Aar Fass Mo Nu Warr

Aar Fass Mo Nu Warr Page informing on the Senegalese Situation coneccted to Horses and donkeys.//On appelle l' attention aux Chevaux exploités au Sénégal. SOYEZ LES BIENVENUS.

Aar Fass means, protect the horse. Aar Fass mo nu War: c est notre devoir to protect the Horse Ce Page pourrait aider a ceux qui souhaitent participer a la lutte pour une meilleure traitement des chevaux travaillant au Senegal de se retrouver et soutenir les efforts du groupe ARR FASS MO NU WAR. Des publications sur nos activités ainsi que sur nos services seront postés ici; des informations ayan

t intéret aussi. Pour alléger ou éradiquer les souffrances causés par ignorance, pauvreté ou meme cruauté.





Recent studies conducted by the Institute of Heart-Math provide a clue to explain the two-way ′′healing′′ that occurs when we're close to horses.
According to researchers, the heart has an electromagnetic field larger than the brain: a magnetometer can measure the energy field of the heart that radiates from 2.4 meters to 3 meters around the human body.
While this is certainly significant, perhaps more impressive than the electromagnetic field projected by the heart of a horse is five times larger than that of a human being (imagine an electromagnetic sphere around the horse) and it can influence straight into our own heart rate.
Horses are also likely to have what science has identified as a "coherent′′ heart rate (heart rate pattern) that explains why we can feel better when we're close to them. Studies have found a coherent heart pattern or HRV to be a solid measure of well-being and consistent with emotional states of calm and joy-that is, we exhibit such patterns when we feel positive emotions.
A coherent heart pattern is indicative of a system that can recover and adapt to stressful situations very efficiently. Many times, we just need to be in the presence of horses to feel a sense of well-being and peace.
In fact, research shows that people experience many physiological benefits by interacting with horses, including lower blood pressure and heart rate, higher beta-endorphins (neurotransmitters acting as pain suppressors), decreased stress levels, decreased feelings of anger, hostility, tension and anxiety, better social working; and greater feelings of empowerment, confidence, patience and self-efficacy.



Hand that carrot over to me! 😱


Goed project en voor de spirituele cavalerie het project stelt toevluchtsoorden voor paarden voor rehabilitatie en vervanging van moeilijke paarden bewustmaking en praktische veterinaire ondersteuning inzameling en distributie van tuig en voedsel zoals kan worden gezien door rond te reizen in Senegal paarden hebben nog steeds hun plaats in de economische samenleving van het land de boer heeft paarden nodig om goederen en mensen van het dorp naar de markt te vervoeren en merries voor de fokkerij en landbouw karren zijn nuttig voor het temmen van winkels en markten en voor het vervoer van bouwmaterialen karren rijden door het zand op het strand om vis te halen uit de pirogues ze rijden door de smalle straatjes karren rijden overal waar de transportbusjes niet kunnen komen in de stad paardenkoetsen vervoeren vrouwen van hun buurt naar de voedselmarkt dus karreniers of koetsiers spelen een vitale rol in de economie van het land zowel op het platteland als in de stad
Traduit avec DeepL https://www.deepl.com/app/?utm_source=android&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=share-translation


Bientôt OCTOBRE départ avec du matériel vers le Sénégal pour le projet Barakatoulahi.


Cow Stained Glass Garden Gates

Anything that has horse in it.

Anything that has horse in it.

Absolutely captivating creatures, seahorses seem like a product of myth and imagination rather than of nature.

- Sara A. Lourie

When this will happen in Senegal we will jump in 8 legged to assist and promote...

When this will happen in Senegal we will jump in 8 legged to assist and promote...

We warmly welcome the Scottish Government's consultation on the licencing of animal activities, including livery yards and riding establishments. 📣

This is an opportunity for Scotland to demonstrate its commitment to animal welfare and a thriving equine sector. The livery yards where so many people keep their horses are not regulated at all, and this consultation provides an opportunity to change this and give horse owners the peace of mind that the welfare of horses at these establishments will be protected.

We encourage all those living in Scotland to have their voice heard, you only have to answer the questions you would like to respond to 👉 https://bit.ly/3NYFgYO

On a besoin de feuillage et de l ombre!!

On a besoin de feuillage et de l ombre!!


Keur Moussa
Keur Moussa


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