Mart and snow gives a good example to humans on how to live in peace and harmony
Be a father to all animals just like me
Teach what I’ve taught you to the world such everyone starts recognizing the freedom and the rights of animals
Looking after animals is my first priority in life but these are relatives but not food remember relatives are not eaten or sold #savemyanimalsavemylife
Animals are relatives, relatives are not eaten
World friendship for animals is the best friendship
No work is blessed like the work of looking after animals Please everyone try it and get the blessings #savemyanimalsavemylife
These are true and genuine friends ! Their lives are important to us so every must respect them #savemyanimalsavemylife
Make it a daily work to make animals your friends, this will attract others to do the same #savemyanimalsavemylife
This stick damages this part of the hand yet he has to move what should I do friends
Get ready we’re about to start the show
( Sengendo Joseph ) Joseph's #Vegan Party...Sunday, 3/28/21 from Kampala Uganda
We’re going to have an online show tomorrow at 8:00 am (tonight, Wed., 9/16 here in California) at my animal station I beg all animal lovers in the world to tune to my YouTube channel and see what I have brought for vegan life .i request you to add on my voice to convince the world to go vegan - @sengendojoseph
YouTube -
Recommendations of the doctor