Final update on the restaurant cats and kittens....
I called in with some food for the cats. I was pleased to see a dry food feeder is now permanently in place and was full! 👌
The kitten spayed on News year day has recovered well and didn't hold any grudges 😁
Sadly, one of the original female adults remains unspayed which is so frustrating but she is so elusive! Walk towards her and she goes up a tree or worse, boots across the service road. In addition, I am convinced the restaurant owner doesn't want her spayed. She's cute and could possibly have cute kittens which she would probably try to sell or simply keep around.
My frustration remains at this but I have learned that you must focus on the wins.
Time now to move on. For sure I will pop down with food and treats from time to time as it is a local beach to my home but we have saved hundreds of kittens from being born and saved the lives of these ones!
This project, to feed, get medicines and sterilise 12 cats and kittens came out to 26,000 baht, £615. Thank you to so many kind people who donated through my Ko-fi page. 100% of every penny you send gets to an animal and makes a difference!
There were 16 originally but we got 4 kittens adopted 👌🥰
Thank you to so, so many people who have followed, supported, donated, advised and simply cared about the lives of these little souls! All of us together, have made a difference to their lives 100% for the better! 🙏❤️🫶🐾
P.S. no background music to this reel. I figured you'd like the sounds of the birds and lapping of the waves! 🥰🌊
#cats #kittens #kittensofinstagram #straycat #catrescue #kittenrescue #Phayunbeach #Banchang
A great day yesterday! 👌👏📢
We brought another seven dogs to a @vetvanthailand spay clinic, including four of our golf course puppies that got homes.
Six of them are females, which is simply fantastic to know they won't ever be adding to the stray dog population and will all live lives free from the stress of giving birth to multiple litters!
The spay/neuter and vaccination service is offered free to the community for their pet dogs, stray dogs the community looks out for and dogs captured locally by the Vetvan capture team. What I do, is simply work among m own community including the golf course dogs, to transport them to the clinic which is about 30 kilometers from my town.
This free service is only made possible by the Vetvan sterilisation partnership with @wearehappydoggo which, I am pleased to say is set to grow next year with increased funding which hopefully allows more to be done in my town of Ban Chang where there is a chronic street dog problem!
Taking a moment to remove my Happy Doggo Trustee's hat, such partnerships and work is only possible for the organisations like Vetvan who are at the front end of doing the hard work which is both physically and mentally exhausting and because there is very little that is cute about it, does not get followed, liked or shared but which is what makes the difference!
By joining up the dots like this, folk can see how their support and donations get to make a huge difference in the critical work to reduce the street dog population of Thailand and give these little souls a slightly better quality of life! 👌🙏
#spayclinic #streetdog #straydog #soidog ##streetdogsofthailand #streetdogrescue #puppies #puppy #puppylove #volunteer #makeadifference
Bingsu and Sushi.....a total joy! 🥰
6 months old and doing what kittens do best....getting into mischief! 😁
#kittenrescue #kitten #kittens #kittensofinstagram
New puppy mission at the local golf club! They are so cute!! 😍
But first though, I'm so sorry to folk who like to see daily content from me! As much as possible, I like to post 'upbeat', positive, funny, or informative content, but since mid-October, it's been seriously challenging culminating in a horrendous directive by the golf club management to the staff who take care of the 30 or so street dogs that live at the course.
For anyone wanting to learn more, I will put a video together for my YouTube channel but for now, can read about the huge challenges and decisions faced these last few weeks on my Ko-fi page which have been too difficult to share on social media:
Just keep your finger pressed on the link and it will open up the blog article. It's long but that's because so much has happened! Including news of sweet Chok dee, the adorable cat who lives with me.
Ok, so more content will feed through but due to recent events my travels will be curtailed until probably Spring of next year as there is so much to work through here!
I am aware of another dog carrying babies at the golf club and it's imperative we can help them out too. The blog article explains why!
Hoping that because these puppies are so cute we can get them adopted. Will come up with names for them soon 🥰
#cutepuppy #puppy #puppies #puppiesofinstagram #puppylove
A quick reflection of some memories over the last few weeks.
Joyous and sad, difficult and challenging but huge differences made for the good!
All the while learning and evolving, I hope to make yet more differences for the better.
Your support through the ups and downs is immeasurable to me and the animals and organisations I am helping out here.
To the people who have made donations, I am truly overwhelmed by your generosity and faith in me and you have made a direct difference in dogs and cats, puppies and kittens being fed, vaccinated, medicated, rescued, adopted, sterilised and transported and ultimately, prevented the lives of hundreds of kittens and puppies being born into a miserable life!
Finally, thank you all for your support, love and care for Belle. She really was one in a million and she should still be with us. But out of bad comes good and in her name together we will rescue others and do better for them! 🙏❤️
Love Chris and Freddie xx
I had previously posted about the work to capture a bunch of adult stray dogs and the puppies at the golf course ahead of the Vetvan spay 'n' neuter clinic last Wednesday.
The tragic passing of Belle happened the following Thursday morning so I have been slow to out this update together.
Well it's pretty much all good news!
There are four remaining puppies at the golf course, which, in reality, will be their forever home. Three of them were successfully captured, (they had to be darted with a sedative), but the fourth although darted, was lost in heavy plant growth and could not be found!
Thankfully, she woke up and returned to her 'safe' area but it was a sleepless night as she would have been wondering where her siblings, Mother and Aunty all were!
I am arranging to capture her separately before the next clinic on the 15th November.
Since their sterilisations the puppies are all recovering well. Their appetites are healthy. They have all been vaccinated.
The three adopted puppies are all doing fine and will be sterilised and vaccinated this month.
Then, that will be it! Mission accomplished in ensuring our seven golf course puppies will lead lives free from giving birth, fighting over mating and all the negative health issues that go around that.
Three of them have a loving family home. Of course, would have loved to got all of them homes but the other four are pretty unadoptable sadly but together, we have given them a better quality of life by 100%, such as that is.
Thanks to the fantastic sterilisation partnership scheme created by @wearehappydoggo and the incredible work of @vetvan_thailand
Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive of the journey of these little ones who I will continue to visit and who thanks to Din and her fellow golf course employees, will ensure they will get a meal every day and look out for them 👌🙏
Do you recall the news about a neighbour's cat adopting ME!
Barely older than a kitten herself, pregnant and abandoned by her family!
And the most remarkable story of her trying to help a terribly injured kitten whom she had to of jumped over high walls to rescue and return to lay on my sofa! 😲
Well....I am her new Dad! Never had kittens before so that's going to be a new experience but we'll make sure they are fine, get them vaccinated, spayed/neutered and adopted to good homes.
Clearly that's my travel and volunteering plans placed on hold for the following months although will try and fit in day trips to shelters but, this little Angel deserves some live for what she did.
Not even sure I can keep pets in my rented house but will cross that bridge when we come to it. 🤞
I guess her babies will arrive in the next couple/three weeks, will post news of their arrival 🥰
Never for one minute did I think I would be posting this!
I got a call from the vets this morning telling me Belle had deteriorated from complications of the blood parasites and passed away this morning.
I visited her yesterday morning before going to the Vetvan spay clinic. She was down in her spirits and I did raise that with the veterinary team who told me they would carry out further blood tests and update me on this mornings visit but instead, I received a call at 9.30am telling she passed from further complications arising from the parasites.
Just yesterday I was discussing arrangements with Jazmin at Vetvan for her relocation to Muttlands Sanctuary ahead of being found a beautiful family back in stunning Cornwall, England where I imagined her running along the beaches. Can't believe it won't happen for her.
I am trying not to be selfish in my own sadness and I don't want any sympathy. I chose to do this. Instead, please give your own beloved pets a big hug and a moments thought to all the animal rescuers and rescue shelters around the world who face this kind of heartache everyday and send them some love and support, go and visit them if you can. What they all do is so incredibly difficult!
So sorry to bring this news. I know so many of you loved Belle for which I am truly grateful. 🙏🐾
Love Chris & Freddie xx
I became increasingly anxious that time was not on my side to wait until the 23rd for the next Vetvan clinic, where through the @wearehappydoggo sponsorship, I could have her spayed and vaccinated for free.
So, through the help of a fantastic American lady who is a local stray dog feeder and pet shop owner, I engaged a local dog darter to catch Belle this morning and get her to a local vet for all the procedures ASAP.
Normally they dart with a sleep inducing drug. I was too worried that on the dart hitting Belle would scamper out into the Highway so instead, she laced some food with eat which was tricky because on putting the olate down for Belle the other dog wanted to jump in and eat the food. Trying to keep him at bay was also freaking Belle out, (strays are so nervous!), but eventually managed to get Belle to take the food.
After a nervous 15 minutes watching her wander along the Highway edge, in and out of the side road, she eventually let me approach her, and she laid down, allowing me to pick her up.
Wow....I can honestly say carrying her to the dig catchers car was one of the best feelings ever! She is very cuddly!
She is now at a private Vet practice where tomorrow she will be spayed and vaccinated. She will also have blood tests to check for any health issues. She will stay a week so she can recover fully from her spay surgery.
Freddies Friends Foundation is going to meet these costs.
Thereafter, I am planning to place her a Muttlands sanctuary where she will be well cared for, socialised and prepared to go on to a forever home.
I do have an option to send her to a fantastic dog rescue and adoption centre in Devon, England where I know she will be well cared for, (I know the people personally), and eventually found a dream home to live a dream life in Devon or Cornwall but I am open to all adoption enquiries.
Main thing is, she wil NEVER return to the streets 🙏❤️🐾
Finishing off the week with a bit of fun 😄
Called in to my local pet shop this morning and their pet cat wanted to be included in my purchases 🥰
That's what you get when you make a fuss of every animal you come across! 🤭
Have to love Thailand!
Happy weekend everyone!
Thank you for another week of amazing support and love for what I do here and the cats and dogs we are trying to help! It means the world and you are part of making a difference! 🙏🫶
#catsofinstagram #kittensofinstagram #cat #kitten #pets #petshop #weekend #catlovers
Our golf course puppies greeting us with nervous but happy little waggy tails when we arrive with breakfast 🥰
They are building in confidence though two of them are still very timid which is a worry.
If you are convinced Momma's coat is a little purple, don't worry, you're not going mad, we have applied and skin treatment a vet recommended to us that won't affect her milk but which has a purple colouring in it.
All present and correct and gaining weight.
Thank you for your love for our little golf course puppy gang 🙏❤️🫶🐾
You become invested, don't you!? 🥰🐾
📢 Golf course puppies update....
We are now feeding the puppies everyday with tasty puppy wet food and biscuits and goats milk. Don does this everyday and I drop the food in a visit two or three times a week.
Along the way, we are trying to build trust with them so they will not run away and enjoy the food.
Mother dog is also slowly warming to me but she is fine with Don because she hangs out in the Caddy's cafe area where Don pops in occasionally and always makes a fuss of her.
I am working through plans with Vetvan, sponsored by Happy Doggo, for their sterilisation and vaccinations in around 2 months, maybe slightly sooner but only by a week or two.
Need to work on two puppies in particular who are so nervous and are not growing as well as the other five.
Signs they are slowly relaxing towards us. In the meantime, Don will get word out and see if some employees will give them homes after we have taken care of them.
Huge thanks to so many of you who have reached out with messages of support. It really does make a huge difference as its unavoidable to not get emotionally invested in their little lives. How people deal with this daily is quite remarkable!
Will keep you posted on their development 🙏
#puppiesofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #puppies #puppy #puppyrescue