Feeding blue ribbon eel, usually this species needs live fish to start feeding. Not this fellow though. 🙃
The Rare Bodianus masudai hogfish from the deepsea🥰 #iwarna #bodianusmasudai #hogfish
Welcoming New Year 2025🥳🍾 with CAPTIVE BRED LIINED SEAHORSE (Hippocampus erectus) • RED ❤️🔥• YELLOW 💛• ZEBRA 🦓 🤍🖤. #iwarna #saltwater #seahorse #hippocampuserectus #rarefish #captivebred #marinefish #raremarinefish #reeftank #iwarnaaquarium #reef2reef #reef
Captive bred lined seahorses, Hippocampus erectus. Limited quantity available while stocks last. 🤗
Possibly our first ever import of the paintpot cuttlefish, Metasepia tullbergi.
Feeding and stable solorensis boxfish. 🤗
Gorgeous healthy juvenile blue line angelfish, Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis.
Feeding Red Sea Regal Angelfish, a few Jumbo stable specimens available (after a month of holding). 💯
Ricordea Florida Mushroom corals for christmas🎄🥳#iwarna #ricordea #ricordeayuma #ricordeaflorida #softcoral #mushroomcoral #mushroomcorals #softcorals #corals #worldwidecorals