There's a new kid in town! 🔥
⚡️CUSTOM SCARFACE MP⚡️2020 brown, 7 panel clear, AQHA stallion is avaliable to a limited number of mares in his first breeding season 2024!
#vascerquarterhorses #rockingvranch #rockingV #americanquarterhorse #quarterhorse #aqha #aqhastallion #hhanotherhanka #customscarfacemp #horsetraining #westerntraining #prohorseman #horsemanship #thehorsefirst #westernjahanje #izobraževanje #svetovanje #šolanjekonj #reševanjetežav #rehabilitacijakonj
🐴 Quick recap from the weekend 🐴
Marko Vašcer with Buck, Wade, Jolene and Scarface ❤️
#vascerquarterhorses #rockingVranch #quarterhorse #quarterhorses #aqha #siqha #aqhaproud #breedshow #naturalbottom #jessestopaz #foals #weanlings #customscarfacemp #stallion #horses #horsesofinstagram
Perfect start of the day - morning coffee with buddy Buck 🥰
#RockingVRanch #VascerQuarterHorses #AQHAbreeder #AmericanQuarterHorse #foal #foalingseason #besttimeoftheyear #colt #NaturalBottom #westerntraining #horsetraining #prohorseman #horsemanship #horseclinics #TheHorseFirst
Ko je konj zbran, dobesedno nosi svojo težo (in težo jahača) uravnoteženo preko zadnjega dela. Ker je uravnotežen v zadnjem, je lažji v prvem delu in mehak v temenu.
Nekaj namigov za vadbo zbrane drže najdete v novem prispevku na naši spletni strani:
Vascer Quarter Horses, Teaching Horses, Educating People, since 2003.
#RockingVRanch #VascerQuarterHorses #AQHAbreeder #AQHAstallion #HHanotherHanka #WhizAStranger #AmericanQuarterHorse
#westerntraining #horsetraining #prohorseman #horsemanship #horseclinics #TheHorseFirst
#westernjahanje #izobraževanje #svetovanje #šolanjekonj #reševanjetežav #rehabilitacijakonj
"We can all learn from the love, devotion and commitment shown by the dog and the horse." ~ A. D. Williams 🐾
#vascerquarterhorses #rockingVranch #whizastranger #quarterhorse #aqhaproud #australianshepherd #horseriding #specialbond #horsetraining #prohorseman #horsemanship #horseclinics #thehorsefirst
#westernjahanje #izobraževanje #svetovanje #šolanjekonj #reševanjetežav #rehabilitacijakonj
This year it's all about the girls at our ranch 🎀
beautiful miniature black baldie heifer is saying hello to y'all 😍 isn't she the cutest? 🥰
#vascerquarterhorses #rockingVranch #rockingVcattle #miniaturecattle #miniature #blackbaldie #calf #heifer #cowsofinstagram
💕💕💕 Happy Valentine's Day 💕💕💕
#RockingVRanch #VascerQuarterHorses #AQHAbreeder #2022breedingseason #AQHAstallion #WhizAStranger #AmericanQuarterHorse
#westerntraining #horsetraining #prohorseman #horsemanship #horseclinics #TheHorseFirst
#westernjahanje #izobraževanje #svetovanje #šolanjekonj #reševanjetežav #rehabilitacijakonj
There's always this one friend who always wants to be something special and ... splish splash in the mud 💦 🤔
#RockingVRanch #VascerQuarterHorses #AQHAbreeder #AQHAstallion #CustomScarfaceMP #AmericanQuarterHorse
#westerntraining #horsetraining #prohorseman #horsemanship #horseclinics #TheHorseFirst
#westernjahanje #izobraževanje #svetovanje #šolanjekonj #reševanjetežav #rehabilitacijakonj