『捍衛運動權 狗狗天天去公園玩*』:滿足狗狗親近自然、外出探索和盡情嗅聞慾望
* 以天候允許為前提
* 以狗狗不影響其他狗狗安全為前提
* 專業褓母選擇性隔離休息,例如 休息和吃飯
『動保處評鑑最高榮譽,【特優】級』:合法營業《森林館》特寵業字第 V1090282-00 號和《游泳館》 V1100291-00 號,兩間分館皆榮獲動保處最高榮譽【特優】肯定
Nordic Pet Hotel is all about…
- Pets are treated like Nordic kids: Every pet is respected as a distinctive kid with his/her own way of doing things. We offer as more freedom as possible under the premise that they are safe and respect each other.
- 24H Pet Sitters’ Supervision; trusted vets are on call: We will arrange daily schedule according to each pet’s physical and mental situation to provide him/her the most suitable life.
- Strict Epidemic Control and Hygienic Management: vaccine records or vet certificates are MANDATORY before checking-in. All pets are sanitary checked-up before checking-in.
- We promote Dog “Exercise Right”. Dog Walkies at Da-An Forest Park Every Day: Dogs could sniff around, nose work, and get close to their favorite nature.
- Indoor heated dog pool: The pool water is filtered by diatomaceous earth, and disinfected by Ozone. 100% chemical free! Dogs swim under the supervision of certificated pet sitter during the full session. Free life vests are provided.
- Cage-free dog boarding and daycare: A very good socialization environment. Large, medium and small breed dogs are partitioned.
- Certificated Pet Sitters
- Nordic Pet Treats Offered
- Newly-Remodeling Eco-friendly Facility
- The Facility is right next to a nice community park
- Licensed Pet Hotel No. V1100291-00 by Taipei City Animal Protection Office
- Both branch hotels are rated as “EXTREME EXCELLENCE” by Taipei City Animal Protection Office