decided to check in on Peanut instead.
Peanut said she has a lot of urgent messages for her Mommy. The messages were from PeeWee though. Peanut said PeeWee is at home with them. He will be there because he is waiting for something to happen in a few days. It was related to him so I asked his Mommy was there something she prepared for PeeWee? Is she waiting for something that is related to him?
She said it is his remains. She is waiting for his urn bearing his physical remains to be sent home. PeeWee wanted her to know he is staying with her until that happens. He is at home to keep her company, to give her comfort and because to him, his remains being sent home symbolically means a part of him is still with her. After that happens, he has to leave for awhile but he will visit. I don’t ask them where they go, what they do, who they meet, etc? Why? We are not privy to what happens on the other side unless we are given access to that information but not all of us are ready for that kind of revelation. His Mommy understands this and is just happy to hear that he is at home.
She had a vision after he crossed over when she was staring at his cage one night. She said she could vividly see in her mind’s eye, PeeWee was in the cage asking for treats. She wasn’t sure at the time but it was him communicating with her telepathically. When our intuition shows us anything through our clair senses, we should trust our intuition.
When I asked Peanut how she was feeling after PeeWee crossed over, she said she was doing ok. Peanut said she didn’t hate PeeWee, she just disapprove of his behaviour sometimes. Peanut is a very calm, matured and sensible girl. PeeWee was more like a high energy, cheeky little kid who liked hu***ng enthusiastically. Their personalities were not aligned compatibly for a peaceful relationship. Even so, the fact that Peanut almost ran into the circle (3 legs minus toes and all) to pass these messages from PeeWee to their Mommy says a lot. Despite their differences, she was on good terms with him.
She felt a sense of calm and serenity in her home environment after PeeWee crossed over and it was a relief to her. She wanted her Mommy to know that she will be ok by herself, there is no need to find her another companion or cage-mate. She prefers her home environment to be quiet with just the 2 of them. Her Mommy understands and felt a little guilty for feeling the same way but she shouldn’t be. Her grief for PeeWee is not in any way cancelled out by her feeling a sense of calm at home after he crossed over. They need this peace to process everything that has happened.
The reason why I wanted to share Sheri and Peanut’s story is because they have lessons for us to learn from.
Authenticity for one. Peanut was not conflicted by how she felt because she was honest about her feelings but her relief at PeeWee’s crossing over did not mean she wanted him to leave nor was she happy that he left.
She said it was his time to go and she passed her Mommy PeeWee’s messages because she knew it would give her Mommy some comfort knowing PeeWee is home. At the same time, she didn’t feel the need to fake her grief or sense of loss because she wasn’t devastated by the loss.
Authenticity means that she is being honest with herself without feeling any conflicts because she was able to clearly discern that how she felt after PeeWee’s crossing. It does not mean she had any personal dislike towards PeeWee, only disapproval of certain things he did which disturbed her peace. They weren’t particularly close, they lived together.
I often wonder why humans have so many social expectations that have us putting up facades. To act a certain way or speak our truth would draw criticisms even if we are just being honest. Our authenticity becomes a fault under social scrutiny.
Animals have no need for such polite pretentiousness. When I speak to them, they candidly admit whether they like or don’t like their house-mates, house rules… everything. Animals don’t pretend to be nice on the surface but bad mouth each other during the communication. I have noticed that what they tell me in the circle, they act out in person (show outright hostility or just indifference). We go the extra mile to put a smiley mask on but backstab others the moment their backs are turned. Animals are honest about what they feel and why they feel that way. They are unapologetically honest because they don’t use guile or practice hypocrisy. That is something I greatly admire that about them.
So I learn from them because to understand them, I have to shed a lot of human programming in order to see life through their eyes. I see honesty, love, compassion, childlike wonder, joy, truth… and sadness, pain, rejection, grief, helplessness, frustration, anger, resentment as well. They feel a wide range of emotions like we do as they navigate through life but they don’t have multiple personas to maintain like we do. They just are who they are. That is why we have multiple high maintenance social identities and maybe, that’s what is draining about being human.
Perhaps these stories may strike a chord and help us reflect when we feel conflicted. About situations that require us to be honest yet understanding, be authentic yet discerning. 💐💓❣️