HappyTails Asia

HappyTails Asia HappyTails is about helping you understand what makes your dog tick. We are skilled in a variety of

This may not be what you think it is… 👀👉 Follow us for more dog training content, or visit www.happytails.asia to learn ...

This may not be what you think it is… 👀

👉 Follow us for more dog training content, or visit www.happytails.asia to learn more about our dog training programs!

It’s never too late to socialize a dog, but it’s not going to be easy as the dog gets older.If you have an under-sociali...

It’s never too late to socialize a dog, but it’s not going to be easy as the dog gets older.

If you have an under-socialized adult dog, we recommend seeking professional help instead of trying to handle it alone. This way, you can receive proper guidance on how to socialize your dog safely and effectively, focusing on your top priorities.

Keep in mind that you should…
❤️ Work at your dog’s pace. Don’t rush! Don’t force it!
🧡 Understand your dog’s threshold and make sure the experience is positive.
💚 Set realistic expectation and focus on your priorities.
💙 If your dog takes time to warm up, avoid places like dog parks and dog cafes.

Don’t do this alone! You can surely benefit a lot more when working with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist.
Get in touch with us to find out more about our dog training programs. Drop your inquiry here 👉 www.happytails.asia


We people have different groups of friends that we enjoy different activities with. Our dogs are the same too.

There are people we get on with like a house on fire, chill with or go on walks with. And there are people that you just ignore like passing ships.

To keep your dog safe❤️, you should always teach your dog to be .
Guide your dog to understand that you will be the one to decide which one it gets to say hi to.
It’s really about keeping your dog .

Imagine if your friendly child decided to stop and say hi to every stranger on a main street; you’d be appalled!

As you would teach your child about ‘stranger danger’ – do the same with your dog.
It’s about setting the boundaries that it cannot run over to say hi to another dog until you give it the release to do so.

💡Pro trip! Do not stop to say hi to all dogs and people on your walk. Pick and choose the dogs and people you’d like to socialize with and guide your dog towards dogs that you know it would be safe with

If you are facing difficulties in properly socializing your dog, whether it’s a pup, an adolescent dog, or an adult dog, we can help!
For more information, visit our website or drop us an inquiry 👉 www.happytails.asia

Socialization is NOT about turning your dog into a social butterfly. 🦋It should not be only about meeting and playing wi...

Socialization is NOT about turning your dog into a social butterfly. 🦋
It should not be only about meeting and playing with new dog friends and people.

Socialization is to create associations with and things.

We want to calmly and positively expose our dogs to various sights, sounds, smells, and surfaces; people of different ages and physical characteristics; dogs of different sizes and breeds; other animals; new environments and experiences; and body handling.

Most importantly, we want to help our dogs learn how to remain around different stimuli and distractions.

If you are facing difficulties in properly socializing your dog, whether it’s a pup, an adolescent dog, or an adult dog, we can help!
For more information, visit our website or drop us an inquiry 👉 www.happytails.asia

  is NOT the same as  .Being   is NOT being  . Well, not all dog owners see huge problems with their dogs being overly e...

is NOT the same as .
Being is NOT being .

Well, not all dog owners see huge problems with their dogs being overly excited. They think the dogs are just being a bit too happy. 🤪

Little do we know, an excited, happy-looking dog could be experiencing stress and anxiety at the same time. And we might be the main culprits for continuously encouraging those emotions, resulting in all sorts of problematic, unwanted behaviors.

We ramp up our energy, getting all excited seeing our dogs, speaking in high-pitched voices, fussing over them — ALL THE TIME. But then, we complain about our dogs not being calm enough with others?? 🤨

Yep, we could be the problem.

If you want your dog to be calmer when needed, you need more calm interactions with them in daily life. If you only focus on excited behavior, your dog will not know how to be calm.

A dog that knows how to be calm tends to be less stressed and anxious, more confident, and has better impulse control. The skill of being calm is helpful in keeping your dog happy and well-balanced!

Wish to provide your dog a happy and fulfilled life? Join our dog training program to learn how! For more information, visit our website or drop us an inquiry 👉 www.happytails.asia


When you first bring your puppy home, it’s really tempting to want to play with it all the time.😍

However, remember that just like a young baby, a puppy needs to establish a and have sufficient .

Quite often, excessive play can overstimulate the puppy, causing them to become mouthy and irritable when tired. Make sure to allocate time for both mental and physical stimulation. Most importantly, include rest time too.

Like cranky kids who are forced to take a nap, the puppy may whine. Allowing them to close to you often helps calm most dogs.

Try these tips to help your puppy understand the art of doing nothing… 😌✨

✅ Put your puppy in the crate or pen to sleep or chill whenever you are unable to supervise

✅ Leash your puppy on a short lead under supervision at home (💡Pro tip: Attaching it to a kettlebell offers more flexibility in changing locations easily!)

✅ Practice relaxation on a mat or blanket that can serve as a calming trigger object

Keeping your dog leashed under supervision would allow your dog to learn how to settle outside of the crate or pen and understand how to just watch the world go by.

Incorporate it into your daily routine with minimal distractions. Eventually, your dog will be able to settle even with a handyman or guests around.

The ability to settle while on the leash proves useful when your puppy begins exploring the outdoors, whether it's going to cafes, parks, or your friends' houses, or whenever you need your dog to quickly relax.

Struggling to train your new puppy with essential foundation skills all by yourself?
Join our puppy program and learn how to provide them with the right structure, from socialization to essential life skills.

For more information, visit our website or drop us an inquiry here 👉 www.happytails.asia

If you’re planning to get a second dog, read this first…Ask yourself these questions:❤️ How will my current dog(s) feel?...

If you’re planning to get a second dog, read this first…

Ask yourself these questions:
❤️ How will my current dog(s) feel?
🐶 Which dog would be suitable for my household?
📝 Am I ready to take on more responsibilities?
🕒 How much time can I spend with each dog?
💵 What is my long term affordability?
🗓️ Will I still want a second dog in 10 years?
👪 Are all my family members on board?

Raising multiple dogs or pets at a time is not going to be easy. Not only do you need more time and money, you must be capable of properly managing them.

Train with us and learn the tips and tricks of maintaining harmony in a multi-dog household. Drop us an inquiry now to get your FREE consultation👉 www.happytails.asia


Make your own sniff game at home for your dog in 3 simple steps! 👍

1️⃣ Prepare a box and several recyclable items
2️⃣ Put the items into the box and conceal the reward inside
3️⃣ Invite or cue your dog to search for its reward in the box


To make rummaging through those recyclable items fun for your dog, teach them a release word like “search”. Your dog will only “search” when given the cue.

Here are a few more safety tips for you:
✅ Use items big enough so your dog can't swallow it by accident
✅ Ensure the items are clean and without sharp edges

Join our program and learn how to make training fun for you and your dog! If you’re interested, drop us an inquiry here 👉 www.happytails.asia

In this video, we cut up some pates that are available on www.knineculture.com. You can use the 🎁promo code "happytailsasia" for a discount!

Living with a   dog can be emotionally hard. Going out is stressful for both the owners and the dogs. Taking a walk dail...

Living with a dog can be emotionally hard. Going out is stressful for both the owners and the dogs. Taking a walk daily just seems impossible.

You may feel discouraged and hopeless, but we are here to help! 🥰 You'll get to understand your dog better and learn how to manage their reactive behavior to help them deal with stressful situations successfully.

Check out our dog training programs now 👉 www.happytails.asia

Not all dogs are natural social butterflies.🦋 Some dogs are a bit more shy and nervous with others, while other dogs lea...

Not all dogs are natural social butterflies.🦋 Some dogs are a bit more shy and nervous with others, while other dogs learn to be unfriendly or even aggressive after a bad experience.

Rough play and tension between dogs can eventually turn into a dog fight if the inappropriate and rude behaviors are not stopped in time.

The main culprits for this less-friendly social behavior include:
⚠️ Inadequate socialization with the right dogs
⚠️ Inappropriate socialization
⚠️ Upsetting social experiences
⚠️ Physical pain
⚠️ Mismatched play styles
⚠️ Social maturity

Overall interaction and regular socialization is the best way for dogs to learn how to play nicely with others. But it doesn't come naturally to some dogs, which is why you need to put an extra effort to make this learning progress smoother:

1️⃣ Start with basic obedience training
2️⃣ Introduce your dog to other dogs slowly
3️⃣ Build the circle with the right playmates one by one (and skip the dog parks❗️)
4️⃣ Stop any inappropriate behavior and rough play immediately
5️⃣ Teach your dog the “leave it” and "settle" cue to stay calm

As always, be consistent with your training. Reward only positive behaviors and interactions. Watch your dog closely and stop any undesired behaviors as soon as possible.

Wish to learn how to properly socialize your dog? Drop us an inquiry here to get your free consultation👉 www.happytails.asia


A crate is not intended to "jail" your dog. It is used for providing them a place to .✨ It is also a place where they can retreat to themselves when feeling anxious and stressed.

We do not use it for punishment. Instead, we want to create as many positive associations as possible with the crate. This is how you do it 👇

✅ Encourage your dog to go into the crate using treats
✅ Reward your dog for going in and staying inside
✅ Ensure your dog always feel comfortable, safe, and calm inside the crate

To not overwhelm your dog with the crate training, you should break down the training and acclimation into bite-size pieces.

▶️ Going into the crate. If your dog is nervous about going in, you can always remove the door and the top of the crate.
▶️ Staying in the crate with the door wide open.
▶️ Closing the door.
▶️ Crate train your dog at different times and for random durations, variating whether you are home or not.

Whenever you crate train your dog – ensure that the dog has had sufficient mental and physical fulfillment. It should be a safe space that your dog wants to rest in.

Work with a professional dog behaviorist to make crate training efforts much easier for you both! Drop us an inquiry now 👉 www.happytails.asia

Dogs are not born to love water, being touched and held by humans, or to accept various sounds and smells. It's no surpr...

Dogs are not born to love water, being touched and held by humans, or to accept various sounds and smells. It's no surprise that the bath, grooming, blow dry, nail trimming, teeth brushing, or ear cleaning can make some dogs really anxious and stressed.

Most of the time, these dogs are just under socialized. They are not properly exposed to different new experiences, sounds, and objects when they are young.

So here's a list of things you can do to prepare your puppy for the groomer:
✅ Handling exercises
✅ Introducing grooming tools at home
✅ Introducing bathing at home
✅ Adding regular basic grooming to your routine
✅ Visit the salon for fun or grooming practice

Do yourself and your puppy a favor, and begin each of these preparatory steps as soon as possible when they are still young. But DON'T rush things! Build up slowly and gradually. Proceed to the next small step only when your dog is ready.

Need help to properly socialize your puppy? Drop us an inquiry here to get your free consultation👉 www.happytails.asia

It can be quite scary 😰 when the dog you love gives you a hard stare and a low growl when you approach. Resource guardin...

It can be quite scary 😰 when the dog you love gives you a hard stare and a low growl when you approach.

Resource guarding is a behavior a dog exhibits over their precious resources like food, toys, or even you. This behavior can range from subtle warning signs like freezing, hiding an item, and standing over it to growling, snapping, and biting.

To make sure you take the right steps and strategies, also for your safety, it is better to consult a professional dog trainer or dog behaviorist before you start treating it. You can benefit so much more than doing it alone.

Meanwhile, you should also avoid doing these:
⛔️ Punishing the growl
⛔️ Leaving out items that your dog might guard
⛔️ Playing with their food or chews

Need help from a professional dog trainer/behaviorist? Drop us an inquiry here to get your free consultation👉 www.happytails.asia


Introducing a new dog to your family dog can be quite challenging. 🤯 You must ensure their first impression and the introductory experience are .

Here are some tips to help you integrate two dogs successfully!

We recommend the first meeting to always be at a area like an outdoor park. Walking a new dog into your home with your current dog waiting inside is a 👎NO for the first meeting. This can make some dogs be territorial and think that the newcomer is an intruder, instead of a new friend.

Watch for language. Advocate⚖️ for the more nervous dog – don’t allow the more boisterous dog to invade too much of the more ‘introverted’ dog’s personal space. Look out for relaxed and waggy 🐕body language. You want interest in one another without hard stares, tense postures, freezing in place, or a lowered or tucked tail.

If one dog is trying to get away or runs over to the human, this may be a ⚠️sign that your dog needs a break from the first interaction.

the dogs at 🏠home is useful when you want to settle both dogs and teach them to be neutral around each other's space. Keep toys, food, treats or other 🦴valuable items that they could potentially fight over. They should also be during feeding time🍗 to avoid conflicts over meals. You can either crate the new dog or use a dog gate to separate them. As you get to know how the new dog behaves around valuable items, slowly introduce these items with both dogs present.

If all goes well, you can start taking off the leashes and letting the dogs spend more time together. Never leave the dogs unsupervised.

Our final and most important advice is to let the dogs determine the pace of the introduction. 🙅‍♀️DON'T rush things. Until you are very confident of their interaction, separate the dogs to keep them safe, when you are away or unable to supervise.

A dog trainer or a dog behaviorist can be a valuable resource for a smooth introduction. They can also act as a handler during these introductory sessions.

If you need help, drop us an inquiry now 👉 www.happytails.asia

Dog p**p 💩 tells you more than you think!Observing your dog's poo-poo could give you a clue what they’re getting up to w...

Dog p**p 💩 tells you more than you think!

Observing your dog's poo-poo could give you a clue what they’re getting up to when you’re not around.
You might also get to identify a medical condition that needs your immediate attention or even a behavioral problem caused by stress, boredom or anxiety.

For example, if you consistently find large clumps of fur in your dog's p**p, this is very likely a sign of over-grooming. Over-grooming may indicate an itchy skin disorder or a behavioral problem due to stress or boredom.

So start monitoring your dog's p**p today, don't just let them do their business on their own. The earlier you catch potential p**p problems, the better it will be for your dog and you. ❤️

If you need a dog trainer, drop us an inquiry here 👉 www.happytails.asia

Watch out for these ⚠️warning signs to avoid a dog play escalating into a dog fight!Dog play can get pretty intense some...

Watch out for these ⚠️warning signs to avoid a dog play escalating into a dog fight!

Dog play can get pretty intense sometimes. It involves lots of wrestling, chasing, vocalizations, air snapping, and even play biting. All these are actually normal when they are done appropriately.

This is how an appropriate play should look like:
🐶 Loose and relaxed bodies and faces
🏀 Bouncy movements
🔄 Role reversals
⏸️ Lots of pauses
😝 Playful moves: play bows, hip bumps, chuffing
🦷 Proper bite inhibition

You will also have to know how to identify the warning signs of an inappropriate play, so you can press pause and have them take a break before things turn ugly.
Check the slides to learn how to identify them!

We recommend to...
✅ Organize play times in smaller groups or 1-1 with another dog that matches your dog’s personality.
🚫 Avoid dog parks because you never know if the energy of the other dogs there may match yours.

Understanding your dog is the first step to bond with your dog.
If you need help on this, drop us an inquiry here to get a free consultation 👉 www.happytails.asia


It’s raining again! ☔
No surprise. In Singapore, it’s either blazing hot or raining. So it’s important to your dog, making sure they can 💩potty even on a rainy day.

When you first get your dog, decide if you’d like them to potty indoors or outdoors, maybe even both!

If you intend to have your dog potty , weatherproof your dog and ensure that they’re comfortable going out, rain or shine. Some dogs may not prefer going out in the rain, so make it fun for them.
bushboys is a perfect example of this, where plenty of effort and training has gone into making the great outdoors fun for him – walks, playing, sniffaris have been done in various weather conditions.

Rain or shine, his handler has to make sure that Boytjie is comfortable enough to potty outdoors. Don't forget to keep your dog hydrated on very sunny days and ensure that they can regulate their body temperature.

Alternatively, some handlers may want the option of letting the dog potty . started off with going outdoors on grass. This made it easier for him to associate the toilet with astroturf. Eventually, he was introduced to the raised platform that would be placed indoors as his toilet for wet weather days.

, and have both been a great hit as an alternative indoor toilet.

Always remember, safety first – if it’s thundering, please avoid being out in the open. Despite the rain, keep your dog mentally and physically active. Short training sessions or building an indoor obstacle course for your dog can be a good distraction on rainy days.

Need help with potty training your dog? Drop us an inquiry here ​​👉 www.happytails.asia

Don’t be surprised!⚠️ In UK, 85% of dogs may be struggling to cope when left alone. (RSPCA, 2019)⚠️ In US, 76% of dogs e...

Don’t be surprised!
⚠️ In UK, 85% of dogs may be struggling to cope when left alone. (RSPCA, 2019)
⚠️ In US, 76% of dogs experience separation anxiety. (CertaPet, 2021)

Well... these studies may not be directly applicable to 🇸🇬Singapore, but we believe a large number of dogs here are also suffering from separation or isolation anxiety. The problem even gets worse with more owners returning to the office after months or years of working from home.

Separation or isolation anxiety is an EXTREME and a dog exhibits when they are being left or from the person that they are to. It’s almost like having a panic attack. It's irrational and uncontrollable, which makes it difficult to deal with.

Some common symptoms that may indicate this type of anxiety are:
⭕️ Pre-departure anxiety
⭕️ Panicked whining, barking, howling
⭕️ Destructive behavior
⭕️ Escaping attempts
⭕️ Incontinence toileting
⭕️ Excessive drooling
⭕️ Frantic pacing
⭕️ Not eating

These symptoms may occur in other behavior problems, but in the case of separation or isolation anxiety, they are extreme and only happen when the dog is left alone or separated from the particular person.

If you're unsure what's really going on in your absence, try videoing your dog’s behavior while you’re away. You can consult a dog trainer using this footage too.

Don't struggle alone! Drop us an inquiry here to get a free consultation ▶️ www.happytails.asia

We love our dogs and we want them to be happy, but what does   really mean in a dog world?Some people may have this misc...

We love our dogs and we want them to be happy, but what does really mean in a dog world?

Some people may have this misconception that fun, freedom, and physical affection are the only things that make a dog happy.

They should have lots of playtime, receive plenty of hugs and kisses, and enjoy all the freedom they want.

All these may seem like the right things to do, however they can backfire when done excessively and at the 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲, causing stress and anxiety to your dogs.

The key to achieve happiness and a healthy relationship with you is , , and . Play, treats, and physical affection certainly play a role, but shouldn't be at the forefront and definitely not the only things you provide. Ensuring that your dog is fulfilled, means that your dog would be happy and content.

Hope to build a better relationship with your dog? We can help! Drop us an enquiry here 👉 www.happytails.asia


“Woof~ I’m gonna destroy you!!” 👿

It’s not uncommon for dogs to hate 💨. They’re big, noisy and disruptive.

When vacuums are used many dogs go into a fight or flight response. They may hide or attack due to fear. Some may perceive it as a threat and attempt to protect you from it. Others may elicit a prey drive, causing them to chase and nip.

We definitely don't want our doggos to experience all these stressful events, so here's a step-by-step guide on how to introduce your dog to the vacuum and help them to get comfortable with it.

1️⃣ Bring the vacuum out but don't turn it on or move it around. Allow your dog to explore the vacuum at their own pace. Reward when your dog calmly starts to show any interest or investigates the vacuum.

2️⃣ Next we want to get your dog used to the idea that the vacuum can move. Start moving the vacuum gradually without it turned on. Practice this from a distance where they're comfortable and shorten the distance over time.

3️⃣ When your dog is comfortable with the vacuum being pushed around when it's turned off, then it’s about time to turn the vacuum on for the first time. Similarly, you should start from a distance where they're comfortable and shorten the distance over time. Reward your dog each time for remaining calm.

4️⃣ Ensure that you practice frequently and most importantly, know when to give your dog a break from the exposure exercise.

As always, we recommend introducing the vacuum at an early age to make things easier in the future. And never ever "playfully" tease or chase your dog with the vacuum or allow your children to taunt the dog with it, which can cause them to develop a negative association with the vacuum.

Still unsure where to start? Hiring a professional dog trainer may be the best for everyone. Drop us an enquiry now 👉 www.happytails.asia

One of the most impactful learning opportunities for your dog comes not from tricks and commands training, but from how ...

One of the most impactful learning opportunities for your dog comes not from tricks and commands training, but from how we interact with them each and every day.

Our response and reaction to their action carry a lot of credence in shaping their overall confidence, disposition, and behavior.

We want to spoil them at the right time to reinforce good behavior. But sometimes we'll need to hold back our affection and attention to prevent our dog from becoming over-reliant, anxious, bossy, demanding, and pushy.

Here's our takeaways:

✅ Only reward good choices and when your dog is calm

✅ Respect each other's personal space to prevent your dog from becoming over-reliant

✅ Never reward pushy and demanding behavior by ignoring them or saying no

✅ Teach your dog impulse control, so they can learn to remain calm and experience less distress and frustration

✅ Be the calm and confident leader your dog needs

Loving your dog is more than being affectionate. Holding back your affection at the right time doesn't mean you love your dog less.

Join our dog training programs and learn to be a reliable dog owner. Drop us an enquiry here ▶️ www.happytails.asia

  my dog, please.I know, when you see adorable doggos, you can't take your eyes off them. You want to say hello, pet the...

my dog, please.

I know, when you see adorable doggos, you can't take your eyes off them. You want to say hello, pet them, give them hugs and kisses.

These actions may seem innocent, lovely, friendly, and affectionate to many humans, but can be considered confrontational and overwhelming in the dog world, which can trigger a negative reaction from many dogs.

👀 Making eye contact can make the dog feel uncomfortable. They may receive it as rude, confrontational, and intimidating.

🚶‍♂️Walking directly at a dog or sticking your hand in a dog's face is the same too! They may receive it as threatening, invasive, and confrontational.

🗣️ Making noises, even cutely, can cause confusion, excitement, anxiety, and prey drive.

The positive ways humans normally approach someone, a dog may receive them negatively.

Sometimes we, the dog owners, simply want you to leave our dogs be. We may be...
👉 Training our dogs
👉 Struggling to say NO to people who ask for permission to pet
👉 Wanting to enjoy our day with less interruption

Join our dog training programs to learn the right way to socialize your dog. Drop us an enquiry here ▶️ www.happytails.asia




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