醫院有在治療肺炎嗎?(pneumonia treatment plan)
1. 肺炎是吸入性、過敏性還是感染性?
2. 精神食慾排便尿狀況?有沒有嘔吐腹瀉?
3. 病患有沒有脫水、發燒、心臟病/肺水腫?
4. 有沒有咳嗽、打噴嚏、張口呼吸、腹式呼吸?
5. 有沒有鼻塞、鼻涕、血氧量下降?
6. 頸部淋巴結有沒有腫、咽喉口腔有沒有潰瘍、叫聲有沒有沙啞?
7. HR、RR、PR、BP、BT、spO2、CRT、BCS正常不正常?
Veterinarians use radiographs, or X-rays of the chest to diagnose pneumonia, and a specialized 3-view X-ray to help determine its severity. Fluid and inflammation look much different from air on X-rays, with gray, patchy or a hazy pattern. Pneumonia can affect one lung lobe or multiple lobes.
In cases of pneumonia, three different projections are recommended to visualize all parts of the lung field. The most common radiographic sign is an alveolar pattern affecting an entire lobe or just its tips ventrally. The most often affected areas are the cranioventral parts of the lung and the right middle lobe.
An alveolar pattern is defined by the existence of more or less broad portions of the lung more opaque than normal due to partial or complete alveolar filling.
Aspiration pneumonia in dogs & cats most often affected areas are the cranioventral parts of the lung and the right middle lobe. An asymmetric distribution is also possible.
Diagnostic ultrasonographic findings in feline and canine respiratory patients is comet-tail artifacts (87.7% of cases), consolidation (84.6%), and thickened/irregular pleura (69.2%) in lung parenchymal and pleural space diseases.
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