NEVER AGAIN Uganda. Changing businesses and adding value to lives

Do Network Marketing (MLM) Health andWellness Nutritional Companies Work in2016?Network Marketing CompanySecrets:The Nak...

Do Network Marketing (MLM) Health and
Wellness Nutritional Companies Work in
Network Marketing Company
The Naked MLM Truth
Can you have it all? Health and Wealth? Optimization and
Opportunity? A better body and bank account? Or the classic, long
term, residual, financial freedom and income independence?
Our genuine goal here is to safely guide you through what
comprises and constitutes a quality network marketing company
and MLM business opportunity in 2016 and beyond.
We will review the best direct sales company compensation plans,
rewards, bonuses and commission structures as well as the top
network marketing products, services and opportunities below but
to begin we want to start with a subtle shift in mindset towards the
MLM model.
Our new Direct Selling Success Strategy & Tactical Training Guide
releasing soon will include;
how to break down the MLM barriers and business blockages
how to have endless entrepreneurial energy and fearless
financial fortitude (inspiration)
how to attract, prospect, recruit and enroll new members
how to successfully sponsor business builders & leaders (talk
the talk, walk the walk)
how to leverage your social media profiles to build your
business (art of entertainment)
how to avoid over hyping or aggressively pushy sales tactics
(knowing the game)
how to create growth for your current downline & team
organization (momentum)
how to generate quality targeted leads for any company
(marketing manifesto)
how to utilize Internet Marketing & Email marketing (fortune in
the follow up)
how to master the profession and make MLM your full-time
career (going ALL in)
how to become the dominant distributor and consultant (in the
know on the go)
how to tie in all aspects, angles and elements to ‘get rich
quick' (mastering the game)
Until this is ready, let's start with the basic building blocks of MLM
What is Multi-Level Network Marketing?
At it's core essence and organic origin, the meaningful MLM motto
is people helping people .
Dating back all the way since the late 1920s and early 1930s, the
multi-level marketing business model has been used in a variety of
versatile ways and methods as a means to distribute, operate and
market. And now, fast forward to the current state of network
marketing in 2016 – and most might feel it is slightly tainted, diluted
and saturated – or all together a downright global pyramid ponzi
scheme no matter what product or service is being offered.
We asked, “how did such a world-wide force and respected industry
get such a bad reputation and understanding at large”?
By now, we can all agree the majority consensus is that Multi-Level
Network Marketing companies, businesses and independent
representatives seem to push an attractive/aggressive agenda for
nearly every product pitch and presentation out there – which turns
off most from the start and gives it the scuzzy ‘scam' feel as most
on the outside looking in label it as. It seems most who are invited
to a hotel meeting, house party or company event need to have a
built-in hype meter as ‘the next big thing' with the ‘perfect timing' to
‘get in at the top' seems to be everywhere and so redundant that it
never amounts to much and goes in one ear and out the other.
But on the flip side, depending on your perpetual perspective of the
MLM landscape, the innovation and impact as a whole (attraction
marketing/direct selling) is continually rising and reaching
unprecedented growth and economic importance. How is this so?
Just like you, we want to know “What is the secret sauce behind
substantial success in both body and bank account?” (aka Time
Freedom and Financial Independence – the most marketed phrases
and taglines of MLM'ers)
While we are not particularly interested in getting into a heated
debate about the right and wrongs and pros and cons of the
Network Marketing profession; most MLM distribution models and
channels who operate via the direct sales philosophies are prided
and pitched upon the fact(s) that you can indeed enjoy and
experience all the above.
That is really the magical element behind the multi-billion dollar
market that is the direct sales and network marketing industries.
And a large part of those are MLM-fashioned businesses that offer
primarily are styled as health and wellness supplements in the name
of weight loss, cognitive enhancement, skin care, hair care, beauty,
anti-aging, dieting and anything else nutritionally-related or health-
We try to cover and review all health-oriented MLM companies to
give you a better experience and show you what we have discovered
in our research and ‘internet investigations'.
Because of the nature of MLM's – and our purpose and passion
being healthy and whole – we try to focus on the health
supplements/lotions/potions/creams themselves and leave the
business building aspects and tidbits at bay.
There are other review-dominate websites out there that will talk
about the timing and trending momentum, company management,
team leadership and compensation plans structures about these
MLM's in more depth than we will here.
“Health and Nutrition” is the second most popular niche in the
multilevel network marketing industry , behind only cosmetics and
personal care products. Find out why so many MLMs like the health
and nutrition niche and discover which companies provide the best
opportunity today in our guide.
Why Health and Nutrition MLM
Here are the five most common reasons why the health and
nutrition niche is so popular:
1.) Health and Nutrition are Two Things We Value Most
If you ask people what they’re most grateful for in life, they might
say the health of their family. Health and nutrition is important all
over the world, and that’s been the case for thousands of years (and
it will be the case for another thousand).
2.) Nutritional Supplements Are Under-Regulated
For decades, the United States has taken a hands-off approach to
the nutritional supplements industry. America’s primary food/drug
product regulator is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Nutritional supplements are not classified as either “foods” or
“drugs”. They’re not foods because you don’t eat them for
sustenance (you eat them to “supplement” your existing diet). And
they’re not drugs because they’re not intended to treat any
condition. The FDA largely ignores the industry, which means MLMs
don’t face the same harsh regulations as food or drug providers in
other industries.
3.) Because It’s a Multibillion Dollar Industry
In 2013, Forbes rated the vitamins, minerals, and supplements
(VMS) industry as being worth about $32 billion in year. Every year,
VMS companies rake in a total of $32 billion in revenue. Forbes also
claims that number is expected to top $60 billion by 2021, so health
and nutrition companies shouldn’t be slowing down anytime soon.
4.) Because People Are Getting Older
America’s population is getting older. Baby Boomers are retiring.
They’re seeking new ways to reclaim their youth and extend their
life. Many of them are turning to the nutritional supplement industry
to stay healthier as their bodies and minds get older.
5.) Because It’s a Vast Niche
Some multilevel marketing companies sell protein powders to high
performance athletes. Others sell multivitamin supplements to
pregnant mothers. And some sell memory-boosting supplements to
elderly people. The world of health and nutrition companies is vast,
and there are all sorts of new niches to explore. New MLMs are
springing up every year trying to best the next USANA.
Best 10 Network Marketing Businesses in 2016
This is based purely on momentum and future potential. Aside from
the top 10 global revenue companies (listed below), here are other
reviews we have compiled so you can get a better idea of what
exists in the MLM landscape for top-tier network marketing
1) Le-Vel Thrive
With popularity soaring through the roof, does this uniquely blended
MLM company Le-Vel and its 8 Week Thrive Experience have what it
takes to take it to the top?
2) Jeunesse Global
From skin care to nutritional products and now energy drink
supplements, will this company continue its rise in fame and
recognition? We review Jeunesse thoroughly and examine all of
their products and business angles so you can decide if this fast
growing MLM company is worth your time, effort, and money.
3) doTERRA Essential Oils
Do therapeutic grade essential oils actually work and provide real
health benefits? DoTERRA seems to think so and judging by their
growth over the past few years, so do their customers and
4) Pruvit
A brand new company showing alot of promise and powerful
perspect with their ketones-based products. The verdict is still out
for Pruvit as we are not sure if they will continue to pick up the pace
out of the gates like they have to date.
5) Kyani
Kyani is showing great strides and momentum right out of the
gates. We are curious to see how this one fares in a crowded MLM
nutritional supplement arena but feel like they do bring something
to the table unique and worthy.
6) Forever Green / FGXpress / Ketopia
With ForeverGreen being the seed company and having offshoot
sprouts like FGXpress and Ketopia, this company's future looks very
promising as everything they have done to date seems to open up
with a bang and create instant traffic and buzz-worthy attention.
7) Enagic Kangen Water
Nearly 40 years old and seems it has not seen its best day yet
despite tremendous growth and momentum in 2016 alone. The
Enagic company has huge presence around the world and is just
now starting to peak in the USA (thanks to Power Life Pro) as
Kangen Alkaline/Ionized Water starts to showcase how important it
is for human health and its benefits.
8) Nerium
One of the biggest operations inside the industry, Nerium and their
new EHT supplement continue to be a forceful energy inside the
growing space of skin care, nootropics and vitamins/minerals.
9) Advocare
Advocare is easily one of the fastest growing companies in the
world due to high profile celebrity endorsements and sports figures.
With a wide range of nutritional supplements for energy and weight
loss, Advocare is primed and poised to be a major player in the
10) Juice Plus
With a global presence that just keeps going up, Juice Plus
consistently keeps rising as a quality opportunity that deserves its
time in the spotlight.
11) Total Life Changes
TLC has been one of the better 2015/2016 MLM's as far as growth
and recognition. With their weight loss tea craze building up a nice
following, we see this one as containing a lot of potential moving
forward. Keep your eyes peeled for Total Life Changes .
Top 10 Network Marketing Businesses By Global
1) Amway
Amway earns $10.9 billion in annual sales and has a network of 3
million sales associates across America. Founded in 1959, it’s also
one of the oldest MLMs in the world today.
Amway isn’t strictly a health and nutrition MLM, so including it on
this list can be a bit misleading. Nevertheless, Amway sells dozens
of nutritional products under its Nutrilite brand, earning the
company around $2 billion in revenue every year.
2) Herbalife, Ltd.
Herbalife , like Amway, concentrates on more than just health and
nutrition. It also sells cosmetics products. Herbalife’s primary
products, however, are meal replacement formulas, multivitamin
supplements, and weight loss products designed to help you
become a healthier individual.
Herbalife reported $3.5 billion in annual revenue in 2013 and claims
to have a network of 2.7 million sales representatives across the
world. It was founded in 1980.
USANA reported $582 million in revenue in 2013 and is publically
traded on the NASDAQ (under the ticker symbol USNA). It maintains
a network of approximately 222,000 reps across America and was
founded in 1992.
USANA’s top health and wellness products include multivitamin
formulas like Essentials and HealthPak. You can also buy digestive
supplements, diet pills, protein powders, athletic supplements, and
much more.
4) New Era Health Industry Group (aka Zhong Jian
International Company)
This Chinese MLM is capitalizing on the rapidly-growing Chinese
middle class by providing high-quality cosmetic and health care
products. The company reported revenue of $555 million in 2013.
You can view New Era Health Industry Group products online at . Key products include multivitamin supplements and
daily health supplements.
5) Shaklee
Another American MLM, Shaklee primarily sells nutritional
supplements and weight management solutions, although it also
sells green cleaning products and skin care solutions.
Shaklee earned $515 million in revenue in 2013 and has a network of
1.25 million representatives around the world. It’s been around
since 1956 and sells products in 8 countries around the world.
Shaklee heavily advertises its daily regimen packages, including the
popular Foundations Regimen, Healthy Solutions Regimen, and
Smart Heart Blood Pressure Regimen, all of which include multiple
Shaklee products.
6) Market America
Market America claims to have earned $462 million in revenue in
2013 and sells a wide range of health and nutrition products,
including anti-aging supplements, cosmetic products, personal care
solutions, and even pet care products. The company is best known
for its Isotonix line of nutritional supplements.
7) Cosway
Cosway Corp. Ltd was founded in Malaysia in 1979. Today, it serves
11 countries all across Asia. It earned $433 million in revenue in
2013 and sells nutritional supplements, skin care products, personal
care products, and household cleaning products.
8) DXN Holdings Berhad
DXN Holdings Berhad is another Malaysian MLM that focuses on
food and beverage along with home décor and kitchenware. Its 5
million members earned a total of $420 million in 2013. Key products
include herbal extract supplements and herbal teas, including DXN
Andro-G testosterone booster and DXN Cordyceps health
9) For Days Co. Ltd
This Japanese MLM was founded in 1997 and earned $400 million in
revenue in 2013. It primarily sells food, beverage, and wellness
products along with cosmetics.
10) Arbonne
Arbonne sells products in five countries around the world, including
the United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, and Poland.
The well-known company primarily focuses on anti-aging
supplements, skin creams, cosmetic products, and health and
wellness solutions.
Let's continue with more network marketing reviews of companies
that aren't necessarily in the top 10 for current momentum or global
Latest, Newest Nutritional Health MLM Reviews To
Keep An Eye On:
Allysian Sciences
Will Allysian conquer the bold new future of nootropics and smart
pill supplements as a network marketing distribution model? What
we do know is that they are new, have a nice website, some outside
publicity, and show all signs of having future success – but time will
tell with this new one just starting out in the not-so-easy industry of
MLM marketing.
– PhytoScience
They are also creating waves inside the network marketing arena
with a heavy international influence and a unique product line. Read
our full review on PhytoScience here.
Yevo was one of those fast action, fast out of the gates MLM
opportunities but has seemed to cool off as of late – that could be
an indication of their products or company management, things we
always encourage everyone researching and reviewing MLM
marketing companies to do. Read our full review here .
Here is a list of honorable mentions:
Seacret Direct
Plexus Worldwide
Young Living Oils
Organo Gold
Mary Kay
Forever Living Products
Pampered Chef
Nu Skin
Fit Team Global
FreeLife International
Orenda International
YouLab Global
Pangea Organics
Tyra Banks Cosmetics
Jafra Cosmetics
Steeped Tea
Life Pharm Global
Essante Organics
ViSalus Sciences
Moringo Organics
Tastefully Simple
Purium Health
TruVision Health
Skinny Body Care
Rodan and Fields
Origami Owl
OXO Worldwide
Brain Abundance
EPX Body
LR Health & Beauty
SoZo Global
Sisel International
Evolv Health
Naturally Plus
SPX Nutrition
Rain International
Gano Excel


Mr. Patrick Bitature, one of Uganda's respected entrepreneurs Speaks About Tested Ways of Making Money.
I will quickly tell you something about making money because having money is crucial for success. Of course you can be successful even without money. You can sit in a corner and say, “I am successful.” It’s up to you. My interest is in seeing you get rich and in my view, there are largely 4 ways of making serious money that you can have and say, “I am successful.”
First, you can own a successful business. This an easy way to make money. If you are employed and you think you are going to be very rich from employment, you are just joking; it will not work. However, running a business is taxing. You think about it all the time; you carry it in your head; you go to bed with worries. And of course we know that several businesses fail. Of the 500,000 businesses that are being registered or not registered formally, that are starting up in Uganda every year, almost 80% of them fail in the first year. That doesn’t stop them from starting up again the following year. Hence, business is one of the ways to become successful but it demands a lot of time, hard work, skill and a lot of other variables. Anything can go wrong or right in that business. You’ve got to horn your skill in it.
Another way of making money is through property. This is a classic vehicle of creating wealth worldwide. It has lasted since time immemorial. It has always been and shall always be. Many people talk about it but do nothing about it. But if you want to become wealthy, you have got to get into investing in land and buildings. But don’t go in and get out very quickly. Go in and stay for a long time. You must have the stamina to stay in there. The longer you stay the more your properties will generally appreciate and that’s where you will make your money.
At one time, the government was selling houses at 100 million shillings each in Nakasero and Kololo. It was largely colonial people and government officials who had been staying in these houses. All these people wanted was goodwill and the goodwill was at 100 million shillings. I didn’t have enough money so I started borrowing. I managed to buy 10 properties in Nakasero and 10 in Kololo. I started paying back the loan. And the whole town was talking, “Oh, Bitature is finished. He borrowed almost a billion shillings.” True, I was getting worried; my wife was on my case. I was struggling with the interest. But eventually, I managed to finish paying back. Today, any property on one acre in Nakasero is going for 1.5 million dollars plus. Now who is laughing at who?
Investing in properties is a magical way of making money; there is nothing like it. People think, “Bitature made a lot of money in telecoms.” I probably have made more money in property in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. As someone aiming for success, you’ve got to be able to see a chance and take it. I saw mine in properties and I grabbed it. Once you’ve succeeded, even the banks that were making it hard to lend you money will begin begging you, “Sir, how much do you want to take?’’
The third way of making money is through the stock market. It’s not yet fully developed in Uganda; it’s a new phenomenon in our region. We have only 8 Ugandan companies listed on the stock exchange. Some are cross-listed from Kenya. But this vehicle has made fortunes for people all over the world. Unfortunately, in the past some people have lost money through buying shares in some companies and so they are shy. But all said and done, don’t look short-term. Overall, the stock market always works. And don’t think you don’t have enough money to invest in the stock market; a million shillings is all it takes. Take your one million and invest it.
When you invest in shares, don’t be on a hurry to get out your money; just like properties, first stay in. I am a director at New Vision and I always advise my shareholders not to take so much in dividends but rather to leave the money and let it first grow. When we had just bought shares, some of them were insisting that since we had made a big profit we should share our dividends. I said let’s re-invest the profit and build the value of the shares. Those shares have moved from 300 shillings per share to over 1,300. That is more than 4 times. So the one who put in 1 million has made over 4 million in less than a year without doing anything. Some people think it’s like a lottery but it’s not. It’s just a smart way of making money. There is a lot of money to be made in stocks and the market is just opening up. So let’s get enlightened and start making money that way.
Everything about money is about numbers but the maths you need is the simple times table; one up to twelve. The rest – A’ level maths, university maths – is all useless when it comes to creating wealth. Just remember your basic maths; simple percentages and formulas. Of course reading also helps to nature the brain. I talk about social IQ. As for the academic IQ, it stops there. There are many educated people with 3 degrees but who have got nothing to present as security for themselves and their families. Go to Makerere and ask 60-year-old professors if they own houses. It is sad that some of them still have mortgages or haven’t even thought of owning houses at all. And for some who have taken a step to own houses, they’ve built or acquired residential houses, which doesn’t make them assets because they are not bringing in income. I think that is getting priorities wrong.

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