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Canine Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Helping dogs to recover faster and more efficient by using noninvasive physiotherapeutic methods and modalities.
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Jana Gams, dr.vet.med., Eva Čepin dr. vet. med. CCRP (Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner) students Working in CANINE PHYSIOTHERAPY / REHABILITATION, CANINE CONDITIONING and DOG TRAINING fields. Helping dogs to recover faster and more efficient by using noninvasive therapeutic methods. MANUAL therapy. Preparing individual therapeutic and conditioning exercising plans for dog owners to use at home. EDUCATING owners what they can do at home by themselves to minimize the risk of injuries. By being active in agility and FCI obedience trials with my own dogs, I know and understand the specifics of canine athletes. By educating further in the sporting medicine field and sharing my knowledge with YOU, I want to bring the risk of injuries down to the minimum, and as well help to boost your canine athlete's peak performance up to their top level. Outdoors lover, artist and traveller in free time together with my coordinator, greatest supporter and overall "partner in crime": Primož Gams ______________________________ Fizioterapija / rehabilitacija psov, kondicijska vadba in šolanje psov. Pomoč pri hitrejšem in boljšem okrevanju z uporabo ne-invazivnih terapevtskih tehnik. Manualna terapija. Priprava individualnih terapevtskih in kondicijskih programov lastnikom psov za vadbo doma. Izobraževanje lastnikov, kako lahko sami pripomorejo k zmanjšanju možnosti za nastanek poškodb. Aktivna tekmovalka v agilityju in FCI obediencu, zaradi česar bolje poznam določene specifike pasjih atletov. Z nadaljnjim izobraževanjem v medicini športnih psov in deljenjem znanja z vami želim znižati možnost za nastanek poškodb, hkrati pa pomagati izboljšati fizične sposobnosti vašega pasjega športnika za kar najboljši nastop. Ljubiteljica narave, umetnica in popotnica v prostem času, skupaj z mojim koordinatorjem in najboljšim podpornikom: Primožem Gamsom