Holistic alternative Vet treatments

Holistic alternative Vet treatments alternative methods of treatment for animal illnesses


for wasting muscles...

good to know!

good to know!

Today’s The Forever Dog Longevity Tip 🐶
Add some apiaceous vegetables (e.g., carrots, cilantro, parsnips, fennel, celery, parsley) to your dog’s dry or canned food! 🥕

These gems contain polyacetylenes, an unusual class of organic compounds that has antibacterial AND antifungal benefits. They play a key role in detoxifying several cancer-causing substances, specifically MYCOTOXINS. Mycotoxins are tasteless, odorless fungal toxins found in pet food ingredients that cause organ damage and immune problems.

Eliminating mycotoxins from your dog’s body can be really difficult but serving up apiaceous veggies is a great way to enhance the metabolism of these toxic compounds!

Raw or cooked, carrots and parsnip slices make great training treats, while cilantro, parsley, and fennel can be minced and mixed in with your dog’s food.

This easy food hack is one of many simple strategies Rodney Habib and I include in The Forever Dog book to keep your dog healthy. Available now at https://foreverdog.com/dog-longevity-health-and.../


Intake protocols..
Tina MariaFirst thing I do is CBC blood profile. That's why I watch at least five days for symptoms before vaccinating. Lethargy, poos bad, dark urine.
Blood parasites cause kidney problems, doxy, liver
You most likely won't miss parvo etc from swab.
snap test 370baht.


Tina Maria Maria blood parasites...One month, unless super long term or had many times
The worst never leave the body. They hibernate in bone marrow
Can re emerge any time, due to Stress, sickness
200 baht for 100 tabs here, 1 tab per 10kg, twice a day
And if positive before flight, say 6 weeks, keep on doxy, still do snap before flying, but it's supportive.
If old dog, have to monitor liver. dont give iron supplements or liver with doxy.
blood parasites...The most predominant is ehrlichia in Phuket
Second, anaplasmosis, noticeable from platelet count
Next is hepatozoon, causing weakness in limbs related to Lyle's, which we don't have.
Babesia is difficult to find, Won't show on snap test. need to be taken from tiniest veins, like the ear, test under microscope.
But if early in infection, you could miss ir
So, best treatment is imizol plus doxy.


Tina Maria never give breastfeeding mothers liver, it stops the milk, but fenugreek seeds restarts, boosts it

good article on vegan diets for dogs, oats and peas make complete proteins, so does rice and beanshttps://www.petcurean....

good article on vegan diets for dogs, oats and peas make complete proteins, so does rice and beans

Vegan diets for dogs can be a great option, not only for them but for their humans and the environment. People choose to follow a vegan diet for a variety of reasons, including ethical, environmental and health benefits.


Distemper: I give around 1,000mg per kg body weight of vitamin c in 2-3 hourly doses, depending how sick they are, along with olive leaf extract, zinc, multivitamin, an anti-emetic if necessary, yah kaew, or any antiviral with fever reducing qualities or tolfedine injections.
If she needs to grind and syringe feed, add coconut oil, honey or nutrigel and enough water to make it easy to syringe

Charcoal tablets actually absorb viruses oo

this is from tina at bodhi, she is treating one of her puppies now with distemper

she also gives doxycylin


This is treatmens for humans, i ve posted this so i can research the effects some of these may have on animals
The mind is one vital organ that needs its vittles.
Without sufficient amounts of protein, carbohydrates, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.Eating fish is an important source of omega-3 fatty acids.
These essential nutrients keep our heart and brain healthy.
Two omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
Our bodies don't produce omega-3 fatty acids so we must get them through the food we eat. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in every kind of fish, but are esp
ecially high in fatty fish.
Some good choices are salmon, trout, sardines, herring, canned mackerel, canned light tuna, and oysters.Acetyl-l-carnitine is also found in the brain.
It protects your brain cells and increases blood flow in the brain. One of its important functions is to synthesize the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, which helps with memory by increasing activity of the mitochondria in brain cells.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids:Anchovies, in water 1 ounce 37 5.8 0 1.4
Halibut 3 ounces 93 17.7 0 2.0
Mackerel 3 ounces 180 15.8 0 11.8
Salmon 3 ounces 121 16.9 0 5.4
Sardines, in water 1 can 130 22.0 0 5.0
Tuna, tongolbeets and beetroots specifically were used in traditional medicine to cure different disorders.
Beets and Drinking Beetroot Juice: Improve Blood Flow Beets are considered to be high nitrate food.
Those nitrates turn into nitrites with the help of mouth bacteria and those increase the blood flow to the brain.
Reduce Blood Pressure High amount of nitrates in beets help to decrease blood pressure. Researches have shown that drinking two glasses of beet juice on daily basis can significantly reduce your blood pressure.
antioxidants, zinc, lutein and zeaxanthinKale, collard greens, spinach, and broccoli are good sources of vitamin E and folate.
A nationally funded study of vitamin E showed that it protects nerve cells from damage, possibly from its antioxidant effects.
foods rich in vitamin E—including avocado, which is also high in the antioxidant powerhouse vitamin C—are associated with a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s.
Seeds, including sunflower seeds, are also good sources of Other good choices are almonds and hazelnuts.blueberries, strawberries, and acai berries vitamin C Vitamin C supplements can improve IQ, memory and other mental functions.
the brain is particularly susceptible to free radical damage because of its high oxygen usage.Vitamin C is one of the most potent antioxidant vitamins, neutralizing this damage.Its antioxidant power is further enhanced when taken along with vitamin E.
Vitamin C plus E is a promising combination of vitamins for memory loss.
When taken together, they’ve been linked to keeping a good memory, slowing memory loss, and even lowering the risk of getting Alzheimer’s and dementia by roughly 60% The best vitamin E supplements contain the “d” form such as d-alpha tocopherol, not the “dl” forms which are synthetic.Vitamin vitamin D improve memory, and increase problem-solving ability.
Vitamin K plays essential roles in blood clotting.
Vitamin K helps keep your brain sharp as you age and boosts the speed of brain functions.
Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, parsley, celery, asparagus, fermented foods like sauerkraut.
There are two main forms of vitamin A found in food, retinol and carotenes.
Beta-carotene is one well known carotene One of the most important functions of vitamin A is vision yet it's amazing for the brain.
Sweet potatoes, carrots, green leafy vegetables, winter squash, cantaloupe.
Maca is also effective in helping the body increase strength and preserve energy stores, it can help in cases of memory loss or poor concentration ability caused by lack of energy.
dragon’s bloodginseng can be particularly effective in recovering memory in stroke patients that suffer from dementia.
Ginseng is an adaptogen that helps improve brain function by increasing the release of hormones. Ginseng has been used to treat those with learning disabilities.bacopa is said to enhance memory, concentration and learning.
Bacopa is an herb used in Ayurvedic medicine to improve brain function since the 6th century.
Huperia serrata has been used in Chinese medicine to aid brain function.- Jasmine, Rose or NeroliLemon, Grapefruit, Thyme, Black Pepper, and CorianderSeveral compounds of the plant are thought to provide the functions of both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to the brain.Basil
Santalum paniculatum(Royal Hawaiian sandal wood) wood oil,Cedrus atlantica(Cedarwood)bark oil,Boswellia carterii(Frankincense) oil,Melissa officinalisleaf oil,Callitris intratropica(Blue cypress) wood oil,Lavandula angustifolia(Lavender) oil,
Helichrysum italicum is a powerhouse!
flower oil.
Lavender is thought to be calming and able to balance strong emotions.
It has also been used to help with depression, anger and irritability, and can help in some cases of insomnia. Lavender can be directly inhaled, used a massage oil or sprayed on linens.
Peppermint is an energizer and can be used to stimulate the mind and calm nerves at the same time.
Best used in the morning, peppermint oil can be inhaled directly, diffused in a room, used as a massage oil, sprayed in the air or even placed in a bath.
Rosemary Similar to peppermint, Rosemary is an uplifting oil used to stimulate the mind and body.
It may even improve cognitive performance and mood.
Rosemary has also been known to ease constipation, symptoms of depression and also reinvigorate the appetite.
Rosemary oil can be directly inhaled, diffused through a room or used as a spray.
Bergamot can be used to relive anxiety, agitation, mild depression and stress.
This mood elevating and calming oil can also be used to relieve insomnia.
To use bergamot oil, place a few drops in a bath, use as a massage oil, diffuse through a room or use a spray on clothing or linens.
Lemon Balm While lemon oil may be among the more expensive oils, it is also one of the most studied and more effective oils.
It has been shown to help calm and relax people who are dealing with anxiety and insomnia, improve memory and ease indigestion.
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Robin Lyn Doc
Lemon oil can be dropped into a bath, inhaled directly, diffused, sprayed or applied directly to the skin as a massage oil.
Ylang Ylang
Ylang Ylang oil can help ease depression while also promoting good sleep.
This is a great oil not only for a person living with Alzheimer’s, but also for caregivers struggling with restlessness and lack of sleep.
Ylang Ylang is often combined with lemon oil and can be placed in a bath, inhaled, diffused or sprayed.
Ginger oil is helpful for anyone struggling with digestion issues.
Commonly used to treat a loss of appetite and constipation, ginger can help promote good eating habits.
Ginger oil can be applied directly to the skin as an abdominal massage, inhaled, diffused, sprayed or placed on a compress.
Cannabis is a naturally growing herb that has been used for thousands of years to treat health conditions. Powerhouse!
Numerous diseases — such as anorexia, emesis, pain, inflammation, neurodegenerative disorders, epilepsy, glaucoma, schizophrenia, cardiovascular disorders, cancer, obesity and metabolic syndrome-related disorders — are being treated or have the potential to be treated by cannabis oils and other cannabinoid compounds.
Although studies are limited due to strict government guidelines, a growing number of pediatric patients are also seeking symptom relief with cannabis or cannabinoid treatment.
This is not medical advice always talk with your doctor. the list goes on...
I'll finish the rest later I have over 100 more subjects and ton's of information to add to this.
1. Detox its crucial !!!
Check for low serotonin level. Serotonin is a natural chemical produced by your brain!
Pyroluria is linked to drug addictions!
Also fatigue, anxiety, etc.
Cause by a stressful event, toxicity, etc.
If your mother was deficient, etc.
Pandora could be described as abnormal synthesis
And metabolism of oxygen carrying molecule in The blood called h
Hemoglobin pyroluria inhibits zinc and Vitamin B6 As well as other nutrients
Rendering this Invisible to your body.
Cortisol is related to the adrenal gland.
Cortisol is a hormone that aids stress response and has many other important factors.
Which creates adrenal exhaustion due to Adrenal toxicity and eficiencies.
Pyroluria is linked to yet not limited to
Depression, anxiety, Mood swings,
Addiction behaviors.
There are several waste products that are produced when the body makes hemoglobin for the red blood cells. These waste products are called kryptopyrroles which are technically called hydroxyhemoppyrrolin-2-one (HPL) which are typically excreted by our body. Individuals with pyroluria are unable to clear the HPL effectively and they build up in the system
The HPL binds strongly to zinc, biotin and vitamin B6 which are critical nutrients for cellular metabolism. Over a period of time, the body becomes very deficient in these critical nutrients and symptoms arise. These people will often go years suffering the effects of this disorder despite a clean diet, supplementation and holistic therapies.
Nutrition & Supplementation:
Pyrolurics have a greater need for omega-6 fatty acids than most in our society.
They need both arachidonic acid (AA) and Gamma linolenic acid (GLA). A diet rich in pastured eggs, pasture fed butter, grass fed beef and wild game and organ meats supplies the body with significant amounts of essential fats. These foods are also rich in zinc.
GLA is found in borage oil, evening primrose oil, black current seed oil and h**p oil.
This is typically supplemented with one of these sources as it is hard to get enough in our diet.
These individuals need to supplement with zinc and co enzymated form of vitamin B6 called P5P.
These people normally have addiction problems alcohol, drug.
They also may have mood swings, Bipolar, etc. Just some of my notes.
Everyone should be tested for this.
Richest in polyphenols, cloves came out on top! Cloves had a total of 15,188 mg polyphenols per 100 g of cloves. There were a number of other seasonings with high rankings, too. These included dried peppermint, which ranked second with 11,960 mg polyphenols, and star anise, which came in third with 5,460 mg.
highbush blueberries, with 560 mg polyphenols
blackberries, with 260 mg polyphenols
strawberries, with 235 mg polyphenols
red raspberries, with 215 mg polyphenols
The berry with the most polyphenols? Black chokeberry.
The B vitamin(s) they can improve your mood and increase your tolerance to stress.
Without adequate GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), you may find yourself easily stressed, overstimulated and overwhelmed.
Check -Dopamine! helps you get focused.
vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid together reduced brain atrophy, improved brain function, and dramatically reduced brain shrinkage in the part of the brain most affected in Alzheimer’s.
Vitamin B12 helps repair nerve fibers in the brain.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
Helichrysum italicum Oil !
Cannabis Oil!
Coconut Oil! Etc... Depression is very serious yet I believe this will help.


Dogs get blood parasites from ticks. These then lower the red blood cell count. The RBC carry oxygen to the organs & if untreated will lead to organ damage & death. If your dogs gums are bubble gum pink & pass the 2 second finger press test then you can be confident it’s OK. If not (light pink to white gums) then it could have blood parasites. Doxycycline at a dosage of as near as possible of 100 mg per 10 Kg of dog twice a day (It’s active for about 12 hours) for 30 days should kill all the blood parasites but in bad cases the dog will need a blood transfusion. A Vet will charge you about 10 THB per 100 mg tablet but you can buy them from any Pharmacy for about 3 THB. Dogs get Heartworm from mosquito bites & there are different stages. A Vet can do a blood on stick test to check for parasites & Heartworm. I have dogs who had both blood parasites & Heartworm & after the doxycycline on the dose given above then showed clear of both on the blood in stick test. You need to give the dog the monthly protection such as the drops behind the neck that protect against blood parasites & heart worm & there are plenty of brands but don’t use frontline as I found it is not very effective or Endex as this is unlicensed & I had vets tell me they had lots of dogs die from being given this stuff. Normally with liver failure. I find Bravecto chews work great & last 3 months but they don’t protect against Heartworm. I give my dogs Ivermetcin at a dosage of 1% strength & 0.1 ml per 5 Kg. You need to know that some dogs are not tolerant of this especially collies & all types of sheep dogs & C breeds if these. You should also never give to a dog unless you are sure it is clear of Heartworm, otherwise it will kill all the heart worms at once. These then break down & get in the lungs & can kill the dog. First time I give it to a dog I give half the dose & watch the dog for 2 hours & if all OK I give the other half & of course I have some activated charcoal near just in case but so far no problems.


This page has been setup to share alternative methods for dog/cat rehabilitation. Please post any non traditional treatments you have used to treat your animals


DISTEMPER... DISTEMPER "fahtalayjon" capsules gabapentin 250 evening, 500mg vitamin C, FBC and omega 3 ea. (fish oil), feed her 3x a day, makr sure she drinks at least 500ml of water preferibly some with spoon of honey.





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