Happy Winter Solstice. ❄️❄️
I'm delighted that today - the shortest day it has poured with rain because for the past few days the weather has been perfect but not at all wintery and Chrismassey. Sometimes you need to see grey skies and big fat raindrops. Clarence definitely loved the show x
On the first day of Advent Minx is very happy to lend a helping paw to the trimming up.. ❤️❤️🎄
On International Cat day I have such gratitude for the beautiful cats in my life, for all those who have gone over the rainbow bridge and deep respect for every organisation and individual that shows kindness and cares for these little souls in sanctuaries and on the streets.
Sadly my darling fifteen old Minx is not doing so good these last days. She struggles with constipation and lately it's caused her considerable pain but now there is a problem these last few days with her back legs also.
She's been to the vets and I'm monitoring how she is.
For anyone who would say 'It's just a cat'.. You will just never know the joy and love that a cat can bring to your life.
This little one has had my back for nearly three years, she has gave me love and laughs and so much comfort during some very dark times.
I love her as my child that she is.
Please send love and healing vibes her way.
#internationalcatday ❤️💔
That will teach me to leave my perfect spot..
He's wild and ready to break free.
When Clarence and Minx decide to play 'hotels'.
I don't know where I would be without my babies right now.
Have a great weekend - explore, rest, repeat.
Just like a cat!
#catlife #catmum
All is well for now.. Until Clarence the tiger decides he wants to play or fight.
It's unusual for Clarence to do this. He normally was in his dads (daddy Paul's room). He must be missing him. 💔
I love them all so much.
They definitely help me through dark times x
And so once the tree was decorated Clarence shot straight up it.
Luckily no baubles got broken but the tree did take a hit!
When you haven't even decorated the tree but already the fun and games begins.
It's Clarence's second Christmas and he is so ready to wreck havoc this year.