First Bite of the Dog Food
When there’s no sibling in sight but you simply *must* have a playmate, well, mum’s the obvious choice, isn’t she? After all, who else can keep up with my zoomies *and* provide snacks on demand? 😄 #MumIsTheBestToy
Nothing beats a classic rainy Saturday. Perfect for staying in bed with a strong cup of tea and a cozy blanket. While the rain turns gardens into puddle playgrounds, you master the art of doing absolutely nothing. Whether you're debating a wellie trip to the supermarket or simply enjoying the soothing drizzle from the sofa, embrace the lazy charm only a downpour can bring. Here’s to tea, tranquility, and delightful laziness! With Julia Malinina
All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them ..
Depending on your pet's size, you should have your dog's teeth cleaned by a licensed professional
Puppy’s first taste of real food
With one final, resigned sigh, I settle into my self-made sanctuary, ever the stoic in the face of adversity. Perhaps tomorrow, my humans Julia will remember their place in the grand hierarchy of our household. Until then, I suppose I'll just have to make do. Yours, ever so put-upon, Iriska
Mother said: Boy, you need to get married and find a job! But I only think about where the fun will be in the evening, because people say:"You only have one youth!". You need to have fun while you're young, don't worry if time flies.
Hot weather tip: Don't just water your flowers, remember to water your dogs too! Because nothing says summer like a well-hydrated puppy lounging next to your well-watered roses. Keep everyone blooming!
It's hard to believe, but guess who just hit the teenage years? Happy 13th Birthday Luch, my always baby boy ❤️