About Bukoola Vet
Your production, concerns,and responsibility. Enhancing the laying percentage and daily weight gain of your chicken through the provision of the most effective nutritional supplements.
The very finest Veterinary Care you will find in this city and country. Visit us at Container Village, Kampala.
Our services
1. Farm visits
2. Feed formulation of all animal species
3. Vaccinations against all poultry and animal diseases
4. Post-mortem procedures
5. Consultancy on all animal and poultry diseases
6. Disease diagnosis and prescription of drugs for all animal species
Our products
1. Acaricides pour on and spray
2. Antibiotics: powders, injectables, tablets, sprays, ointments
3. Nutritional supplements: mineral licks, multivitamins, calcium, iron
4. Anticoccidials: powders, liquids
5. De-wormers: Tablets, oral suspensions, injectable
6. Insecticides: sprays
7. Anti-protozoans: powder, injectables
8. Disinfectants
Bound to beef
From raising a calf to beef on the table, taking care of cattle requires informed, effective management of diseases and parasites. We provide Endo and Exo Parasitic control to reduce disease burden hence promoting daily weight gain, pasture selection and nutritional supplements to ensure proper feeding of animals hence boosting their immunity and surgical procedures and vaccination against all animal diseases
Pledged to poultry
Whether it's eggs at breakfast or dinner's entrée, best practices for parasites control and poultry health are the main course. We offer the following services:
· Vaccinations against all poultry diseases,
· Poultry house designing and disinfection of poultry houses
· Nutritional supplements to boost egg and meat production
· Provision of general management practices of poultry
Sworn to swine.
Little pigs turn into big hogs. Don't let little problems do the same with a proactive approach to swine health and pest management. We provide surgical procedures, vaccinations, deworming
Devoted to dairy.
If you have a dairy operation, proper management of diseases and parasites is key to making sure you've got milk. We have the following services for dairy animals
· Dairy supplements
· Parasite control
· Spray race designing
· Hoof care services
· Enhancement of hay and silage quality
· Vaccinations
· Herd health advice
FAQ under our products page
1. My chicken is continuously coughing and suffering from flue what do I do?
· Improve on ventilation of the poultry house
· Avoid overstocking of birds
· Disinfect feeders and drinkers daily
· Treat using an antibiotic recommended by the vet
2. How often should I vaccinate my birds
· Local chicken should be vaccinated every 2 months against Newcastle disease
· Exotic chicken should be vaccinated following the vaccinations schedules provided
3. My birds are passing out brownish diarrhea what could the problem be? And how do I prevent it?
· Avoid wetting the litter
· Disinfect drinkers and feeders daily
· Turn litter/rake litter especially if wet
· Avoid contamination of feed and drinkers with f***l material
· Use anticoccidial drugs in drinking water
4. My birds are failing to stand and sitting on their hocks, what could be the issue
· Calcium deficiency solved by adding calcium levels in the feed/water
· Coccidiosis solved by treating using anticoccidials
5. My birds are turning their hocks and passing out the greenish f***l matter, what could be the problem?
· That’s Newcastle disease can be solved by vaccinating your birds frequently against Newcastle.
· Treat secondary bacterial infection with antibiotics recommended by a vet if it occurs
· Visit inter-farm pharmacy and speak to the vet doctor
Antibiotics and Animal Welfare
6. Are antibiotics used in animals that are not sick?
· Veterinarians and farmers recognize that diseases can spread rapidly, so when one animal shows symptoms of a disease or becomes ill, the animals around it is likely to get sick and may die if they aren’t treated. This is known as a preventative antibiotic treatment. historically, antibiotics have also been used in animals to encourage growth.
7. Is antibiotic use in the best interest of animals?
· Antibiotics have been used in farm animals for decades for the same reason they’re used in humans – to treat or prevent or control diseases that cause pain and suffering. When an animal is sick with a bacterial infection, treating it with antibiotics is the ethical thing to do.
Affordability and Sustainability & Antibiotics and Food Safety
8. What is the public benefit of using antibiotics in livestock and poultry?
· The responsible use of animal antibiotics benefits all of us by making food safer and more affordable. Antibiotics make food safer by helping keep animals healthy, and studies show this reduces bacteria entering the food supply. Keeping animals healthy allows farmers to produce food more effectively, which has the added benefit of making food more affordable while using fewer natural resources.
9. Are there environmental implications to using antibiotics in livestock and poultry?
· The responsible use of antibiotics helps keep animals healthy, which is better for the environment. When left untreated, sick animals grow more slowly, requiring more food and water. Thus, more grain must be grown for feed, which requires more fertilizer, water,and farmland. So, sick animals have a larger environmental impact, while healthy animals use fewer natural resources. Practices that allow us to treat sick animals, resulting in the use of fewer natural resources, are good for the environment and good for everybody.
10. What is antibiotic resistance?
· Antibiotic resistance refers to bacteria that have evolved to the point that they are not easily killed by antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance is a serious public health concern and the animal health community shares that concern.
11. What role does the agricultural use of antibiotics play in the overall issue of antibiotic resistance?
· Science doesn’t provide a clear answer to that question, but researchers are working to better understand the resistance. Although there is sacientific aacknowledgmentthat the use of antibiotics in people is the primary driver of human antibiotic resistance, Phibro Animal Health Corporation recognizes that antibiotics must be used responsibly in food animals to minimize agriculture’s contribution to antibiotic resistance.
12. What is antibiotic residue and is my meat safe to eat?
· Antibiotic residue is different from resistance and refers to molecules that remain in meat from animals that have been treated with antibiotics. There are multiple safeguards in place to ensure meat is safe, including mandatory antibiotic withdrawal periods for animals and routine testing of meat by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and food companies. The antibiotic residue is not the same as antibiotic resistance.