Essentia Healing - Animal Communication

Essentia Healing - Animal Communication Animal Communicator. Reiki Master. Akashic Records Practitioner. Tarot Reader. Connecting with Oneness, Mother Earth and all sentient beings

Animals communicate with us all the time not just through their body languages but telepathically as well. We can easily pick up their body languages, however oftentimes our minds are so cluttered we are not able to pick up the subtle messages that they are trying to tell us. Animal communication is the bridge that allows us to receive the telepathic messages from animals and offer deeper insights

into what our animal companions and all sentient beings are thinking and feeling. Through animal communication, we connect with one another on a soul to soul, heart to heart level. Tia is one of the pioneer animal communicators in Singapore with more than a decade of experience and is also an energy healer and Reiki Master. Many of us talk to animals but oftentimes we don’t listen to them. During the animal communication session, Tia will connect to your animal companion on a telepathic level. All communication session is done through the sacred heart space with compassion, love, grace and respect to bring forth healing, harmony and growth. Permission from your animal companion will always be seek for before the session commence and messages will only be relayed with love therefore will be no adverse effects on the body, mind and soul of the animal companion or caregiver. Instead the sessions can be fun and enriching and can provide a greater connection, understanding and awareness between you and your animal companion.

Tia often integrate her sessions with energy healing that greatly benefits the animal companion and their caregivers and share with caregivers healing and animal care tips. The sessions are often very healing on a emotional and spiritual level as they bring forth better understanding between you, your animal companions, and Universe. She is honored to be the bridge that connects you with your animal companion’s inner world and chanel their messages to you. Tia's journey of helping animals started out with volunteering at an animal shelter, doing rescue and rehoming. She has since “retired” from active rescue work to focus more on caring for foster/adopted furkids at home. She is currently proud adoptive pawrent of 1 dogs and 3 cats. Over the years she has fostered/adopted over 20 furkids who have since crossed the rainbow bridge. She has a soft spot for special needs, senior or critically ill furkids and has time and time again open up her heart and home for these furkids. She believes it is not about the quantity of time we have with our furkids, but the quality of time and life we have together. All furkids deserve a loving home! She hope to spread love, peace and positivity to all. Like our page for doses of healing messages, inspiring and heartwarming stories, and articles on wellness and health. With love and blessings,
Essentia Healing #/storyPlease help Teddy! Please help to share
17/07/2024 #/story

Please help Teddy! Please help to share

PLEASE SAVE TEDDY URGENT Plea for kind-hearted animal lovers to help my Teddy. I am at my wits' end and I am pleading with everyone, anyone, to help my Teddy please. Due to the unexpected high cost of the medical treatment, recommended tests and scans, I am unable to pay for the medical bills. His c...

Please give Ted a helping hand if you can! 💗🙏

Please give Ted a helping hand if you can! 💗🙏

Ted's Journey to Healing: A Tale of Resilience and Hope In a quiet neighborhood, there lived a brave little soul named Ted. Ted wasn't just any ordinary pup; he was a charming 4-year-old Toy Poodle with a heart as big as his fluffy coat. Even until now … However, not all puppy stories are a bed of...



Pawrents please take note!!

Pawrents please take note!!

The animal community has warned owners of dogs to avoid Parry Avenue in Kovan following two canines' recent deaths.

Blood donor needed. Pls help to share! 🙏

Blood donor needed. Pls help to share! 🙏

You Have Not Lost Me ..."I lay on your bed last night...    I came to have a peep.""I saw that you'd been crying...    a...

You Have Not Lost Me ...

"I lay on your bed last night...
I came to have a peep."
"I saw that you'd been crying...
and found it hard to sleep."

"I purred to you so softly...
as you brushed away a tear."
"It's me! I haven't left you...
I'm well! I'm fine! I'm here!"

"I was close to you at breakfast...
I watched you pour your tea."
"I saw you thinking of the times...
you reached down touching me."

"I was with you at my grave today...
as you tended it with such care."
"I wanted to reassure you friend...
I'm no longer lying there!"

"I walked you towards the house...
And sat with you under the tree.
"I gently put my paw on you...
I smiled and said, 'it's me'!"

"You looked so very tired...
As you sank down in your chair."
"I tried so hard to let you know...
that I was still sitting there."

"It's just so wonderful for me...
to be so close to you."
"To tell you that I'm Here...
"Please don't be so blue!"

"You sat so quietly; then smiled...
I think you finally knew!"
"That in the stillness of this evening...
I was so very close to you."

"And when the time is right...
to cross this brief divide."
"I'll rush across to meet you...
we'll stand there side by side."

"I have many things to show you...
There's so much for you to see!"
"Be patient and live your journey...
then come home to be with me."

Drew Cardwell


I love this....A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred ...

I love this....

A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead.

He remembered dying, and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them.

After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight.

When he was standing before it he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold. He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side.

When he was close enough, he called out, 'Excuse me, where are we?'

'This is Heaven, sir,' the man answered.

Would you happen to have some water?' the man asked.

Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up'.The man gestured, and the gate began to open.

'Can my friend,' gesturing toward his dog, 'come in, too?' the traveller asked.

'I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets.'

The man thought a moment and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going with his dog.

After another long walk, and at the top of another long hill, he came to a dirt road leading through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed. There was no fence. As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book.

'Excuse me!' he called to the man. 'Do you have any water?'

'Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there, come on in..'

'How about my friend here?' the traveller gestured to the dog.

There should be a bowl by the pump.'

They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it. The traveller filled the water bowl and took a long drink himself, then he gave some to the dog.

When they were full, he and the dog walked back toward the man who was standing by the tree.

'What do you call this place?' the traveller asked.

This is Heaven,' he answered.

'Well, that's confusing,' the traveller said. 'The man down the road said that was Heaven, too.'

'Oh, you mean the place with the gold street and pearly gates? Nope. That's hell.'

'Doesn't it make you mad for them to use your name like that?'

'No, we're just happy that they screen out the folks who would leave their best friends behind!

Read this somewhere long time ago, re-read this again and brought tears to me. Despite the tears, it brought me comfort....

Read this somewhere long time ago, re-read this again and brought tears to me. Despite the tears, it brought me comfort. If you had lost a dear furry kid, this is for you dear friend. Hope it brings comfort to you as it did for me





DEA1+ and
• Above 15kg
• Above 1 and below 6 years old
• Fully vaccinated
• On flea/tick and heartworm prevention
•Have NOT donated blood in last 30 days

Please contact Florence 97317317 if you can help. Please help to share. Thank you!


Happy Sunday! Such joy!



Edit...the author has messaged the page!

Hi! my name is Jerry Wayne Baldwin and I really enjoy your group although I don't own Pitt Bulls I have a German Shepherd and a Border collie, I have always thought they are an awesome, often misunderstood breed.

I am a published author and one of my stories showed up in your group and I am so glad the readers enjoyed it, it is titled Windows in Heaven my editor brought it to my attention it was in the group and I appreciate you sharing it there.

I was just going to invite anyone interested to my group which has all my stories in it , it is called Jerry Wayne Baldwin Dog Tales and short stories and it's totally free no strings attached! I hope you are staying cool on this hot summer day and thanks again!

It's my first day in heaven,
And what a beautiful place,
You'll be glad to know,
There's a smile upon my face,
The moment I left you,
Two angels in white,
Carried me up here,
To heaven that night.
All those stories you hear ,
About rainbow bridge are true,
But you don't walk over it,
The angels carried me through,
There's a gate at the end,
Made of pearl,
It has got to be the biggest gate,
In the world!
Once I got in and started looking around,
You just won't believe all the things that I found!
The first place they took me,
Had to be the most fun,
A humongous field,
With miles to run!
Once I was tired the angels said,
We'll take you to your home,
But first we need to stop by this place
Full of tasty bones,
They told me to take one with me,
But one is all I need,
Because every good thing lasts forever,
Up in heaven you see,
They took me to my new house,
It took my breath away,
Most beautiful place I've ever seen,
With a huge yard to play,
They said come on lets go inside ,
And have a look around,
They took me to the bottom floor,
You won't believe what I found,
The bottom of my house is a window
And you won't believe the view,
See my house it sets right over yours,
So I can still keep an eye on you!
I was so worried about you,
When I went away,
Now I can watch you every second,
And know that you are okay!
I can't wait for that moment,
When we can walk around this place,
And I can cover you with puppy kisses,
On every inch of your face!

Author unknown



Great news!

Great news!

SINGAPORE: Larger mixed-breed dogs can be rehomed in Housing and Development Board (HDB) flats after the expanded criteria for Project ADORE was formalised on Saturday (Jun 18), said the Animal and Veterinary Service (AVS). It comes after a



A lioness had the most shocking reaction after she realized she had actually hunted an antelope that was pregnant.

Good tips to know!

Good tips to know!

Don't buy another product before reading our article on how to remove cat urine smell from your home and furniture. We share tested methods we've used in the past that work!

Hope Mindy can find Taffy soon! Please help to look out for a 1-2 months old cream or syrian hamster🙏https://mothership....

Hope Mindy can find Taffy soon! Please help to look out for a 1-2 months old cream or syrian hamster🙏

The woman was doubtful at first, but her experience with an animal communicator was corroborated by separate supernatural indications, such as a tarot reading.



Luna and her mother have been practically inseparable since her family adopted her.


Pawrents do take note!

Pawrents do take note!


If you wash your pet blankets and beds using popular fabric softeners and dryer sheets, that “just washed” fresh smell comes from chemicals called Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that can negatively impact your pets’ health (coughing, rashy, itchy pets, anyone?).

Dr. Anne Steinmann’s UW-Seattle research team found more than 25 VOCs emitted from dryer vents using these products, including well-known respiratory irritants like Acetone, Formaldehyde, Acetaldehyde, but also Pentane (which causes skin rashes and upset stomach), Ethyl Acetate (on the EPA’s Hazardous Waste list; causes anemia, changes in white blood cells and can damage the liver and kidneys), Benzyl Acetate (can be absorbed through the skin and is linked to pancreas problems) and Alpha-terpineol (causes headaches and nervous system disorders).

Our pets can do without having to breathe in these chemical residues or having to lay on them, so here’s our Forever Dog Tip of the day: replace chemical-laden fabric softeners with a non-toxic DIY option!

Recipe: Mix 6 cups white vinegar with 1 cup baking soda, let it fizz. When the fizz stops, pour mixture into a large glass container with a lid. Use 1 cup per load of laundry.

We highlight all of the of home chemical risks that can negatively impact your dog’s health in the The Forever Dog book, available now for pre-order by clicking here: -window

🥲 keeping all of you in my prayers ❤

🥲 keeping all of you in my prayers ❤

Meet John in Ukraine…..

A lesson for humanity - we disregard animals as being inferior, beneath us; we exploit every species for our needs and unnecessary wants yet they are our teachers. They are the purest souls.

Today I experienced something that brought a tear to my eyes and a lump to my throat, but this isn’t a story of horror or devastation it’s a lesson, a lesson we ALL need to ensure we take on board and share.

As you all know I took a team into a zoo to aid in the care of their animals, a zoo which has been behind Russian lines with little to no food and staff for 5 weeks. We came here to ease the enormous burden that had been taken on by the hand full of volunteers that remained despite the constant dropping of bombs and gun fire that has surrounded them every day.

Today I went and sat with a chimpanzee named John, due to the temperature he requires and the gas supply not working he has been moved to a smaller room that can be heated to the required temperature he requires via a generator. As I sat with him I talked to him, stroked his hands, ears, and back all at his request along with also a couple of kisses through the cage ☺️.

But what happened next will stay with me for life, a simple gesture, at the perfect moment can become the greatest of all and this most certainly was the case for me…

Johns keeper brought him a banana, he placed it in his bowl and stepped away while I was still sat on the floor next to John still stroking his back through the cage door. John noticed this, stood up, grabbed the banana and sat back down next to me. John looked at the banana, looked at me and without a single thought he broke the banana in half , pushed half through the cage to me to eat and ate the other half himself.

Despite the fear of bombs and bullets, lack adequate food for 6 weeks and been displaced into an area that makes him sad he STILL wanted to give half of the little he had to me!

This is a lesson for all of humanity, when the world is so content in death and destruction the magnificent animals of our world continue to teach us lessons of love and compassion. The very lesson that if heard would prevent the atrocities we are seeing in the Ukraine and around the world daily!

I know your going to ask questions about moving him and if it was possible it would of been done please trust me on that, over the next few days I’m going to work on trying to get some form of heating sorted for his large enclosure.” Via Breaking The Chains - Documentaries in Ukraine

Don’t ask me why I’m vegan; ask yourself why you’re not. If we can live happy and healthy lives without harming others, why wouldn’t we. They all feel.


😭😭😭 pls be there for them and if you really have to do to put them to sleep.. please arrange for a vet to make a house c...

😭😭😭 pls be there for them and if you really have to do to put them to sleep.. please arrange for a vet to make a house call. It is the least you can do for your furkid.

The vet, who has seen countless dogs being put to sleep during their career, understands that it's hard for owners to watch but says they should always try if they can

How cool is this! Singapore's very first F-9 unit!

How cool is this! Singapore's very first F-9 unit!

The wait is finally over! We are proud to be the first in Singapore to introduce our new AETOS Feline (F-9) Unit🐱

Just like our operationally ready K-9 Explosive Detection Dogs, our Feline guardians are well-trained to purrtrol, sniff out dangers and even serve as a 'cat-claw' deterrence to threats! 🐈

that not only do cats have a more sensitive sense of smell, they have a significantly better ability to discriminate between a greater variety of smells. This means that they could be employed to seek the scent of anything from cancer and tuberculosis to explosive substances and humans.

Here's mission-ready Gargar who is equipped with extraordinary jumping skills, grumpy purr-sonality and nine lives to boot.

So heartbreaking. Keeping you and your horses and everyone in Ukraine in my prayers.

So heartbreaking. Keeping you and your horses and everyone in Ukraine in my prayers.

"Live long, my dear horses! Here's your chance."


Stay strong! Keeping you in my prayers 💗 my dear friends, if you do energy healing of any modalities, please join me doing healing for them.



Refusing to leave her dogs behind, a Ukrainian woman fled the country by carrying her elderly dog on her shoulders for about 16 kilometers. People are applauding her compassion and dedication.

Stay safe, please keep them in your prayers.

Stay safe, please keep them in your prayers.

Mounds of abandoned clothes and other personal items lie strewn along corridors leading out of Ukraine. The farther people carry their things, the harder it is, so they leave them behind, said Ludmila Sokol, a gym teacher fleeing Zaporizhzhia in the south.


Prayers for all in Ukraine 🙏

🥲❤“They had not visited the house for a year-and-a-half and it must have taken them about 12 hours to make the journey.”...


“They had not visited the house for a year-and-a-half and it must have taken them about 12 hours to make the journey.”

What’s even more amazing is that nobody told the herds about his death, they just knew.

But that wasn’t the end of it, as every year, on the 2nd of March, they make the same journey and pay their respects to their fallen comrade.

The Elephants Knew

Some will say there is no God,
try and tell that to the elephants.....


Lawrence Anthony, a legend in South Africa and author of 3 books including the bestseller, The Elephant Whisperer.
He bravely rescued wildlife and rehabilitated elephants all over the globe from human atrocities, including the courageousrescue of Baghdad Zoo animals during US invasion in 2003.

On March 7, 2012 Lawrence Anthony died. He is remembered and missed by his wife, 2 sons, 2 grandsons, and numerous elephants. Two days after his passing, the wild elephants showed up at his home led by two large matriarchs. Separate wild herds arrived in droves to say goodbye to their beloved 'man-friend'. A total of 31 elephants had patiently walked over 12 milesto get to his South African House.

Witnessing this spectacle, humans were obviously in awe not only because of the supreme intelligence and precise timing that these elephants sensed about Lawrence's passing, but also because of the profound memory and emotion the beloved animals evoked in such an organized way: Walking slowly, for days, making their way in a solemn one-by-one queue from their habitat to his house. Lawrence 's wife, Francoise, was especially touched, knowing that the elephants had not been to his house prior to that day for well over 3 years! But yet they knew where they were going. The elephants obviously wanted to pay their deep respects, honoring their friend who'd saved their lives - so much respect that they stayed for 2 days 2 nights without eating anything. Then one morning, they left, making their long journey back home.









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Our Story

Animals communicate with us all the time not just through their body languages but telepathically as well. We can easily pick up their body languages, however oftentimes our minds are so cluttered we are not able to pick up the subtle messages that they are trying to tell us. Animal communication is the bridge that allows us to receive the telepathic messages from animals and offer deeper insights into what our animal companions and all sentient beings are thinking and feeling. Through animal communication, we connect with one another on a soul to soul, heart to heart level. Tia is an animal communicator and Reiki Master since 2011. Many of us talk to animals but oftentimes we don’t listen to them. During the animal communication session, Tia will connect to your animal companion on a telepathic level. All communication session is done through the sacred heart space with compassion, love, grace and respect to bring forth healing, harmony and growth. Permission from your animal companion will always be seek for before the session commence and messages will only be relayed with love therefore will be no adverse effects on the body, mind and soul of the animal companion or caregiver. Instead the sessions can be fun and enriching and can provide a greater connection, understanding and awareness between you and your animal companion. ​ Tia often integrate her sessions with energy healing that greatly benefits the animal companion and their caregivers and share with caregivers healing and animal care tips. The sessions are often very healing on a emotional and spiritual level as they bring forth better understanding between you, your animal companions, and Universe. She is honored to be the bridge that connects you with your animal companion’s inner world and chanel their messages to you. Tia is currently proud adoptive pawrent of 2 dogs, 3 cats and 1 chinchilla (ya, we know! Its a mini zoo!). Over the years she has fostered/adopted over 20 furkids who have since crossed the rainbow bridge. She has a soft spot for special needs, senior or critically ill furkids and has time and time again open up her heart and home for these furkids. She believe it is not about the quantity of time we have with our furkids, but the quality of time and life we have together. All furkids deserve a loving home! We hope to spread love, peace and positivity to all. Like our page for daily doses of healing messages, inspiring and heartwarming stories, and articles on wellness and health. With love and blessings, Tia @ Essentia Healing

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