Biewer Yorkshire Terrier Kennel Melody Rain FCI

Biewer Yorkshire Terrier Kennel Melody Rain FCI We are breeding high quality - Biewer's

Biewer Terrier - Maximum pleasure in a miniature treasure

TOP 5 - How to choose a comfortable bed for your Biewer "A La Pom Pom"?1. SIZE. First of all, the bed should correspond ...

TOP 5 - How to choose a comfortable bed for your Biewer "A La Pom Pom"?

1. SIZE. First of all, the bed should correspond to the size of your pet.
In order to choose everything correctly, you need to know the approximate height and length of your pet. Usually, 45 cm by 60 cm sunbeds are ideal for Beavers of any size. Exceptions are dogs whose weight exceeds 3.5 kg and the height at the withers is more than 27 cm. They need significantly larger beds.

2. MATERIALS. The material from which the bed for the Biwers is sewn should be, first of all, as natural as possible, not cause, when used, rattling and accumulation of static electricity on your pet's fur. Now there are many offers and many types of beds for pets on the market.
For the summer, you should not choose a fur material for a sunbed, your Beaver will be hot in it and he will not use it. Fur and fluffy beds are more suitable for autumn-winter-spring periods.
You can take advantage of the experience of your acquaintances or your breeder, who will advise you where and which recliner is better to choose, so that you do not make a mistake in your choice and use the purchased product for a long time and with pleasure.

3. COLOR. The colors for the couch can be any. And it doesn't matter whether you live with a girl or a boy Beaver. Everything is chosen according to the personal wishes of the owners.

Mandatory and must be carried out with a certain periodicity. The composition of disinfectants should be maximally non-allergenic. I advise you to choose detergents and disinfectants that are used for babies. It is their composition that will not cause unwanted allergic reactions in your pet.

Always choose a place protected from drafts. It can be a place in the corner of the room, or under the wall, where there is no constant movement of apartment residents. This will allow your pet to fully rest in his crib, exactly when he needs it.

🤗 And finally, my Lifehack. Buy a cooling mat. So your pet will feel comfortable in

Is a country vacation with Biewer Yorkshire Terrier really possible?Of course, owners can enjoy a vacation with their pe...

Is a country vacation with Biewer Yorkshire Terrier really possible?

Of course, owners can enjoy a vacation with their pet not only in their own home, but also in interesting vacation spots outside the city.

Here is a list of how to prepare and what to take on vacation so that it is peaceful and without unwanted consequences.

1. Treatment of your pet from ecto-parasites (ixodid ticks and other insects) should be done in advance so that the drugs start working a few days before rest;
2. Take with you clothes that may be needed when the weather changes, when it becomes cool;
3. Prepare the necessary amount of feed, which will be enough for the entire rest period;
4. Make sure that there is fresh water on vacation, which your furry friend usually drinks;
5. Do not forget about your little one's favorite goodies;
6. Prepare ammunition that you usually use for walks (leash, collar or harness).
7. Let's not forget about the toys that your friend likes to play with.
8. A soft bed, it can be a home bed, or a box with a soft tab, where your pet will sleep comfortably.

And, of course, it is worth taking with you, a good mood for the entire time of rest

You can fall in love and look at Beavers non-stop🥰🥰🥰Have a nice, calm, peaceful Sunday everyone🤗                        ...

You can fall in love and look at Beavers non-stop🥰🥰🥰

Have a nice, calm, peaceful Sunday everyone🤗

Did you know that beavers can fly?))))And how they know how!!!)They are like that, you can expect anything from them)Hav...

Did you know that beavers can fly?))))
And how they know how!!!)
They are like that, you can expect anything from them)

Have a nice Saturday everyone🤗

What do our dogs eat?Our dogs have a mixed diet. This type of nutrition is organized so that the owners, for their conve...

What do our dogs eat?

Our dogs have a mixed diet. This type of nutrition is organized so that the owners, for their convenience, can either stay on this type of nutrition or switch to feeding with natural food or a full-fledged balanced ready-made diet. A gradual transition, which is usually recommended by veterinarians, is not necessary.
Because the gastrointestinal tract of our dogs is adapted to digest both natural food and dry, balanced ready-made rations.

I am often asked whether a grown-up dog will get used to a new name?When naming puppies from my breeders, I choose the s...

I am often asked whether a grown-up dog will get used to a new name?

When naming puppies from my breeders, I choose the sweetest names for them. These are the names we call the babies in our house.

But quite often it happens that the new owners want to name their pet something else, and this does not create any difficulties.

The dog will quickly get used to the new name. The main thing is to use certain simple rules, which I will tell you, to get used to the new name of your furry friend.

I assure you that your new friend will start responding to the name you choose for him without any difficulties in a few days.

DID YOU KNOW WHAT BONUSES YOU CAN GET FROM PURCHASING ADULT DOGS?Usually, most people choose small puppies around the ag...


Usually, most people choose small puppies around the age of two or three months. They believe that such a puppy will get used to them better and it will be easier to raise it according to their needs and wishes.
However, at a young age, it is not yet known how the dog will grow up and whether it will meet the wishes of the owners. And then as such grows up, they live with it.

Also for your attention TOP 5 advantages of grown-up dogs:

1. All risks of the appearance of any genetic abnormalities in an adult dog are nullified, because the manifestations of such diseases can usually be seen at a younger age of the puppy;

2. Guaranteed adult weight, which almost does not change after a year;

3. Guaranteed adult color of the dog. The color of the fur changes up to 1-1.5 years. Therefore, if the owner wants a dog with a certain color, then in childhood he can only hope for his luck, because the genetic age-related color change does not obey any predictions. And it does not mean at all that the dog will be like his parents, or like the breeder promises to the new owners.

4. Adult dogs already have a full set of vaccinations, so you can already walk with them outside and not wait for the necessary quarantines after vaccinations.

5. You can travel to other countries immediately with grown-up dogs. According to the rules of most countries, the entry of puppies is allowed only after 7 months of age, with the appropriate documents.

I am often asked, what is more convenient to use for a dog at home as a toilet, a diaper or a tray?I will answer from my...

I am often asked, what is more convenient to use for a dog at home as a toilet, a diaper or a tray?

I will answer from my own experience, I use both.

Our adult pets, when the weather is very wet outside, go about their business in a reusable diaper.

Babies, from birth, are in spacious enclosures with their mother, where a reusable diaper is also covered and a plastic tray is placed. There, they learn about order from a young age.
Do I use disposable sanitary napkins - NO. I haven't used them for a long time, because when I don't have the opportunity to monitor the children's games, they can "play", tear the disposable diaper and eat the filler, which is quite dangerous for furry pets of any age.
Scroll through the carousel, there I show which trays we use for babies🤗

Яка ж вага у дорослому віці має бути у БІвер Йоркширського Тер'єра!Досить часте запитання від наших читачів.Відповім всі...

Яка ж вага у дорослому віці має бути у БІвер Йоркширського Тер'єра!

Досить часте запитання від наших читачів.

Відповім всім разом, опираючись на стандарт породи і на мій власний професійний досвід.

У Бівера, доросла вага, по стандарту, має бути від 1,6 до 3,175 кг.

Звичайно є улюбленці цієї породи і з меншою вагою, і це не означає, що вони "браковані інваліди", як дехто полюбляє розказувати, це не професійно і неетично, перш за все. Це абсолютна нісенітниця, скажу я Вам🤗

Є песики Бівера з більшою вагою, ніж вказана у стандарті. Це означає, що ці песики народжені від неправильно підібраних пар. Непрофесійні люди, які просто хочуть отримати щось подібне чистопородному песику, не замислюються як буде виглядати песик у майбутньому, вони просто в'яжуть своїх улюбенців задля отримання цуценят.

Передбачити всі нюанси, які можуть виникнути у майбутнього потомства, може тільки професійний заводчик, який тестує своїх плідників, вміє читати лінії своїх собак, вміє підбирати пари так, щоб майбутнє потомство мало міцне здоров'я, відповідних породі зовнішній вигляд і фенотип.

Але звісно, кожен обирає собі любленця за cвоїми певними критеріями.

Одні звертаються у розплідники за рекомендацією своїх друзів, у яких вже є Бівер.
Інші обирають цуценя на безкоштовних дошках оголошень.

Але ж є і відповідальні люди, які досить тривалий час вивчають інформацію про заводчиків, їх плідників, спостерігають за малечею, яка народжується і яка вона виростає потім, і тільки тоді роблять свій вибір.

Вибір є завжди, скажу я Вам, головне, щоб він був відповідальним і зваженим🤗
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Meet our handsome Muffin.Officially, his name is Muffin Delicious Melody RainMuffin was born and raised in our professio...

Meet our handsome Muffin.
Officially, his name is Muffin Delicious Melody Rain

Muffin was born and raised in our professional home kennel, Melody Rain.

Muffin is an extremely gentle, loving and faithful dog.
A sweet dog, in one word.

His adult weight is already known, he will grow no more than 2.5 kg.

Muffin can become your most loyal favorite, just write to us in Direct, and I will answer all your questions

What toys are suitable for Biewers?Any, but the main thing is that they do not have milky plastic pieces, which, after g...

What toys are suitable for Biewers?

Any, but the main thing is that they do not have milky plastic pieces, which, after getting under the sharp teeth of the fluffy, must get into his stomach without hindrance.

There are no advantages in the materials from which the toys are made. It can be strong silicone, elastic rubber, a piece of fabric, and anything else, the main thing is that this material should hold the sharp teeth of your pet.

Choose the toys correctly, rely on the experience of the breeder of your furry friend and your pet will love to play with them for a long time🤗
Our professional scout kennel has several free puppies, details can be found in Direct ✍

They are like that, little dogs Biewers, after Spa procedures #бивер  #биверйорк  #биверйоркширскийтерьер    #биверы  #б...

They are like that, little dogs Biewers, after Spa procedures

#бивер #биверйорк #биверйоркширскийтерьер #биверы #биверйорки #биверщенки #бивертерьер #прособак #питомник #щенкиукраина #питомниксобак #заводчик #мій4лапий #собакикиев #цуценя
#собакиукраины #щенкикиев #питомникукраина #собакаукраина #цуценятаукраїна

Saturday is a day off?!?!))) It's a day off for ordinary people👻 But the breeder is an unusual and extraordinary person,...

Saturday is a day off?!?!)))

It's a day off for ordinary people👻

But the breeder is an unusual and extraordinary person, he does not have the usual for all weekends 🫣

The breeder of purebred dogs works 24/7/365)

And don't think that I'm sorry, I chose my hobby myself, turned it into a professional hobby and I'm glad that this happened in my life🫶💙💛

Also, no one canceled the schedule of beauty guidance👻

Bath days for all our pets are always on schedule🛀💆💇🤗

Today, our Salmira is having spa treatments.

Thank you to the owners of for trusting and choosing our girl, and now you trust the dearest girl to me🫶
#бивер #биверйорк #биверы #щенкикиев #бивертерьер #биверйоркширскийтерьер #биверйорки #биверщенки #мій4лапий #собакикиев #собакиукраины #щенкиукраина

Well... And our graduates join the flash mob on the occasion of Halloween. This is our beautiful Salmira - stylish and t...

Well... And our graduates join the flash mob on the occasion of Halloween.
This is our beautiful Salmira - stylish and the most beloved baby 🫶



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00


+380 98 208 5510


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