
Oksi-vital Več kot masaže. Dotik za zdravje, ugodje in splošno dobro počutje.

Se malo o oksitocinu, pa o objemih pa se o cem... ☺

Se malo o oksitocinu, pa o objemih pa se o cem... ☺

The average length of a hug between two people is 3 seconds. But the researchers have discovered something fantastic. When a hug lasts 20 seconds, there is a therapeutic effect on the body and mind. The reason is that a sincere embrace produces a hormone called "oxytocin", also known as the love hormone. This substance has many benefits in our physical and mental health, helps us, among other things, to relax, to feel safe and calm our fears and anxiety. This wonderful tranquilizer is offered free of charge every time we have a person in our arms, who cradled a child, who cherish a dog or a cat, that we are dancing with our partner, the closer we get to someone or simply hold the Shoulders of a friend.

A famous quote by psychotherapist Virginia Satir goes, “We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” Whether those exact numbers have been scientifically proven remains to be seen, but there is a great deal of scientific evidence related to the importance of hugs and physical contact. Here are some reasons why we should hug::


Oxytocin is a neurotransmitter that acts on the limbic system, the brain’s emotional centre, promoting feelings of contentment, reducing anxiety and stress, and even making mammals monogamous. It is the hormone responsible for us all being here today. You see this little gem is released during childbirth, making our mothers forget about all of the excruciating pain they endured expelling us from their bodies and making them want to still love and spend time with us. New research from the University of California suggests that it has a similarly civilising effect on human males, making them more affectionate and better at forming relationships and social bonding. And it dramatically increased the libido and sexual performance of test subjects. When we hug someone, oxytocin is released into our bodies by our pituitary gland, lowering both our heart rates and our cortisol levels. Cortisol is the hormone responsible for stress, high blood pressure, and heart disease.


Connections are fostered when people take the time to appreciate and acknowledge one another. A hug is one of the easiest ways to show appreciation and acknowledgement of another person. The world is a busy, hustle-bustle place and we’re constantly rushing to the next task. By slowing down and taking a moment to offer sincere hugs throughout the day, we’re benefiting ourselves, others, and cultivating better patience within ourselves.


Affection also has a direct response on the reduction of stress which prevents many diseases. The Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine says it has carried out more than 100 studies into touch and found evidence of significant effects, including faster growth in premature babies, reduced pain, decreased autoimmune disease symptoms, lowered glucose levels in children with diabetes, and improved immune systems in people with cancer.


Hugs strengthen the immune system. The gentle pressure on the sternum and the emotional charge this creates activates the Solar Plexus Chakra. This stimulates the thymus gland, which regulates and balances the body’s production of white blood cells, which keep you healthy and disease free.


Almost 70 percent of communication is nonverbal. The interpretation of body language can be based on a single gesture and hugging is an excellent method of expressing yourself nonverbally to another human being or animal. Not only can they feel the love and care in your embrace, but they can actually be receptive enough to pay it forward to others based on your initiative alone.


Hugging boosts self-esteem, especially in children. The tactile sense is all-important in infants. A baby recognizes its parents initially by touch. From the time we’re born our family’s touch shows us that we’re loved and special. The associations of self-worth and tactile sensations from our early years are still imbedded in our nervous system as adults. The cuddles we received from our Mom and Dad while growing up remain imprinted at a cellular level, and hugs remind us at a somatic level of that. Hugs, therefore, connect us to our ability to self love.


Everything everyone does involves protecting and triggering dopamine flow. Low dopamine levels play a role in the neurodegenerative disease Parkinson’s as well as mood disorders such as depression. Dopamine is responsible for giving us that feel-good feeling, and it’s also responsible for motivation! Hugs stimulate brains to release dopamine, the pleasure hormone. Dopamine sensors are the areas that many stimulating drugs such as co***ne and methamphetamine target. The presence of a certain kinds of dopamine receptors are also associated with sensation-seeking.


Reaching out and hugging releases endorphins and serotonin into the blood vessels and the released endorphins and serotonin cause pleasure and negate pain and sadness and decrease the chances of getting heart problems, helps fight excess weight and prolongs life. Even the cuddling of pets has a soothing effect that reduces the stress levels. Hugging for an extended time lifts one’s serotonin levels, elevating mood and creating happiness.


Hugs balance out the nervous system. The skin contains a network of tiny, egg-shaped pressure centres called Pacinian corpuscles that can sense touch and which are in contact with the brain through the vagus nerve. The galvanic skin response of someone receiving and giving a hug shows a change in skin conductance. The effect in moisture and electricity in the skin suggests a more balanced state in the nervous system – parasympathetic.
Embrace, embrace with your heart.~~

art: Dorina Costras



Vabim vas, da si ogledate prenovljeno spletno stran: www.oksivital.si 🙂p.s. Hvala Sašo Pipan!

Vabim vas, da si ogledate prenovljeno spletno stran: www.oksivital.si 🙂

p.s. Hvala Sašo Pipan!

Oksivital masaže so plod kreativnega in terapevtskega dela mariborskega maserja Velka Zupana, ki se s terapevtsko masažo uspešno ukvarja že vrsto let.



Masaža je lahko odlična podpora in pomoč bodisi pri zdravljenju ženske neplodnosti, endometrioze, fibroidov oz. miomov v maternici, bodisi pri lajšanju težav s PMS-om, menopavzo, itd… Povdarjam, da pri tem ne gre za nadomestno zdravljenje, ampak za podporo pri zdravljenju.

Prav tako ima masaža zelo koristen učinek na počutje nosečnic v različnih obdobjih nosečnosti in tudi po porodu.

Za vsako žensko pripravimo pri nas poseben individualen protokol (masažni program, ki je ciljno naravnan kot podpora posameznim organom v točno določenem vrstnem redu), ki zajema uvodni 30-minutni splošni tretma z masažo stopal in analizo stanja, potem pa se lahko dogovorimo za dodatne 3 oziroma 5 individualnih tretmajev v trajanju po 45 minut. Če se odločite za večji paket, dobite dejansko uvodni tretma brezplačno.. Več o tem na:

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Če bi radi letos res naredili velike premike in uresničili svoje najbolj ambiciozne cilje, se odločite za coaching Strateško planiranje ciljev za 2019.

Izkoristite 70 % popusta na coaching seanso za Strateško načrtovanje ciljev za 2019!
Samo 72€ za 2 uri coachinga v vrednosti 240 €. Velja do 21.12.2018!

Definirali bomo vaše prioritete v 2019, postavili cilje, premagali omejujoča prepričanja in druge ovire…

Če ste to že naredili, pa potrebujete samo močno voljo za vztrajanje, da boste uresničili svoje cilje, pa si lahko vzamete Meditacijo za uresničevanje ciljev in močno voljo (po W. Hewitt-u).

Cena meditacije s 50 % popustom znaša samo 15 €. Redna cena je 30 €.

Če boste poslušali to meditacijo, se boste programirali za uresničevanje kateregakoli cilja!

Če vzamete coaching in meditacijo, dobite oboje za 80 €.

Za naročilo pokličite na 040 590 131 ali pišite na [email protected].

Več o meni in o coachingih na: www.saskaklemencic.com.

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Tukaj se je vse začelo. Nova ideja. Nova zgodba, ki bo še poglobila vašo sprostitev in užitek med masažo. Pomagali vam b...

Tukaj se je vse začelo. Nova ideja. Nova zgodba, ki bo še poglobila vašo sprostitev in užitek med masažo. Pomagali vam bomo odklopiti misli... :)

Letos poleti je bilo. Na klopci sva s Saško meditirala in uživala ob sončnem zahodu. Nekako sem imel polno glavo misli in meditacija ni bila to, kar naj bi bila. Povedal sem Saški, kaj se dogaja. In potem me je začela voditi v meditacijo. Hitro sem spraznil svojo glavo in se res prijetno sprostil.

Takoj sem se spomnil, da ima veliko mojih strank, ki jih masiram, ravno ta problem, da med masažo ne morejo odklopiti misli, skrbi, še vedno so ali v službi ali pri otrocih ali kje drugje. Razmišljati sem začel, da bi tudi njim taka meditacija zelo pomagala sprostiti se in učinek masaže bi bil tako še večji.

Ker je Saška NLP Coach, pa je idejo še nadgradila. V meditacijo je vključila pozitivne afirmacije, ki se v sproščenem alfa stanju z lahkoto vtisnejo v našo podzavest in nam pomagajo, da bolj verjamemo vase, v svoj uspeh, da se imamo radi, smo bolj zadovoljni in pozitivno naravnani.

Tako vam zdaj lahko ponudimo Oksi vital plus masažo z meditacijo. Izkoristite ugodnost do konca novembra: ob nakupu Oksi vital masaže celega telesa, vam podarimo še meditacijo. Več o tem si lahko preberete tukaj:


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