sad reality here is that people will keep on dumping their cat's kittens because they simply don't want to look after more than one. This is not only unfair to the kittens who are not able to fend or protect themselves at this age but also won't stop their cats from getting pregnant again.
without spay and neutering of these cats the cycle of endless births and dumping continue🥺
#animallovers #catlovers #animalrescue #catsoftiktok #kitten #spayandneuter #spayandneuteryourcats #uganda
we love love love black babies and how special to have them off the streets this October. Name suggestions needed and for any help donations can be sent via
Kristen White
MM 0779682744/0706119255(Ella Nankoma#cat #rescue #animalwelfare #opharnkitten #neonate #kitten #catsoftiktok #animalrescue #catlovers #animallovers #catsofinstagram
These kittens are in our care now but sadly two were already dead by the time I opened the box they came in. The other 3 were so cold to the touch, severely dehydrated and underweight. They were being fed on cow milk, not stimulated and weren't kept warm. They were suckling on one another too.
Sometimes people are too kind and want to help but are unaware of what it takes to. If you ever want to start feeding kittens and pups please reach out cause we are more than happy to teach and assist you. The animals do need all the help but you have to have hands on knowledge on how best to help them. I cannot judge the woman that tried to help just too sad she didn't first seek more knowledge but she has learned a hard lesson.
Hopefully the damage was already caused.
We are on our last bottle of formula please spare any coin or penny and donate to us so we can get more supply. We not only need formula but have many more needs for the other cats in our care. From food, litter to medical care
Updates on the 3 will be shared for now let's get back to life saving
Kristen White
MM 0779682744/0706119255(Ella Nankoma
#neonate #opharnkitten #bottlekitten #kitten #cat #rescue #catsoftiktok #catsofinstagram #catrescue #animallovers #animalwelfare
These kittens are in our care now but sadly two were already dead by the time I opened the box they came in. The other 3 were so cold to the touch, severely dehydrated and underweight. They were being fed on cow milk, not stimulated and weren't kept warm. They were suckling on one another too.
Sometimes people are too kind and want to help but are unaware of what it takes to. If you ever want to start feeding kittens and pups please reach out cause we are more than happy to teach and assist you. The animals do need all the help but you have to have hands on knowledge on how best to help them. I cannot judge the woman that tried to help just too sad she didn't first seek more knowledge but she has learned a hard lesson.
Hopefully the damage was already caused.
We are on our last bottle of formula please spare any coin or penny and donate to us so we can get more supply. We not only need formula but have many more needs for the other cats in our care. From food, litter to medical care
Updates on the 3 will be shared for now let's get back to life saving
Kristen White
MM 0779682744/0706119255(Ella Nankoma
#neonate #opharnkitten #bottlekitten #kitten #cat #rescue #catsoftiktok #catsofinstagram #catrescue #animallovers #animalwelfare
Kiki was found with wounds and trauma to his back legs that he is still recovering from. We are still doing some physiotherapy to help him gain use of his legs again
#specialneedscat #catsoftiktok #animalrescue #animalwelfare #cat #rescue #catlovers
It was wonderful day so full of love and purrs. My heart wanted to explode witnessing such profound selflessness from the whole podrska team🥲🥰 the cats were so happy🤭💜
#animalwelfare #catlovers #catlife #tnrsaveslives #neonate #opharnkitten #catsoftiktok #rescue #adoptacat #spayandnueter #cat
Sparkles and Bruno got adopted by a new mom Lovern and 3 siblings. I guess they are nolonger orphaned hihi. Once the kittens are old enough Mama Love will need to be spayed, would you consider sponsoring the 80,000ugx/25usd cost or donate a contribution?
#animalwelfare #catlovers #catlife #tnrsaveslives #neonate #opharnkitten
Sparkles and Bruno got adopted by a new mom Lovern and 3 siblings. I guess they are nolonger orphaned hihi. Once the kittens are old enough Mama Love will need to be spayed, would you consider sponsoring the 80,000ugx/25usd cost or donate a contribution?
#animalwelfare #catlovers #catlife #tnrsaveslives #neonate #opharnkitten
#opharnkitten #cat #neonate #catsoffacebook #catsoftiktok #rescue #catsofinstagram
Uh he was hungry! Could this be the way to his heart🤔🤭