Kennel Golobova

Kennel Golobova Kennel Golob - High quality german shepherds
Zwinger Golob - Deutsche schäferhunde Smo psarna z več kot 40 letno tradicijo vzreje te čudovite pasme.

Skozi vsa ta leta, med katerimi je bila v v vzgojo naših psov vložena nepopisljiva mera truda, ljubezni in predanosti, smo zrasli v eno najkvalitetnejših in najprepoznavnejših psarn v Sloveniji. Danes v »Psarni Golobovi« združujemo pridobljeno strokovno znanje z ljubeznijo do psov, ki se še vedno kaže v prvovrstni lepoti pri nas vzrejenih nemških ovčarjev.

Two weeks ago, when Lena saw puppies for the first time, she looked suprised… then after a moment, she looked at us, and...

Two weeks ago, when Lena saw puppies for the first time, she looked suprised… then after a moment, she looked at us, and smiled broadly.
It was that moment, my heart felt something I can’t describe. I just know it that I never felt happier in my life. 🥰

Nürnberg, here we are again.This year it is special for us, it’s Lena’s first siegershow. Considering her expression, I ...

Nürnberg, here we are again.
This year it is special for us, it’s Lena’s first siegershow.
Considering her expression, I think she likes it here.

Leto je naokoli, in spet smo odšli v Nurnberg, na Nemško vzrejno razstavo. Letos je za nas vse skupaj še malce malce bolj posebno, saj je to Lenin prvi “siegershow”.
Zaenkrat izgleda, da ji je super všeč. 😂🥳


Few days ago my Daiwa and me started our IGP journey by obtaining our first IGP title - IGP1.
Even though we got an excellent score (90/98/98) we are still far from what we want to show and a lot of training still awaits us. So, we continue our trainigs towards IGP2, but first, I decided to breed Daiwa this fall.
Since she is a very stable character with high drives and wilingness to work, and since I am primarily a breeder, I feel it would be a big shame not to pass her genetics further. After that, we go full power for our IGP2 and IGP3 titles. ☺️

PS: Thanks to Anže Novak for all the helperwork 🙌

My beginnings as a helper: it feels like a hundred years ago. At the time, I never even dared to dream I’d come this far...

My beginnings as a helper: it feels like a hundred years ago. At the time, I never even dared to dream I’d come this far to as where I am today.
Funny, how life can have plans for you, how it takes its own course, and you dont even realise it.

I was just a humble boy, happy that I got the chance to try and do hist best at his local club, listening and learning. And I still try to be like that. You can always learn, if you are willing to.

Na voljo za oddajo sta še 2 dolgodlaka samčka (en kompletno črne, en pa "klasične" črno-rjave barve) iz kombinacije Wega...

Na voljo za oddajo sta še 2 dolgodlaka samčka (en kompletno črne, en pa "klasične" črno-rjave barve) iz kombinacije Wega Golobova x Rio dei Colli Storici. Stara sta 3 mesece.
Oba sta živahna, super aktivna in zdrava psa z dobro anatomijo in temperamentom.

Več info na zasebno sporočilo, telefon (041 422 165 - Blaž) ali email

A little late, but… better late than never. 🤪Another CACIT competition as a helper is behind me.On the 6th and 7th april...

A little late, but… better late than never.
Another CACIT competition as a helper is behind me.

On the 6th and 7th april I was part of the 42th Memorial Teodorja Dreniga, organised by . This is a competition with a looong tradition, the longest in our region. And I’m very honored I was part of the team again.

Our helper team this year was me and my usual partner in crime Anže Novak, joined by Davor Šalamon from Croatia and our discipline C boss, judge Mr. Robert Markschläger from Austria.

Congratulations to all the competitiors for their results! 👏

Dolce vom Schernberg 🌸🌷

Dolce vom Schernberg 🌸🌷

Synchronised dancing with Daiwa 🥰

Synchronised dancing with Daiwa 🥰

Just another evening in the office. ✨🌌

Just another evening in the office. ✨🌌

Winter wonderland at our place ❄️        🇸🇮

Winter wonderland at our place ❄️



We didn’t make a post about this yet, but… exactly a month ago, our daughter Lena was born, and she is the sweetest little baby girl on this planet. ❤️🥰
We all love her so much, and by “we all” - I literally mean ALL of us.
Odax and Hawi immediately took her as a part of our family, and are always by her side, being gentle, paying attention and trying to protect her.
It’s because of things like this, we love german shepherds. 🥰

Its a special day for me today, and I was preparing myself for this for a while.Its the day my Gea, a dog I really love,...

Its a special day for me today, and I was preparing myself for this for a while.
Its the day my Gea, a dog I really love, and am so proud of… the best female from my breeding, the “total package” of what a GSD should be… found a new forever home.

The decision to find her a new home was really not easy. But I always try to do the right thing and not be selfish, letting my emotions get in the way of a greater cause.
In her life, Gea did a lot of training, shows and had 4 litters from which I have 3 super dogs, carrying her bloodline further.
So I did not want to burden her any more, especially with being pregnant and having more puppies, even though she could. I just wanted her to be a happy dog and live the rest of her life as happy and stress free as possible. She deserves all the affection and attention she can get. Since we have a lot of dogs at home who also need a lot of attention and work (the young ones in particular), I felt that I might not be able to deliver enough of that anymore, especially now that we also have our daughter Lena with us. So I was "forced" to start thinking about finding somebody that could do all that, give her everything she deserves.

I wanted to make sure that she goes to some place that I know, some place where I trust the people. I would never just give her to anyone.
Coincidentally, Bojana called me. She had some bad news, her old female (also from our kennel) suddenly died, and she was looking for another one to keep her company. And I know how she takes care of her dogs. Its basically dog heaven. Living in the house with a big fenced yard, multiple hour+ long walks every day, hanging around people, getting scratchies and treats, having attention 24/7, milions of balls and sticks, playing, eating, sleeping on the couch. I knew this was it.

I had tears in my eyes as she jumped in the car that drove her to her new home. But I also had joy in my heart, as I know she has the perfect life in front of her.
Thank you for everything Gea, the memories with you are one of the best I have with dogs. See you soon when I come to visit 🥰

Long live the queen! 👑

Vedno več veterinarjev in fizioterpavetov prisega na naše izdelke 🥳

Vedno več veterinarjev in fizioterpavetov prisega na naše izdelke 🥳

Če slučajno še niste vedeli, naši izdelki so na voljo tudi pri Humanimal fizio 💪.
Poleg nudenja vrhunske terapije vašemu psu (ali konju), bo Hana z veseljem priskočila na pomoč tudi pri izbiri najprimernejšega dodatka za vašega štirinožnega prijatelja 😊🐶.

Veseli nas, da vas je toliko, ki nam zaupate ♥️

European Pet Pharmacy Slovenia - najboljši prehranski dodatki za vaše ljubljenčke 🥰Poleg briketov Winner Plus, so izdelk...

European Pet Pharmacy Slovenia - najboljši prehranski dodatki za vaše ljubljenčke 🥰

Poleg briketov Winner Plus, so izdelki EPP na voljo tudi pri nas v spletni trgovini -

Za kvaliteto izdelkov jamčimo, saj vse kar vključimo v naš prodajni program seveda najprej preizkusimo na naših psih. In izdelki EPP so eni izmed najboljših!

Choha in Miya sta absolutno oktobrsko razpoloženi ☺️🎃.

🍂Jesenski čas je primeren za marsikatere aktivnosti in naš “Sport” poskrbi za najboljšo podporo vsem zelo aktivnim psom.

My Daiwa 🥰♥️

My Daiwa 🥰♥️

“Watch and learn Daiwa. Maybe, maybe… one day when you are a little older and a big girl, we will also get to play in th...

“Watch and learn Daiwa. Maybe, maybe… one day when you are a little older and a big girl, we will also get to play in the big stadium. 😇 “

⭐️FCI IGP World Championship 2023 - Nova Gorica, Slovenia 🇸🇮⭐️                                        A few years back I...

⭐️FCI IGP World Championship 2023 - Nova Gorica, Slovenia 🇸🇮⭐️

A few years back I wouldn’t even dare to think I could do helperwork at a competition like the world championship. So after the first helper selection in spring, when I was chosen into the group of official helpers, I felt happy and a little proud of myself. But at the same time it was also a reality check.

I never do things half way, so I needed to focus. All the last months of hard work were payed off when I stepped off the field after I did the last dog on sunday.

I did my absolute best to be consistent and fair foremost through the whole 5 days, but at the same time really test the dogs.
It was a hard job - phisically because of the really hot weather but maybe even more mentally, since this was my first world championship.

I really hope the people and competitiors were happy with my work. I know you can never please everyone, but considering the number of people who shook my hand and congratulated me during and after the championship, I got the impression that I was pretty close! 😂
And of that I am incredibly proud. 😎

Im also very happy I had the chance to do the championship with my long year colleague Anže Novak and 2 super guys like Gianni Frattaroli and Frisoli Tony (lets not forget the reserves Franci Balantic, Stefan Kobetic and Yakir Hajaj). We instantly connected and the chemistry in the helper team was super and we had so much fun for the whole 5 days it’s hard to describe. You guys rock 💪

And on top of that, off the training field I met so many new friends, wonderful people and awesome dog trainers. Really an experience to cherish - the whole championship was just an amazing event for me. I hope it was not the last one 😇
It made me grow as a person and especially as a helper.

A special thank you goes to Nina. I couldn’t have done it without you. 🥰

PS: Dad, I hope you were looking down from heaven and smiling, feeling proud. All this is because of You. Hvala ti.

Soo... Julia did her IGP1 and im so happy about it. 🥳🥰

Soo... Julia did her IGP1 and im so happy about it. 🥳🥰

Venus Golobova, enjoying her life with her  🥰

Venus Golobova, enjoying her life with her 🥰

Running late with the photos, but better late than never 😅Julia von Arlett: BH-VT & AD trials, OG Viechtach, Germany 🇩🇪3...

Running late with the photos, but better late than never 😅
Julia von Arlett: BH-VT & AD trials,

OG Viechtach, Germany 🇩🇪

Pirlo! 🥰

Pirlo! 🥰

Odax, trying to enjoy his refreshing swim while the kids tease him 😂

Odax, trying to enjoy his refreshing swim while the kids tease him 😂

📢📢📢Na voljo za oddajo je 3 mesece stara kratkodlaka samička Venus Golobova iz kombinacije Goran dei Colli Storici x Triz...

Na voljo za oddajo je 3 mesece stara kratkodlaka samička Venus Golobova iz kombinacije Goran dei Colli Storici x Trizzi Golobova. Je lepa, prijazna, in prijetnega ter živahnega značaja.

Za kakršnekoli dodatne informacije smo na voljo na telefonu – 041 422 165 (Blaž) ali 040 749 087 (Nina).

Pretekli vikend (27-28.maj) smo se mudili v Italiji, natančneje v Villeseju, kjer sem imel priložnost biti marker na (sk...

Pretekli vikend (27-28.maj) smo se mudili v Italiji, natančneje v Villeseju, kjer sem imel priložnost biti marker na (skupni) izbirni tekmi Slovenije in Italije za reprezentanco za IGP svetovno prvenstvo, ki bo v septembru letos pri nas, v Novi Gorici! Bilo je vroče, na trenutke tudi malce težko, a zabavno. Zanimiva, nova, lepa izkušnja.
Marker na drugem delu (na "kontri") je bil Gianni Fratarolli ki je po mojem mnenju en trenutno najboljših markerjev na svetu ta hip, rezerva pa Tony Frisoli. Sodnik je bil Michael Greub iz Švice.

Upam da so bili tekmovalci zadovoljni s prikazanim delom, trudil sem se biti fer do vseh in opraviti čimboljše delo. Čestitke tudi vsem tekmovalcem, še posebej vsem uvrščenim na svetovno prvenstvo. Se vidimo septembra!
This past weekend I had the privilige to be the front half helper at the Slovenian 🇸🇮 & Italian 🇮🇹 IGP FCI world championship selection trials.
It was 3 days of fun, good dogs and nice atmosphere, altough I admit that as helpers we would wish for maybe a little less hot weather 😅

Happy to work alongside Gianni, one of the best back half helpers there is and the judge of discipline C on this years FCI WC in Slovenia, Michael Greub from Switzerland 🇨🇭. I also met a lot of other nice people, who made the experience even nicer.

I hope the competitors were happy with my work, congratulations to all the teams from both countries who got their ticket for the championship, and of course thanks to the organisers for inviting me 🙏🏻

Na voljo za oddajo je 12 mesecev stara kratkodlaka samička črne barve, Sierra Golobova. Je zelo lepa, živahnega karakter...

Na voljo za oddajo je 12 mesecev stara kratkodlaka samička črne barve, Sierra Golobova. Je zelo lepa, živahnega karakterja, igriva, prilagodljiva, z drugimi psi nima težav.

Za več informacij: blaz|AFNA|, ali na telefon 041 422 165 - Blaž, 040 749 087 - Nina.

Springtime 🥰

Springtime 🥰

Happy 1st birthday, Daiwa! 🥰Stay crazy 😎

Happy 1st birthday, Daiwa! 🥰
Stay crazy 😎

The art and the artist 😂😂.. Daiwa vom Oberkrain 🤡🤦‍♂️

The art and the artist 😂😂
.. Daiwa vom Oberkrain 🤡🤦‍♂️


Sid Golobov in njegova mini graščina 😅🤩
Hvala družini Perger, da ga imajo tako zelo radi 🥰
Sid Golobov and his mini castle. 😅🤩
Thank you Medeni raj - Perger 1757 for giving him the best life possible (literally 😅) ♥️

This weekend 4.-5.2 we were at the dog club Schamano Čakovec, for the SV breed survey under judge Edgar Pertl. Our dogs:...

This weekend 4.-5.2 we were at the dog club Schamano Čakovec, for the SV breed survey under judge Edgar Pertl.

Our dogs:

Odax Golobov ✅
Opal Golobova ✅
Hawi Howiland ✅
Atlanta Team Tierras Charras ✅

all passed bitework and got further breeding permissions - and we are really happy about it.

Thanks to the whole team at Schamano for the kindness and hospitaliy, especially "the maestro" for all the help - Neno Šarić 🙏🏻


Tolminska Cesta 38
Spodnja Idrija


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Our Story - “Kennel Golobova”

Smo psarna z več kot 40 letno tradicijo vzreje te čudovite pasme. Skozi vsa ta leta, med katerimi je bila v v vzgojo naših psov vložena nepopisljiva mera truda, ljubezni in predanosti, smo zrasli v eno najkvalitetnejših in najprepoznavnejših psarn v Sloveniji. Danes v »Psarni Golobovi« združujemo pridobljeno strokovno znanje z ljubeznijo do psov, ki se še vedno kaže v prvovrstni lepoti pri nas vzrejenih nemških ovčarjev. We are a kennel with more than 45 years of experience at breeding german shepherds - a family traditon, started by my father, and passed on to me - Blaž. Through all these years, in which we have put our heart and soul into several generations of dogs from our breeding, we have become one of the most sucessful and recognized kennels in our country and region. Today, our breeding program consists of our indescribable passion, experience gained through the years, and professional knowledge of the breed. We strive to breed healthy, sound and firm dogs, with top character traits and ofcourse - beautiful anatomy.

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