OCC WAR OCC WAR | Odessa Cat Crew⚕️War Animal Rescue. Animal Centric Humanitarian Crew w/ Clinic Aid Program

Odessa Cat Crew ⚕️ War Animal Rescue

Animal Centric Humanitarian Crew Advocating for Disaster Relief Missions in the frontlines of Russian war in Ukraine. Nonprofit War Zone Animal Rescue and Disaster Relief / Humanitarian Animal Rescue Initiative /
Crisis Animal Relief Network /
Disaster Response and Animal Aid



Huge thanks for saving BAKI:
Rescuers Tom Bates via K9 Rescue Ukraine & Irena Druzenko
with the help of Chrissy Joubert & Susan Whitford

Special thanks to the great rehab team at
Antheus Kennel Centre❤️‍🩹

Antheus Kennel Centre
PayPal: [email protected]
Reference: «MALINOIS»


Thank You

POC1: OCC/ Irena Druzenko


LUCY has been approved for a one-month temporary care stay at esteemed ANTHEUS KENNEL CENTRE, starting next Sunday.

This amazing facility focuses on rescuing, rehabilitating, and retraining ex-service and ex-working dogs with PTSD and anxiety issues.
Watch the post-attack video of the Rehab Centre here:

Who: LUCY by Military
DOG (pet) from military
Evac ride by Tom Bates⁩ via K9 Rescue Ukraine

What: 1 Companion Dog rescued by then injured US military who needs his Lucy home safely

When: Undisclosed
📍 Undisclosed
Evac Destination: Antheus Kennel Centre
📍Kyiv Oblast
Advocated for by: OOC WAR / Irena Druzenko
POC2: Tanja Siren / OCC WAR


LUCY by military


* Owner: Lucy belongs to Ben, a US soldier who was with the 67th Brigade. He has returned to the US to recuperate and is in the process of arranging Lucy’s permanent relocation.

* Current Location: Lucy is in the Lyman direction, in danger.

* Urgency: Due to the stress from the war environment and recent changes in her caretakers, there is a grave risk of Lucy being put down if she is not extracted ASAP.

* Immediate Need: Lucy needs to be relocated to a safe location, preferably in Kyiv, for temporary care while her travel documents are being processed. Ben is willing to cover all expenses for her care.

* Condition: Lucy is about 44 pounds (20 kg) but has lost weight. She is neutered, microchipped, and has had a rabies shot in Kharkiv. Her dog passport is locked in an apartment in Kharkiv, but arrangements are being made to retrieve it in two weeks. Lucy is stressed, passive, and good with other dogs. She needs a secure environment to calm down and feel safe. A veterinary check-up is required.

* Arrangements: There is a person available to transport Lucy from Lyman to Kramatorsk. We will then evacuate him to Kyiv.

Find her a temporary home in Kyiv is needed for Lucy until her papers are finalised for her move to the US.

Thank You

POC: OCC / Irena Druzenko
POC: OCC / Tanja Siren

MONEY MATTERS: «We spent 170,000 UAH / 4,100 USD on fuel in the last three weeks»12 Guards 🌹 12 Вартових reports:«OUR EX...

«We spent 170,000 UAH / 4,100 USD on fuel in the last three weeks»

12 Guards 🌹 12 Вартових reports:

In the past three weeks, we have broken all our own spending records. But now we report on what all of you—our friends and followers—have contributed to.

🌹TREATMENT (clinics)
Our weekly clinic bills were as follows: 72,460 UAH, 56,730 UAH, and 89,884 UAH, totaling 219,074 UAH for these three weeks. This covers the treatment of animals we brought from evacuations who needed special attention.

This includes a puppy from Kherson, an elderly dog from Kurakhove with multiple illnesses and urinary incontinence, the beautiful Molly from our friendly foster home who was abnormally thin despite an adequate diet, about 30 sterilizations and treatments for animals from shelters, two Alabayas from Donbas, and newcomers like Alice, who was near death in Toretsk but turned around, Almost Labric from Mirnograd with tumors, several cats, Alabay Cherry, and the wonderful black Chupacabra with dirofilariosis.

The rest were handled by our missions.

The last Toretsk mission was done with our team of doctors, saving us hundreds of thousands of UAH in medical costs since all animals needed intervention.

Why don’t we write a story for each animal with fundraising?

Hundreds of animals pass through us, making it impossible to create a story for each. While a few stories can be created, what about the others? We simply write “support our work,” and your donations go where they are most needed.

Regular small sterilizations in the shelters we work with are also included in the treatment costs. In the last three weeks, there were two away missions costing 23,000 UAH.

Let’s be honest, fuel costs are stressful. We transport animals across the country, sometimes even just one dog if a family is waiting.
We made about 20 trips—using our vehicles, hired cars, friends' buses, and local volunteers when our own were unavailable. Just transporting a family from Toretsk to Cherkasy with two buses cost around 35,000 UAH, including four people, 18 dogs, and 20 cats.

We spent 170,000 UAH / 4,100 USD on fuel in the last three weeks.

For one similar mission, we use at least 300 diapers. We buy vaccines (for our missions and partner shelters) and critical medicines before missions. Gloves and syringes are donated by friends from other humanitarian organizations.

Diapers are very rarely donated, so we purchase them from local stores like Aurora or ATB. If you have better contacts, we’d be grateful—especially for diapers!

We also spend money on our drugs for trapping—this alone cost 10,000 UAH in the last three weeks, not including sterilization missions. Medications for these three weeks total over 30,000 UAH.

During missions, we often need more information about the animals than they can provide. We use vet services in Donbas, with the cost up to 10,000 UAH this time.

Our biggest issue. Our vans are as old as shepherds, falling apart. After every evacuation flight, something leaks, squeaks, or howls. Not to mention the maintenance we need to do not every 10,000 km, but a few times a month because we hit that mark quickly. Ventilation in evacuation #2, urgent repairs—this month it all cost us (and you) 21,000 UAH.

We bought a donkey from alcoholics for 15,000 UAH (but negotiated down to 10,000 UAH). We paid 41,000 UAH for foster care for animals needing special attention or socialization courses. Various local services, from cleaning to providing sandwiches for the team or renting accommodation, cost about 10,000 UAH this time.

Our Kramatorsk community generously provided free meals and housing for part of the crew.

Adding regular purchases for trapping supplies (syringes, needles, and new loops), documents, and international transport, we could go on forever.

We save where we can—buying medicines from veterinary groups, vaccines and Simparica from the official manufacturer at lower prices in Ukraine.

But the totals are still staggering.
Maybe it’s a problem with our “crafty” approach to each animal, even if there are 100. We constantly think about how to unify and simplify this process, but for now, we continue as we do.

We are incredibly grateful for your substantial support of our rescue missions.

Thank you to our international friends, Tanja Siren for English-language support and donor relations, Chrissy Joubert and her team for systematic donations, and everyone who supports and trusts us—it means so much.

We are still a small veterinary rescue team, continually learning and improving our protocols, as they are vital to us.

For parcels, donations, transfers, and kind words.

By the way, our “almost dead” dog Alice from Toretsk, who survived two weeks on a chain without food or water, sends her greetings from the clinic where she is undergoing a full examination. She’s doing well, trusts everyone, and enjoys life.

We wish the same for all of us ❤»

— 12 Guards 🌹 12 Вартових


12 GUARDS EVAC MISSIONS by 12 Вартових
What: Frontline Evacuation & Fully Licensed Vet Team
When: Ongoing, continuous

Fuel alone for the last 3 weeks costed 4100 USD.

Donate for fuel & animals’ needs: treatments + foster/shelter + transport + new family
Thank You

PayPal: [email protected]
Reference: “12 Guards Evacs”

Apple Pay:
The healing jar


12 Guards, an independent, registered, female-led local team sets the standard for frontline rescue operations.
With full support from the frontline to the forever home, they remain the guardians of every rescued animal—on repeat, and it ain’t cheap.

12 Guards / 12 Вартових / 12 Vartovykh details:



За останні три тижні ми побили всі власні рекорди по витратам.
Але зараз звітуємо про те, в чому брали участь всі ви - наші друзі та підписники.

👉 ЛІКУВАННЯ (клініки)

Наші щотижневі рахунки з клініки були наступними: 72460, 56730, 89884 грн, всього на суму 219 074 грн за ці три тижня.
Це за лікування тих тварин, яких ми привезли з евакуацій - тих, що потребували особливої уваги.

Цуценя з Херсону, Старенький пес з Курахового, в якого знайшлися з десяток хвороб і нетримання сечі, прекрасна Моллі з нашої дружньої перетримки, що була аномально худа при адекватному режимі харчування, близько 30 стерилізацій та лікувань тварин з перетримок та притулків, два алабая з Донбасу і новенькі-свіженькі: Аліса, що помирала в Торецьку, але передумала, Майже Лабрік з Мирнограда з пухлинами, декілька котів, алабай Черрі і чудова чорна Чупакабра з дірофілярним диханням.

Решту ми витягли на місіїї самостійно.
Останню торецьку місію ми робили разом з лікарями нашої команди, це зберегло нам декілька сотень тисяч гривень, тому що всі тварини потребували медичного втручання.

Чому ми не пишемо про кожну тварину історію зі збором?

Через нас проходять сотні тварин, неможливо скласти історію про кожну.
І, якщо з десяток історій ще можна створити, то що робити іншим тваринам?
Ми просто пишемо - "підтримати нашу роботу", і ваші донати йдуть туди, де вони найбільше потрібні.

Ще в перелік витрат на лікування входить регулярна невелика стерилізація в притулках, з якими ми співпрацюємо.
За останні три тижні це було дві виїзних місіїї на суму 23 000 грн.


Будемо відверті, витрати по паливу - це стрес.
Ми розвозимо тварин країною, інколи - навіть пособачно, одну собаку, якщо для неї є родина.

Ми зробили близько 20 рейсів - на своїх машинах та найнятих, бусах друзів та місцевих волонтерів, коли не вистачало своїх.

Тільки перевезення родини з Торецьку у Черкаси двома бусами забрало близько 35 тисяч гривень, з урахуванням змісту родини: 4 людини, 18 собак та 20 котів.

На паливо за останні три тижні ми витратили 170 тисяч гривень.

👉 Медикаменти, вакцини, розходники.

За одну подібну місію у нас уходить не менше 300 пелюшок.
Ми закуповуємо вакцини (і для своїх місій, і партнерським притулкам) і критично важливу медицину перед місіями.
А от наприклад на рукавички або шприци ми не витрачаємо - це нам доставляють друзі з інших гуманітарних фондів.

Пелюшки в гуманітарці зустрічаються дуже рідко, їх ми просто купуємо в Аврорі або АТБ. Якщо у вас є ліпші контакти - будемо вдячні.
А особливо за пелюшки:)))

Далі ми витрачаємо кошти на наші препарати для відлову - тільки це за останній три тижні потягнуло на 10 тис грн. без урахування місій стерилізаціїї.

Медикаменти трьох тижнів - понад 30 тис грн.

👉 Обстеження та послуги лікарів на Донбасі.

Коли ми в місіях, нам часто потрібно знати про тварину більше, чим вона розкаже сама. Ми користуємося послугами вет лікарень Донбасу - на цей раз сума прийнятна - до 10 тис грн.


Наша найбільша біль. Буси у нас старенькі, як вівчарки, що падають з лап. Після кожного евакуаційного рейсу щось тече, скрипить або виє. Вже не кажучі про ТО, яке ми вимушені робити не кожні 10 тис км, а пару раз на місяць, тому що 10 тис км закінчуються у нас доволі швидко.

Вентиляція в евак №2, ремонт вузлів, що потребують цього негайно - в цьому місяці все це потягнуло з нас (і вас) 21 тисячу гривень.

👉 Дрібне та неочікуване.

Викупити у алкоголиків нещасного віслюка - 15 тис грн (але сторгувались за 10)

Оплатити перетримки (у нас є тварини, які не можуть жити в притулку, бо потребують особливої уваги або перетримка у кінолога з курсом соціалізаціїї) - 41 000 грн

Оплатити за різні послуги місцевим мешканцям - від прибирання до бутербродів для команди або оренду житла - на цей раз було небагато, бо наша краматорська спільнота годувала нас безкоштовно (для нас) і для частини команди було безкоштовне житло.
По цьому пункту загалом близько 10 тис грн.

Якщо додати сюди регулярну покупку розходників для відлову (шприци, голки, нова петля замість старої зламаної), документи та перевезення тварин за кордон та інше - ми навряд чи завершимо цей допис:)

Ми економимо, де можемо. Препарати купуємо на ветеринарних гуртівнях, вакцини та симпарику - у офіційного представника виробника, по договору з БФ, тобто - за нижчою ціною в Україні.

Але суми все одно шалені.

Можливо, є проблема в нашому "крафтовому" підході до кожної тварини, навіть якщо їх 100 - ми постійно думаємо, як уніфікувати та спростити цей процес, але все одно - поки що робимо так, як робимо.

Ми дуже вдячні вам всім за вашу суттєву підтримку наших місій порятунку.

Дякуємо нашим іноземним друзям, Tanja Siren за інформаційну англомовну підтримку наших місій, за роботу з донорами. Дякуємо Chrissy Joubert та її команді за систематичні донати для нас.
Дякуємо всім, хто нас підтримує та довіряє, для нас це дуже цінно.

Поки що ми - маленька ветеринарно-рятувальна команда, тому ще вчимося, вдосконалюємося, працюємо постійно над нашими протоколами, бо вони для нас - як дорога життя.


За посилки, донати, переноски на пошті, за добре слово.

До речі, наша "майже мертва" собака Аліса з Торецьку, що два тижні провела на цепку без їжі та води і вижила - переказує вам вітання з клініки, куди поступила на повне обстеження всіх систем організму.

Вона в повному порядку, довіряє кожній людині, радіє життю.

Чого і нам з вами бажаємо ❤


Підтримати нашу роботу:

Всі наші реквізити: https://12vartovykh.com/rekvizyty/
🔹 ПриватБанк:
IBAN: UA593052990000026007046234148
🔹PayPal: [email protected]
🔹Monobank: 5375411207060182



Who: *BAKI*
French Citizen, 5 yo, male MALINOIS (pet) released to the custody of OCC WAR by military personnel
What: 1 Companion Dog in grave danger

Evac Transport by Tom Bates
via Fb: K9 Rescue Ukraine

Evac Destination: Antheus Kennel Centre
Mezhigir туya
📍 Kyiv Oblast

Fuel donated by Chrissy Joubert
via Fb: Ukraine Emergency Animal Relief Fund


* Boarding & Assessment

Friends, we now urgently fundraise for 3 months at Antheus Kennel Centre.
Advocated for by: OOC WAR / Irena Druzenko

This amazing facility focuses on rescuing, rehabilitating, and retraining ex-service and ex-working dogs with PTSD and anxiety issues.

Watch the post-attack video of the Rehab Centre here:


For the next three months, we need to cover the costs for:
* Trainer payments
* Food
Medical exams and vet supplies

What: Assessment & Adjustment period of 1-3 months while looking for a forever-home abroad ASAP

* Boarding: 500 UAH / 12 USD per day
* 2 training sessions per week: 500 UAH / 12 USD per session
* Assessment video included weekly

Total Monthly Cost:
* Monthly Boarding: 15,000 UAH / 360 USD

♥️DONATE PayPal: [email protected]
Reference: «MALINOIS»

Thank You

POC1: Irena Druzenko IG:
POC2: OCC / Tanja Siren IG:






POC1: Спілка Захисту Тварин Мирноград
/ Myrnograd Animal Protection Union, Donetsk

POC2: Irena Druzenko



Who: *BAKI*
French Citizen, 5 yo, male MALINOIS (pet) released to the custody of OCC WAR by military personnel
What: 1 Companion Dog in grave danger

Evac Transport by Tom Bates
via Fb: K9 Rescue Ukraine

Evac Destination: Antheus Kennel Centre
Mezhigir туya
📍 Kyiv Oblast

Fuel donated by Chrissy Joubert
via Fb: Ukraine Emergency Animal Relief Fund


* Boarding & Assessment

Friends, we now urgently fundraise for 3 months at Antheus Kennel Centre.
Advocated for by: OOC WAR / Irena Druzenko

This amazing facility focuses on rescuing, rehabilitating, and retraining ex-service and ex-working dogs with PTSD and anxiety issues.

Watch the post-attack video of the Rehab Centre here:


For the next three months, we need to cover the costs for:
* Trainer payments
* Food
Medical exams and vet supplies

What: Assessment & Adjustment period of 1-3 months while looking for a forever-home abroad ASAP

* Boarding: 500 UAH / 12 USD per day
* 2 training sessions per week: 500 UAH / 12 USD per session
* Assessment video included weekly

Total Monthly Cost:
* Monthly Boarding: 15,000 UAH / 360 USD

♥️DONATE PayPal: [email protected]
Reference: «MALINOIS»

Thank You

POC1: Irena Druzenko IG:
POC2: OCC / Tanja Siren IG:

Q. WHO LOVES THE CATS?Who is the best friend of cats? Black cats, grey cats, those with white socks, and those with stri...

Who is the best friend of cats? Black cats, grey cats, those with white socks, and those with stripes? Who loves them all?

She's a sweetheart who adores whiskers and long tails, enjoys biscuits made on her back, and falls asleep to the soothing sound of purring.

Who has cats and always wondered if a dog would fit in?

A. YOU? Here’s your chance!

Kashasa (Kasia) (Cassaca) is looking for a family! The best family ever.

Baby girl, up to 1 year
Spayed, vaccinated, microchipped, wormed, even visited the groomer and had a vet checkup.

Character: An incredibly gentle child, adores people and other animals, including cats. Currently living with a huge dog and 12 cats in foster care.

She will be a chic companion for going to the cafe, store, on all your affairs, to work, wherever you need. Loves watching movies and cuddling, especially Sci-Fi.

The curators:
Irena Druzenko
Lora Prigorovska

MORE: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/i4P6hmo3uGSkp7gf/



Who: *BAKI*
French Citizen, 5 yo, male MALINOIS (pet) released to the custody of OCC WAR by military personnel
What: 1 Companion Dog in grave danger
When: Now

Evac Transport by Tom Bates via K9 Rescue Ukraine

Evac Destination: Antheus Kennel Centre
Mezhigir туya
📍 Kyiv Oblast

Fuel donated by Chrissy Joubert
via Ukraine Emergency Animal Relief Fund


* Boarding & Assessment

Friends, we now urgently fundraise for 3 months at Antheus Kennel Centre.
Advocated for by: OOC WAR / Irena Druzenko

This amazing facility focuses on rescuing, rehabilitating, and retraining ex-service and ex-working dogs with PTSD and anxiety issues.

Watch the post-attack video of the Rehab Centre here:


For the next three months, we need to cover the costs for:
* Trainer payments
* Food
Medical exams and vet supplies

What: Assessment & Adjustment period of 1-3 months while looking for a forever-home abroad ASAP

* Boarding: 500 UAH / 12 USD per day
* 2 training sessions per week: 500 UAH / 12 USD per session
* Assessment video included weekly

Total Monthly Cost:
* Monthly Boarding: 15,000 UAH / 360 USD

♥️DONATE PayPal: [email protected]
Reference: «MALINOIS»

Thank You

POC: Irena Druzenko
POC3: OCC / Tanja Siren



1.5 months old, female kitten thrown over the fence on
Rescuer Irena Druzenko’s yard 3 nights ago.

HER RESCUE & DIAGNOSTICS: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/9i41zmUNngyirSph/

*Budget Estimation for One Month of Care for Kitten Cleo in Isolation*

Kitten Cleo is undergoing treatment for ringworm and requires specialised care in isolation. Below is a detailed budget for her one-month care:

Current Expenditures:

Initial Expenses: 100 USD
Redirected funds from other cats' litter and supplies, covering:
• Vet bills and medication
• Wet food for kittens
• Daily napkins
• Cage sanitizer
• Daily diapers
• Disposable mops

Additional Estimated Expenses:

• Extra Diapers (30 days): $50
• Special Shampoo (Imaverol): $30

Vet Visits:
• Today's visit: $50
• Follow-up check-up in 3 weeks: $30
• Vaccinations, Passport, Microchip: $50

Total Estimated Cost: 260 USD

PayPal: [email protected]
Reference: «CLEO»

Thank You



♥️Fuel Donated by Chrissy Joubert
via Ukraine Emergency Animal Relief Fund
Note: Total ended up to be 84 USD, but luckily Chrissy donated generously 100 USD.

+15 US$ Karen Wible

The remaining 31 USD is added to the our next round fundraising for 3 months boarding with assessment at Antheus Kennel Centre in Kyiv.

♥️DONATE PayPal: [email protected]
Reference: «MALINOIS»


Who: *BAKI*
MALINOIS from military

Evac ride by Tom Bates⁩ via K9 Rescue Ukraine

What: 1 Dog on the frontline in need of evac ASAP

When: The coming days

Evac Destination: Antheus Kennel Centre Mezhigir туya / Mezhigir tuya
Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine
Advocated for by: OOC WAR / @⁨Irena Druzenko⁩

Pick up KHERSON Oblast:
Military will come out to meet @⁨Tom Bates⁩ around Kherson city.

♥️DONATE PayPal: [email protected]
Reference: «MALINOIS»
POC1: Irena Druzenko
POC2: OCC WAR / Tanja Siren

Watch this space!



What: 1 Dog on the frontline n need of evac ASAP

When: undisclosed
Evac by Tom Bates via K9 Rescue Ukraine

Evac Destination: Antheus Kennel Centre
Antheus Kennel Centre
Mezhigir туya / Mezhigir tuya
Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine
Advocated for by: OCC WAR / Irena Druzenko

NEED: Fuel⛽️
2850 UAH / 69 USD minimum

♥️DONATE PayPal: [email protected]
Reference: «MALINOIS»

POC: Irena Druzenko
POC2: Dafna Sosnovska
POC3: OCC WAR / Tanja Siren

Watch this space!



Friends, we now have the evac destination secure thanks to Rescuer Irena Druzenko & Dafna Sosnovska

NEED1: Evac Transport by Tom Bates via K9 Rescue Ukraine
* Evacuation fuel

NEED2: For the next three months, we need to cover the costs for:
* Trainer payments
* Food
Medical exams and vet supplies
What: Assessment/Adjustment period of 3 months while looking for a forever-home abroad.

Evac Destination: Antheus Kennel Centre
Antheus Kennel Centre�Mezhigir туya / Mezhigir tuya�Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine�Advocated for by: OCC WAR / Irena Druzenko

This amazing facility focuses on rescuing, rehabilitating, and retraining ex-service and ex-working dogs with PTSD and anxiety issues.

Watch the post-attack video of the Rehab Centre here:

♥️DONATE PayPal: [email protected]
Reference: «MALINOIS»

Points of Contact:�poc: Irena Druzenko�POC2: Dafna Sosnovska�POC3: Tanja Siren

Watch this space!


12 Guards 🌹 12 Вартових reports:


As we once promised, we are sharing our protocols and "behind the scenes."

This time, the post is dedicated to what happens to animals immediately after evacuation.

So, we evacuated them, what next?
Next, the following, carved out by our often sad experience:

1. Every animal after evacuation must be examined by a doctor. Therefore, during multi-layered long evacuation missions, we have our doctors with us.
Yaroslav, Olena, Pavlina.

2. For the first day, doctors only examine, restore, and sometimes resuscitate.
During this time, we observe the animals, understanding what we can do for the animal next.
Mandatory - vaccination (except for contraindications) and treatment for ticks and fleas, deworming.

3. Then we sterilise all healthy animals. We treat the sick ones.

4. Part of the team constantly stays at the clinic to walk, socialise, refill water, move to the shade, etc. Each animal is walked three times a day, on a leash, and we also train them because not all dogs even know what a collar and leash are.

5. Of course, we have cats)) Currently - 13 cats, all tested for leukemia and immunodeficiency. All healthy cats are vaccinated against rabies and with a tricat vaccine, treated for parasites. Each cat is placed in a separate cage, where there is water, food, a litter box, and even a hammock:))

7. Simultaneously, the main process is underway - understanding the animal's character and finding a family or temporary home.

In the case of Toretsk, this is the most challenging task because out of all rescue requests, only 5% of owners take their animals back.

Sometimes owners refuse the animals and independently find a place where they go. But more often - the whole country searches, but the same heroic people and shelters take them.

8. Since we are all here, in our free time from evacuations, we catch "sharp and elusive" animals in Krami to sterilize them outside the usual sterilisation missions. The day after tomorrow, we will help a little in Druzhkivka and Dobropillia.

9. Distribution. Animals for whom we find a place or family immediately go there. Of course, after all medical procedures and temporary housing after.

This is very brief, and a lot is written between the lines here.

It is very difficult to find new places for animals, there is no resource to thoroughly check everything, so we search among those we know and where we have been, and very slowly expand the geography of temporary homes.

We maintain our own register and try to give a better fate to everyone for whom our team risks their lives.

It is very difficult to work with us, and it is difficult for us too:)

But it is important to stick to our values, despite all unstable working conditions. Only they sustain our rescues.

Thank you to everyone who supports us.»

— 12 Guards 🌹 12 Вартових


12 GUARDS EVAC MISSIONS by 12 Вартових
What: Frontline Evacuation & Fully Licensed Vet Team
When: Ongoing, continuous

⛽️Daily fuel alone costs 20000 UAH / 505 USD

Donate for fuel & animals’ needs: treatments + foster/shelter + transport + new family
Thank You

PayPal: [email protected]
Reference: “12 Guards Evacs”

Apple Pay:
The healing jar


12 Guards, an independent, registered, female-led local team sets the standard for frontline rescue operations.
With full support from the frontline to the forever home, they remain the guardians of every rescued animal—on repeat, and it ain’t cheap.

12 Guards / 12 Вартових / 12 Vartovykh details:


Walk in🍀

Walk in🍀

Київська область.
Харківська траса.
50 хвилин від Борисполю.

Тут буде наша база, наш кібуц.
Також - клініка, центр адопціі, центр прийому евакуйованих тварин та склад.

На це нам потрібно 14000 доларів - це купівля, а не оренда.
Покупцем буде наш фонд.

Тому - відкриваємо цей велетенський збір і сподіваємося на всіх наших партнерів та друзів.

Поки що це чигірі з будівлями, які треба доводити до ладу, але справа рухається і ми точно це зробимо.

Зазвичай ми лишаємо реквізити на підтримку нашої роботи - паливо, медикаменти, лікування, евакуації.

Ми не хочемо плодити нових банок, просто просимо вказувати «на кібуц» і ми зрозуміємо і про все звітуємо.

Поки що там кукурудза біля річки, де у наших тварин буде свій окремий берег:)



На кібуц та клініку:

Всі наші реквізити: https://12vartovykh.com/rekvizyty/
🔹 ПриватБанк:
IBAN: UA593052990000026007046234148
🔹PayPal: [email protected]
🔹Monobank: 5375411207060182

12 Guards 🌹 12 Вартових reports:From the Original post: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/zQCf3g1WVtrW54J5«TORETSK EVACUA...

12 Guards 🌹 12 Вартових reports:

From the Original post: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/zQCf3g1WVtrW54J5


Today, during 2 trips to Toretsk, we evacuated about 50 animals, 30 of which are in critical condition.

Hunger, dehydration, and exhaustion are prevalent.

We processed requests, assisted the State Emergency Service in evacuating people with animals, removed chains, cut locks with bolt cutters to release pigeons, and climbed over dozens of fences.

On the way back, we had a 80-kilogram Caucasian Shepherd on our knees because he wouldn't fit into any cage.

We didn't have time to make a video, so here are a few photos showing "how we spent the day."

We didn't even have time to celebrate Kristina's return to our evacuation team because she has been assisting the Animal Rescue Kharkiv, Ukraine team on the frontlines since early morning.

Our doctors and coordinators are working around the clock: several animals are in intensive care tonight.

Sending hugs to everyone and staying connected!»

— 12 Guards 🌹 12 Вартових


12 GUARDS EVAC MISSIONS by 12 Вартових
What: Frontline Evacuation & Fully Licensed Vet Team
When: Ongoing, continuous

⛽️Daily fuel alone costs 20000 UAH / 505 USD

Donate for fuel & animals’ needs: treatments + foster/shelter + transport + new family
Thank You

PayPal: [email protected]
Reference: “12 Guards Evacs”

Apple Pay:
The healing jar


12 Guards, an independent, registered, female-led local team sets the standard for frontline rescue operations.
With full support from the frontline to the forever home, they remain the guardians of every rescued animal—on repeat, and it ain’t cheap.

12 Guards / 12 Вартових / 12 Vartovykh details:






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