Comforts From Home

Comforts From Home Pet Sitting for Dogs, Cats, Small Animals. Medical Drop Ins inclusive. Not your average Pet Sitter! Co Reg No: 53288336E

1am and our hearts are full!Wrapping up 2023 tonight with the best team! (even tho some of us still came from work 😂 - t...

1am and our hearts are full!

Wrapping up 2023 tonight with the best team! (even tho some of us still came from work 😂 - that’s the pet sitter life for you)

We look forward to serving you guys & your furkiddos in 2024! 🤍

Here’s wishing everyone a very blessed Christmas! 🎄✨With much love from the CFH team!See you in 2024!

Here’s wishing everyone a very blessed Christmas! 🎄✨

With much love from the CFH team!

See you in 2024!

Bookings for 2024 now open up till April 2024!Slide into our DMs/email/whatsapp but kindly keep your enquiry to one plat...

Bookings for 2024 now open up till April 2024!

Slide into our DMs/email/whatsapp but kindly keep your enquiry to one platform!

For those of you travelling now/this year, we’ll see you and your furkids real soon! 🫶🏼

Over the past weeks, we cared for Bader the Malinois (proud ex k9!) while his human had to go away.As Bader got on with ...

Over the past weeks, we cared for Bader the Malinois (proud ex k9!) while his human had to go away.

As Bader got on with age (we still remember the first day we saw him after he was adopted, time flies 🥺), a few medical ailments have cropped up and his treatments needed to continue even while his owners are away, in the comfort of his home so that stress is kept to a minimum!

This is why we do what we do, and why whoever comes on with us understands that this is a job that requires we know more than just “feeding and walking” the dog.

Many pets fare much better staying at home for multiple reasons, and especially so if they require medical treatment and a peaceful, familiar home environment without multiple other animals present and their routine kept the same.

Our team at Comforts From Home truly do everything, we administer fluids, syringe medications, numerous supplements and pills, food prep portions, and of course all the regular day to day like feeding, walks, cleaning up and more.

Peace of mind is priceless, and that’s what we aim to always be!

Thank you for your trust as always, !
Bader is truly a blessed boy to receive the best care post retirement! ❤️

We are T E N! 🥳(Turned 10 last week on 1st Oct but was busy working through it so couldn’t celebrate 😂)Give me a minute ...

We are T E N! 🥳
(Turned 10 last week on 1st Oct but was busy working through it so couldn’t celebrate 😂)

Give me a minute to inhale and let out a really, really, long exhale - it’s 1/3 of my life in this industry! 😱

10 years ago, if you asked me if I’d still see myself here.. I would’ve probably said No because surviving till the next month was already hard as it is.

If you had also asked me then if I could see that we would have an amazing team now, with each and everyone I continuously glean and learn so much from, who all carry the same heart & passion for our companion animals & most of all - wanting to better the standard of care for them here, I would’ve said No, I couldn’t see it then too.

We each bring different strengths to the table, & I am so excited for what’s to come!

A massive thank you to all the clients who have allowed shadow sessions for the team to take place with your furkiddos & your homes, & of course for your continued trust and love.

Here’s to more! 🥂

Much love,

❗️𝗕𝗢𝗢𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦 𝗢𝗣𝗘𝗡❗️Time flies!We’re already in the 3rd quarter of the year! 😱We are open for bookings for the rest of 2023...


Time flies!
We’re already in the 3rd quarter of the year! 😱

We are open for bookings for the rest of 2023! (I know some of you are already asking for 2024 😅)

There are already some block out dates for some months where slots are already full or majority of our team is away.

✨Some tips for new clients! ✨

As best as possible, don’t leave your trip to the last minute!
Just giving 1-2 weeks notice is usually not enough time to arrange for a pre sitting consultation if you’re a brand new client.
(If we did come for you just know we had to bent our backs to 90° to rework our schedules to fit you in 🤣)

A good buffer is to check in at least 2-3 months ahead of when you intend to travel and if you intend to go away Nov-Dec….. then… please check in now 😂 because these are peak months!

We provide personalised 1 to 1 service and care, which is widely different from mass boarding.

There are lots of things to go through at the start in your homes with you and your pets and more.

There are logistics within our team to juggle and run that you don’t see, on top of learning the routines of every household and pet, on top of updating existing clients who are away, and of course the work itself.

Every team member runs different schedules and if you’re away for more than a week, it is likely you’ll meet more than 1 member of our team, many of this will take time to coordinate.

Best outcomes & care are achieved when we have ample time with and for you, and we want to! ❤️

See you guys and your furkiddos for the next few months as we get ready to step into the final quarter of the year! 🫰🏻

Ft  comfy at home, as always!Even if her humans are gone for their longest trip ever this time.We love that we have so m...

Ft comfy at home, as always!
Even if her humans are gone for their longest trip ever this time.

We love that we have so much 1 on 1 time with her & hearing her press the “snacccccc” talking button 1000x a day 😆

Thank you for accepting us into your lives, Inky & humans!
We have absolutely treasured growing up with Inky & witnessing all your milestones!

Your pet sitter is widely different from a boarder, ask us why ❤️

MAD MONTH AHEAD!This is just a heads up:As we enter the Good Friday weekend, everybody is already away, which also means...


This is just a heads up:
As we enter the Good Friday weekend, everybody is already away, which also means your pet sitters are/have already been working non stop.
There are multiple Public Holiday weekends coming up, plus Labour Day in May so this is truly a very packed month!

For new enquiries/unconfirmed bookings - replies WILL be late for the week.
Expect them to only be replied next week. 🙏

We are also a woman down on our team, with the rest of us already all over the island daily & our hands are extremely full with your furries, updating clients currently away & driving.

We seek your kind understanding and patience in knowing that we have to prioritise our clients who are currently away first (& for those of you who have been so, we see you, we WILL get to you!!!)
Please know that we appreciate it incredibly! ❤️

& no, we cannot auto bot any reply because every single pet’s needs is unique, every household is unique, and also, be honest - don’t you hate talking to a bot? Because I do! 😂

For those of us staying out here in SG, enjoy the coming long weekends with fam & friends & of course, hug your furries tightly - we can’t wait to return home to hug ours too! ❤️

December definitely passed by in a blur!Just some snaps of the various ones we cared for while their humans travelled fo...

December definitely passed by in a blur!
Just some snaps of the various ones we cared for while their humans travelled for their year end holidays!

Our little team was all over the island caring for your kiddos rain or shine, regardless of the numerous accidents on the roads (year end traffic is bad & we can witness multiple accidents in a day every year end or get stuck in bad jams because of them).

And just like that, 2023 is just a few hours away!
We’re grateful for all of you who have continued to trust your furry family (& your homes!) with us, & for all the new relationships forged with those of you who only got to know us this year!

Looking forward to serving all of you again in 2023!

Much love,

Bookings are currently ✨FULL for September✨ & for selected dates in October, November & December.Safest bet is to check ...

Bookings are currently ✨FULL for September✨ & for selected dates in October, November & December.

Safest bet is to check with us on our availabilities BEFORE you book your trips! ✈️

Ft. Cute puppitos for attention 🐶

❗️PLEASE READ!❗️(Pinning this too on our feed!)Comforts From Home first started close to 10 years ago with a passion to ...

(Pinning this too on our feed!)

Comforts From Home first started close to 10 years ago with a passion to want to better the standard of care for our pets here when their owners are away.

I left the Veterinary practice (still an industry I champion & advocate for because our vets & teams work so damm hard for you with a lot against them!) and started CFH, had no clientele & faced a ton of rejection because most locals don’t want people in their homes.
It took me many years before reputation & credibility started to build, unlike products which can take off right away - trust based services like ours take a lot of time.

Well, fast forward today, almost 10 years later, we are now a small little lean team.
We have gone through & seen a lot.
We’ve cared for multiple breeds/medical needs/seen the best and the worst of humanity.

We solely do Pet Sitting visits, we care for your pets from YOUR home.
We pride ourselves on QUALITY care & our cost is so high doing 1 to 1 care.

Over the last 2.5 years, we were the worst hit.
We couldn’t go back to biz AT ALL but we immersed ourselves in education & continuing to better our standard of care so that we can do even better when we reopen now.

However, I’ll be honest.
It has been very hard going (not because of the job) but it feels like people have gotten way more entitled & self centered.

So, some things before you enquire:

▶️ Our priority will always go to updating clients who are CURRENTLY AWAY.

▶️ Our hands are ALWAYS FULL - DO NOT CALL (or worse call repeatedly)
Don’t go “Hi” and leave it there.

▶️ Replies will take up to 3 working days.
If we can get to you quicker we will.
Weekends are a bonus if we get to you but not a guarantee, please also note weekends are our busiest.
If you want someone who can reply your enquiry immediately, go somewhere else.

▶️ If you are travelling within the next few weeks & only just contacting us now & we are full, please don’t make it our fault.

▶️ Please be honest answering our questions, don’t hide a fact about your pet (like if they’ve bitten many people/not toilet trained) just to get a slot with us.

▶️ No is a complete sentence.
No means no, please don’t bargain.
Everyone wants the best level of care, but want it cheap.
Can we discount our service if we give you discount rates?
Ok today we’ll feed your pet half, clean up half, walk half, groom half, update half.
If that’s ok with you, sure.
But I’m sure it isn’t.
Please don’t be demeaning and say things like “WHAT? JUST this only also need $$?”
Feel free to go elsewhere. Don’t need to demean us or be rude & call us ridiculous.

▶️ Picking & choosing.
You cannot choose who you wish to pet sit for you - you either accept our entire team or go elsewhere because if you’re away for eg 3 weeks or more, you’re telling us you expect just 1 of us to be working for the entirety with no rest.
Way to go for disaster to happen.

▶️ Please help us help you.
Be honest & forthcoming, and we are more than happy to help you with solutions.
In that same regard, then do understand why sometimes, we have to say No.
If we can help you, we will always try our hardest.

Understand that we are also human, we have human obligations too we are already struggling to fulfill.
We don’t even get to eat some days, we dont get weekends, public holidays, we don’t see our families much, we don’t sleep, we worry when your pets are sick and you’re away, we do a lot behind the scenes for very little.

I sound like a broken record, but help us help you help your pets.
Read our reviews before you come at us.
If you’ve read till here, THANK YOU. ❤️

Much ❤️,
Your worn-out-pet-sitter-who-still-loves-her-job-and-your-pets-so-much

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!!! 🇸🇬While we enjoy the public holiday with out & about with our friends & family members, rem...


While we enjoy the public holiday with out & about with our friends & family members, remember to keep your furries safe & sound indoors today as there would be multiple fireworks going off at multiple locations!

Ft. we’re caring for these few weeks, safe & sound, cared for in the comfort of her own home! ❤️

Do note that we will be OOO from 13th May - 1st June! Replies will be slow, spotty, if at all. (Likely none at all as yo...

Do note that we will be OOO from 13th May - 1st June!

Replies will be slow, spotty, if at all. (Likely none at all as your pet sitter will be up in the mountains where there’s no connection or signal & my phone will be chucked away 😆🏔) so the best way to ensure we can still see and get to your enquiry when we get back is by email 📩!

There’s a chance your DMs might be pushed down & lost if you send enquiries in by DM, so email is best.

We will greatly appreciate it if you only send in enquiries via one platform (be it via email/whatsapp/DM) and not spam us across multiple platforms as it can get confusing.

Thank you for your kind understanding & see y’all when I get back! ❤️

1 to 1 care & attention, always. ❤️

1 to 1 care & attention, always. ❤️

Thank you all 🙏

Thank you all 🙏

Blue skies, morning sun, cool breeze, & treatos for learning!I mean, what else could a pup ask for? 🐾It’s the first time...

Blue skies, morning sun, cool breeze, & treatos for learning!
I mean, what else could a pup ask for? 🐾

It’s the first time her owners are away since they got her but Opie the 9 month old Schnauzer pup is having all her training & routines kept up while still enjoying the comforts of her own home!

Week 2 down, 1.5 more weeks before humans come home!
Till then, we’ll have fun! ❤️

Dear all,Do kindly note that CFH will be OOO from 31st Jan - 6th Feb.All correspondence (be it via text/WhatsApp/email) ...

Dear all,

Do kindly note that CFH will be OOO from 31st Jan - 6th Feb.
All correspondence (be it via text/WhatsApp/email) will be replied from 7th Feb.

We are still working & serving some clients who are away during this period however we will be taking a break from constantly having to be glued to our phones after the work day (or night) is done to reply a million things 🥲, and spend some much needed time with our family instead.

We appreciate your kind understanding & have a Happy Lunar New Year! 🍊🍊

Did you guys guess her breed right from our previous post?Creamy is an American Shorthair that we’ve been caring for for...

Did you guys guess her breed right from our previous post?
Creamy is an American Shorthair that we’ve been caring for for a few years now!

Her humans can finally return back to visit family after 2 years, & so we’ll be seeing Creamy for a whole month while she stays home & still gets cared for by us!

Creamy has some special dietary requirements to help with her IBD, & stress exacerbates IBD, which is why home is truly best! ❤️

Midweek hangs with Creamy whose humans are away for an entire month!Home is best! ❤️Can anyone guess her breed from her ...

Midweek hangs with Creamy whose humans are away for an entire month!
Home is best! ❤️

Can anyone guess her breed from her silhouette? 🐱

HAPPIEST BORKDAY TO OUR DEAREST  ! 🥳It’s his 🎂 today & as his humans are not around, we took him out to the beach to cel...


It’s his 🎂 today & as his humans are not around, we took him out to the beach to celebrate & ended off with a home made kek for him! (limited ingredients due to his diet restrictions, sorry it looks like crap there’s a reason Auntie Ting doesn’t make pup keks for a living 🤣)

We hope you had fun while your humans are away Drummy!
Hoomum & Hoodad would be back before you know it! ❤️

Our heartiest congratulations to  for the opening of your new store! 🥳🙌🏼Thank you for the invitation & we’ll definitely ...

Our heartiest congratulations to for the opening of your new store! 🥳🙌🏼

Thank you for the invitation & we’ll definitely see you guys around more! ❤️

Throwback to good times with good kitties while Down Under! 🇦🇺A tad late! But it was National Cat Day in the US yesterda...

Throwback to good times with good kitties while Down Under! 🇦🇺

A tad late! But it was National Cat Day in the US yesterday and here’s showing our dear feline fur-iends some love!
We can’t wait to see some of you kitties soon! 😻

Grateful to have a chill day out just eating and eating and eating from breakfast to lunch to tea with  before we gear u...

Grateful to have a chill day out just eating and eating and eating from breakfast to lunch to tea with before we gear up and work picks up soon!

We can’t wait to see all your kiddos, and Pet Sitting slots are still open!
So slide into our DMs/WhatsApp to check on our availability and travel with peace of mind! ❤️

❗️PSA! ❗️We haven’t said this in the last 2 years, and it feels surreal to say this..we can’t quite believe we finally c...

❗️PSA! ❗️
We haven’t said this in the last 2 years, and it feels surreal to say this..we can’t quite believe we finally can say this now, and that we finally have work to do! 🥺

But with VTL now open…


Our empty calendars for the last 2 years are already starting to fill up for the year end, so do check in with us on availability if you’re travelling!
And yes! Of course we care for both dogs and cats!
(And bunnies and chickens and plants too, just ask our clients! 😆)


Much ❤️,

You know how some days you just want to do nothing, sit down and admire the sunset?Well Bowie the English Bulldog did ex...

You know how some days you just want to do nothing, sit down and admire the sunset?
Well Bowie the English Bulldog did exactly that this evening on his walkie with us 😂
(Swipe to see him in action)

Trust dogs to always teach us how to pause & take a breather! ❤️

I’d swipe right on you  any day, anyone else agrees? 😆This boi making Monday all better!

I’d swipe right on you any day, anyone else agrees? 😆
This boi making Monday all better!

Moanday Bluessss?Not us! 😍Ft: .thewonderweenie on her staycay! ❤️

Moanday Bluessss?
Not us! 😍
Ft: .thewonderweenie on her staycay! ❤️


All Over

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday 09:00 - 20:00
Friday 09:00 - 20:00





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