Aquatic Plants FINALLY Back In Stock
●Argentine Swords
●Jungle Grass
●Tea Leaf
●Radican Swords
●Spiral Val
●Amazon Swords
||Delivering on Saturday at no additional cost||
Call or WhatsApp for more info 483-2229 or use the link
Restocking on ALL plants
●Rotala Indica
Rotala Rotundifolia
●Jungle Grass
●Spiral Val
●Purple Crypts
●Tea Leaf
●Amazon Swords
●Radican Swords
●Tiger lillies
●Giant Val
●Tomato Leaf
●Baby Tears
All plants would be available for purchase from the 25th of January
Aquatic Plants Back In Stock 🪴
●Jungle Grass
●Sprial Vall
●Amazon Swords
●Argentine Swords
●Hygrophila Corymbosa
●Narrow Leaf Hygrophila
●Ludwigia Repens Mesakana
●Tiger Lotus
●Rotala Rotundifolia
●Rotala Indica
●Tomato Leaf
●Purple Crypts
●Java Ferns
●Giant Vall
●Radican Swords
Call or WhatsApp for more info 483-2229 or use the link
🚚Delivering this Saturday (JULY 13th)
Aquatic Plants FINALLY Back In Stock
●Jungle Grass
●Purple Crypts
●Amazon Swords
●Argentine Swords
●Baby Tears
●Rotala Indica
●Rotala Rotundifolia
●Tomato Leaf
●Tiger Lotus
●Spiral Val
●Java Fern
●Narrow Leaf Hygrophila
●Hygrophila Corymbosa
●Ludwigia Repens Mesakana
Call or WhatsApp for more info 483-2229 or use the link
Deliveries will be done on SATURDAY
From Aranguez to Arima