Zoeta-Dogsoul Trust, respect and understanding are demands that we should have on the partnership with our dog.


Walking in the rain...

My favorite sunday afternoon...🐾

My favorite sunday afternoon...🐾

🐾 Are You Ready for a Dog? 🐶 Take Our Quiz to Find Out! 🌟Thinking about bringing a furry friend into your life? It's a b...

🐾 Are You Ready for a Dog? 🐶 Take Our Quiz to Find Out! 🌟

Thinking about bringing a furry friend into your life? It's a big commitment, and we want to help you make the best decision! Our quick and engaging 15-question quiz will assess your lifestyle and readiness for dog ownership. 🏡❤️

From daily exercise routines to training dedication and financial preparedness, this quiz covers all the essential factors to ensure a happy and healthy life for you and your future pup. 🐕✨

👉 Take the quiz now https://zoeta-dogsoul.com/are-you-ready-for-a-dog-take-this-question-quiz-to-find-out/ and discover if you're ready for the joys and responsibilities of dog ownership!

Let’s make sure you’re prepared for the adventures that await with your new best friend! 🐾💖


***High Performance guarding in action***

The Thai Bangkaew Dog is a remarkable breed known for its impressive guarding, watchdog skills, and a loyal protector. Originating from the Bangkaew village in Thailand, this breed was developed primarily for hunting and guarding duties, showcasing its versatility and strong working instincts.

Their keen senses and instincts allow them to detect unusual happenings, making them vigilant guardians of their territory.

The breed's background as a working dog equips it with unique traits applicable to guarding tasks. They are physically strong and agile, enabling them to respond effectively to any perceived danger. This athleticism, combined with their courageous and bold nature, makes Thai Bangkaews capable of intervening when necessary.


Hangover 5 - The Walk

Hangover 5 - Sankamphaeng 🐾🐕

Hangover 5 - Sankamphaeng 🐾🐕


The chocolate walk...

Training Pedigree Dogs: A Journey to SuccessAs a dog owner, enthusiast and trainer, I've discovered that working with th...

Training Pedigree Dogs: A Journey to Success

As a dog owner, enthusiast and trainer, I've discovered that working with these high-performance canines is both thrilling and fulfilling. It takes dedication, understanding, and a commitment to nurturing their natural instincts and abilities. Take dogs larger than dachshunds, for example. These dogs aren't just pets; they're adventure partners capable of amazing feats when given the right training and experiences. I've learned that pedigree dogs have a rich heritage of skills and capabilities. The more I see these dogs in action - their agility, obedience, and specialized skills - the more I realize how much they crave challenges and excitement. Every impressive K9 performance I've witnessed is backed by a handler who's given their dog room to explore, learn, and grow through various experiences. But before tackling advanced tasks, I always make sure my dogs master the basics.

These foundational skills are crucial:

• Calmness and Patience: Dogs can stay in one place calmly for at least 30 minutes.

• Proper Leash Walking: Even with distractions, they walk calmly and relaxed on a leash.

• Recall and Waiting: They reliably stop and return when called, and wait patiently when asked.

I've found that these basic behaviors are the building blocks for all dog training. Every dog, no matter the breed, can master these skills. The secret is in providing the right experiences.

The Importance of Experience

Dogs are natural learners. They are constantly exploring, testing, and seeking solutions, even when we're not actively training them. This innate curiosity is why it's so important to expose your dog to a wide range of experiences early in life. Any experience missed during the formative months can lead to challenges as the dog matures.

For example, a dog that has never ventured beyond the confines of its garden may find it overwhelming to walk through a busy crowd. Similarly, a dog that hasn't been accustomed to car rides may struggle to relax during travel. By allowing your dog to gain positive experiences through training, you ensure they associate these situations with something enjoyable.

Your dog thinks, “If this, then that,” and expects a response that makes sense in their world. When we communicate clearly and consistently, using a language both you and your dog understand, the training becomes a seamless and enjoyable process.

Meeting Your Dog's Needs

Successful training isn't just about teaching commands; it's about fulfilling your dog's needs. A dog that receives proper brain stimulation, regular exercise, a healthy diet, and fair, consistent attention is a happy and well-behaved dog. Your dog will always choose you, always trust you, as long as you provide what they need.

But this success starts even before you bring your dog home. Choosing the right dog for your lifestyle is crucial. High-performance dogs, with their boundless energy and drive, require a significant commitment of time and resources. If your living conditions or schedule don’t allow you to meet these needs, it can lead to frustration, behavioral issues, and ultimately, a strained relationship with your dog.

We must acknowledge that while some dogs might be content to lounge on the couch all day, this is not the norm for high-performance breeds. The statistics are sobering: high rates of biting incidents, aggressive behavior, anxiety, overcrowding in shelters, and euthanasia are all signs that we are not meeting the needs of our dogs. This problem often begins with people overestimating their ability to care for a high-performance dog.

A Dog is a Commitment

Bringing a dog into your life is a commitment, one that should be made with a clear understanding of the responsibilities involved. When we respect our dogs' needs and provide them with the right experiences, the bond we create is unbreakable, and the rewards are immeasurable.

So, as you embark on the journey of training your pedigree dog, remember: it’s not just about what your dog can do for you, but what you can do together. With the right foundation, clear communication, and a commitment to meeting your dog’s needs, you can unlock their full potential and enjoy a fulfilling partnership that enriches both your lives.


Training session...

Recognizing and Responding to the Unique Needs of Our Dogs in ThailandIn the our world of canines, no two dogs have the ...

Recognizing and Responding to the Unique Needs of Our Dogs in Thailand

In the our world of canines, no two dogs have the same pre-life or life circumstances. That means what works for some in the training will, by nature, not work for all. Indeed, the dogs we deal with come from a multitude of environments, and therefore experience a myriad of socialization (or lack thereof) levels. To help them all be the best dog they can be, we need to understand and address those issues in a manner that suits the situation and the dog. Broadly, we see dogs falling into four main categories: breeding dogs, street dogs that have adapted to human presence, self-sufficient street dogs, and reclusive jungle dogs. Each group requires a unique training method that honors their individual journeys.

Breeding Dogs:
Eager to Learn and Ready for Positive Training
Breeding dogs, raised with consistent human interaction, are generally eager learners. Their early socialization with people makes them naturally responsive to positive reinforcement training. These dogs often show trust and curiosity from an early age, allowing training to begin as early as a few weeks old. When raised with care, they quickly become playful, obedient, and capable of learning complex tasks, making them excellent candidates for service or working dog roles. Their willingness to engage is a testament to their confidence and comfort around humans.

Street Dogs Adapted to Humans:
Trust is the First Step
Street dogs that have adapted to living around humans present a different challenge. While these dogs have some level of socialization, they’ve largely relied on themselves to survive. We have to earn their trust before we can begin any organized obedience training. How these dogs respond to training can be greatly influenced by their past experiences. Because of certain past experiences, many of these dogs might have trust issues. Some have been known to bite out of fear, and others might resort to inappropriate and destructive behaviors when put under stress. These dogs have reached us after rough journeys, and training them will require a thoughtful and sensitive approach that respects their history and unique needs.

Self-Sufficient Street Dogs:
Dogs that have lived independently of humans, surviving solely on their own instincts, require a careful and gradual approach. These self-reliant street dogs need time to adjust to human interaction. Trust is the foundation here—without it, no amount of training will be effective. These dogs may have deep-seated fears or aggressive behaviors rooted in their past experiences, making them wary of people and their surroundings. They may flee, refuse food, or show aggression towards other dogs. Training these dogs means slowly introducing them to a new way of life, with the understanding that their journey will be longer and more complex.

Reclusive Jungle Dogs:
Earning Trust in a World of Fear
The most challenging are the reclusive jungle dogs—those who have never known human kindness and actively avoid people. These dogs are highly self-sufficient and view humans with suspicion or fear. Training them begins not with commands or obedience but with earning their trust. These dogs frequently require therapy to deal with their low self-esteem and high levels of anxiety, especially in a domestic setting where some may try to bolt or become ineffectual eaters. Standard obedience trainings are not useful in these cases, as the 'commands and consequences' model wouldn't foster the missing element of trust that the skittish dog requires in order to learn how to comply with commands in a reliable manner.

Special Cases and Considerations
Sometimes, we encounter dogs that defy easy categorization, such as a street-born puppy orphaned early. These dogs face unique challenges that require immediate, intensive socialization. Building trust and familiarizing them with humans is the first step, followed by gentle, positive reinforcement training.

In all cases, understanding a dog's background, life experiences, and specific behaviors is crucial to creating an effective training plan. Standard methods are insufficient alone; understanding a dog’s experiences and tailoring the approach ensures successful integration into human environments.


For a walk in Chiang Mai...

Hey girl... 🐕

Hey girl... 🐕


The young Pomeranian is accustomed to waiting here, background noise and moving objects. He realizes that his place on the object on the ground is safe, and observes what is happening. He is rewarded for waiting. This training helps the dog to react calmly to external stimuli later on, to wait in his place and to know that you will pick him up again. We train without any commands, we just let the dog gain experience.

Understanding and Addressing Diverse Canine UpbringingsIn our unique environment, we encounter diverse canine background...

Understanding and Addressing Diverse Canine Upbringings

In our unique environment, we encounter diverse canine backgrounds, necessitating tailored training strategies. Broadly, our dogs fall into four categories: breeding dogs, street dogs adaptive to human presence, self-sufficient street dogs, and reclusive, self-sufficient jungle dogs. Each category demands a distinct approach due to their varied experiences and socialization levels.

Breeding Dogs
Breeding dogs, accustomed to human interaction, are typically responsive to conventional, positive reinforcement training methods. Their prior socialization makes them eager to participate in training from the outset.

Street Dogs Adapted to Humans
These dogs live around humans but largely fend for themselves. While they’re somewhat socialized, initial trust-building is essential before implementing structured training techniques.

Self-Sufficient Street Dogs
Self-reliant street dogs living independently of humans require a gradual introduction to human interaction. Building trust is a prerequisite to any subsequent behavioral conditioning.

Reclusive Jungle Dogs
These dogs avoid humans entirely and are highly self-sufficient. Beginning with trust-building efforts, using gentle exposure to human presence, is crucial before any training can be initiated.

Special Considerations
For example, a street-born puppy, orphaned early, exhibits unique challenges. Immediate, intensive socialization is critical, emphasizing trust and familiarity with humans, followed by gentle, positive reinforcement training.

Recognizing a dog’s background, life phases, and specific behaviors is crucial in devising effective training. Standard methods are insufficient alone; understanding a dog’s experiences and tailoring the approach ensures successful integration into human environments.


When we meet the needs of our dogs. For example, proper entertainment, going for a walk, mental stimulation, the dog recognizes that we do interesting things with him. The dog becomes calmer and destructive behaviors are discarded or do not develop. This behavior stems from unfulfilled needs when the dog seeks out activities on its own. In 90% of cases, destructive behavior stems from boredom.

And the more these needs are not met, and different tools are used to try to stop the destructive behavior, the more problems arise. In the end, it's like an onion, where peel after peel has to be removed in order to ultimately treat the dog as a whole. We then have behavioral problems from long periods of time, behavioral problems from incorrect therapy, possibly pain avoidance behavior, etc., which must now be treated as a whole. And here, too, there is no way around a comprehensive change of situation.


🐾 Understanding Your Dog’s Needs 🐾

Experience, entertainment, and exercise are the pillars of a well-balanced dog. 🧠

🎾🏃‍♂️ When these needs aren’t met, behavior problems can arise, often linked to the specific breed. Some breeds may struggle more with lack of stimulation, leading to unwanted behaviors. Recognize and fulfill these essential needs to keep your furry friend happy and healthy! 🐕💪

Smartphone sold out!In today’s world, many dog owners find themselves frustrated with what they label as “normal dog beh...

Smartphone sold out!

In today’s world, many dog owners find themselves frustrated with what they label as “normal dog behavior.” It is disheartening to see how innate behaviors—rooted in a dog’s natural instincts—are often deemed unacceptable. People frequently search for methods to alter these behaviors, sometimes resorting to extreme and unnecessary measures. Instances of grinding down dogs' teeth to prevent the consequences of their natural chewing instincts or even the heart-wrenching decision to cut vocal cords because a dog barks too much highlight a growing crisis in our understanding of canine needs.

This tension leads to distressing realities: with over two million dogs currently in euthanasia shelters, each case reflects a story of heartbreak where former dog owners felt they had no other option. In many circumstances, these decisions stem from frustration rather than a lack of love or care for their pets. As we navigate 2024, it's becoming increasingly clear that we have strayed farther from harmonious living with dogs than we did 20 or 30 years ago.

Consider the working dogs of farms fifty years ago—these animals lived fulfilling lives, their needs met with understanding and compassion. Today, many modern dog owners pride themselves on being educated, tolerant, and loving. Yet, in the pursuit of addressing every behavior issue with constraints and modifications, we may actually be contributing to the suffering of our canine companions.

The reality is that the more we overanalyze and critique normal dog behavior, the greater the potential for dog distress. The statistics are alarming, with euthanasia rates rising significantly each year, often affecting healthy young dogs. It’s essential to recognize that the rise in these rates reflects a collective inability to accommodate and appreciate a dog’s natural behaviors.

The solution? A return to essentials. Rather than getting lost in dog training debates and behavioral theories, let’s focus on what our dogs truly need: regular exercise, social interaction, and the freedom to express themselves. Taking dogs out for walks, letting them roam in parks, and allowing them off-leash time can greatly alleviate many of the behaviors that owners find problematic. These actions fulfill a dog's instinctual needs, significantly reducing the reliance on behavioral training or management strategies.

In essence, if we provide dogs with what they need—freedom, companionship, and stimulation—we may find that unwanted behaviors diminish naturally. The first step towards happier, healthier dogs is straightforward: engage more, walk more, and truly allow them to be dogs. Let’s foster an environment where dogs can thrive, not just survive, and strive to build relationships based on trust and understanding rather than constraint and control. Through compassionate care and realistic expectations, we can bridge the gap toward better lives for our canine friends.

Your Dog is not a Smartphone!

Unlocking a Happier, Healthier Dog: The Importance of Real Commitment to Training and Mental StimulationIn the world of ...

Unlocking a Happier, Healthier Dog: The Importance of Real Commitment to Training and Mental Stimulation

In the world of dog ownership, it’s not uncommon to see countless discussions unfold in online groups and forums. Dog owners congregate to share experiences, seek advice, and sometimes, unfortunately, engage in what can only be termed as intellectual drivel. It’s astounding how much time and energy is invested in these discussions while the basic needs of their canine companions often remain neglected.

The Simple Needs of Your Dog

If dog owners redirected the time they spend discussing training tips online into actual training sessions with their dogs, many behavioral issues could be significantly alleviated. The fundamental question always seems to be overlooked: Is the dog truly getting what he or she needs? Building a strong bond with your dog starts with addressing basic needs that go beyond theoretical advice. The first step is as simple as taking your dog for a normal walk—but not just any walk.

Regular exercise is crucial for your dog’s physical and mental well-being. While many owners might think 30 minutes is sufficient, consider extending that time to a full two hours for active breeds that thrive on physical exertion. A long walk not only benefits physical health but also serves as a powerful mental stimulant, allowing dogs to explore their environment, engage their senses, and experience the world around them.

Incorporating Mental Stimulation

But don’t stop at exercise! Mental stimulation should be a core part of your dog’s daily routine. Dogs, like people, suffer from boredom when their minds aren’t engaged. This can lead to unwanted behaviors. Providing various forms of mental stimulation helps keep their brains sharp and prevents destructive behaviors.

Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and even simple games of hide-and-seek can be great ways to challenge your dog mentally while still being enjoyable for both of you. Furthermore, teaching new tricks or commands can serve as an excellent training exercise. Commands such as “sit,” “stay,” or even fun tricks can help bond you with your pet as you both learn .

Living at Eye Level

Another significant aspect of dog ownership is ensuring you connect with your dog on their level—physically and emotionally. Living at eye level fosters a sense of community and engagement. By bending down to your dog’s level, you’re facilitating better communication and understanding, reinforcing positive behaviors and learning.

It’s crucial to question the validity of the methods being shared in online portals. Often, advice is given without consideration of the individual dog's environment, needs, and personality. Each dog is unique, and so are their requirements. Relying solely on generalized advice can lead to frustration—and punishment falls disproportionately on the dog, not the owner .

Creating a True Community

The true essence of dog ownership lies in creating a community—between you and your dog, and with other owners who genuinely care about the well-being of their pets. Engage with your dog in ways that allow you to understand their unique characteristics and needs. Spend quality time with them and observe their behaviors, preferences, and moods.

By fostering a genuine environment of growth and learning with your dog, you’re not just teaching them obedience; you're also nurturing their mental health and emotional well-being. This consistent commitment can drastically improve your dog's behavior and strengthen your bond.

In a world rife with advice—both good and bad—what matters most is to focus on what your individual dog needs. Instead of falling into the trap of endless discussions filled with empty words, take the plunge into active, engaged training. Your dog will thank you for it, and you’ll likely find a happier, healthier companion by your side.

In conclusion, let’s put aside the mere chatter and embrace the true commitment that comes with dog ownership through active involvement and responsive care. Remember: every walk, every training session, and every moment spent together is a step towards a stronger, more fulfilling relationship with your canine friend.

🐾🐶 Let's talk about what our furry friends really need! 🌟Dogs thrive when they have the right balance of exercise and en...

🐾🐶 Let's talk about what our furry friends really need! 🌟

Dogs thrive when they have the right balance of exercise and entertainment. It's crucial to meet their needs! Instead of constantly searching for different trainers, let's remember that keeping our dogs confined to small spaces all day won’t help them flourish. In fact, locking them up or restraining them can reinforce unwanted behaviors.

Dogs are natural problem-solvers, and when they're stuck in tough situations, they might develop habits we don’t want to see. 🐕

Before diving into various training methods, let's focus on providing our pups with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. When we meet their basic needs, any training approach can be much more effective. If our dogs have been in confinement for years, no amount of training can help if the situation remains unchanged.

It's up to us, the dog owners, to create a happy and fulfilling environment for our furry friends! 🐾❤️


🌴🥥 Ever wondered how to open a coconut? 🥥🐶 Join me and my curious Labrador as we tackle this tropical challenge! Watch as I demonstrate the best techniques, and catch my pup's adorable reactions throughout! You won’t want to miss it! 🐕💕

If you love fun and playful moments like this, hit that like button and share! Let's show everyone how to do coconut opening the right way! 💪✨

Embrace the day with joy and positivity. To a day full of wonder! 💛🌞

Embrace the day with joy and positivity. To a day full of wonder! 💛🌞


We like when its rain 🌧 ♥️ 😌

Dogs , more dogs....

Dogs , more dogs....


Stay and wait under heavy distraction. 12 week female Husky.... and her Shiba buddie 😍🐾😄🐕

A new member of our K9 Unit.

A new member of our K9 Unit.


SebThai 🇹🇭


Ok, i give up!


Search & Retrieve, useful and intelligent entertainment for your dog!

just Molly

just Molly


Chiang Mai





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