Twelve years later, it’s become the driving force in the controlled environment production and selling of high-quality, delicious produce throughout Central Europe. Ever since growing our first head of “living” lettuce – sold with the root attached – we’ve spent every day developing, mastering and expanding the production of the most technologically advanced, sustainable, environmentally friendly
indoor farming in Europe. With the array of challenges the world is facing – from a changing climate to rapidly diminishing natural resources – the most distressing is how to feed the soon-to-be 10 billion people without further damaging our environment and ecosystems. Panorganix is at the very forefront of the solution. Our technology, our vision, and our model are what the world needs today. And will need even more tomorrow. So what began in that small garage in Slovenia is poised to become a world leader in the production of the most nutritious, delicious produce grown in sustainable greenhouses that will change farming.