What Valentine is;
Not just a day but a covenanted day where spirits of lust are released on the earth.
A god of s*xual immorality is worshipped of this day.
It is not a day of the so called "love". No! Its not about the agape love of God.
It's about lust. It's about s*x, It's about blood sacrifice.
Fornication , homos*xuality , r**e, adultery, and all s*xual vices are the order of the day.
So who was Valentine, and how did this day become?
You may think he was a saint.. yes, that's what religion and history will tell you.
They will tell you that it is a day to commemorate "love and passion"
But have you forgotten that even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light...2Cor 11:14
Color red represents blood sacrifice.
So, this day is based on pagan rituals. Alot of satanists are blood thirsty, and this day is set apart for shedding blood for the kingdom of darkness.
Valentines Day is where fallen angels put on human bodies, become beautiful ladies and handsome men who roam on the streets, bars, churches to seduce, and capture innocent and gullible souls on this day. Proverbs 7:6-27
If you are a believer who celebrates valentines Day, it makes you a worshipper of satan who disguises itself as valentine.
As a christian, you may think it's an innocent day where you can have a marriage dinner as couples, but why wait on this particular day to celebrate love? Be wise! Open your understanding!
However, you dont need to celebrate love on that particular day... the bible says Do not conform to the standards of the world..Romans 12:2
Do you know how many abortions have happened as a result of this day?
Do you know how many marriages have been shuttered by this evil day?
Do you know how many have lost their virginity ?
Can you ever imagine and count the number of evil spirits that have possessed our youths?
Do you know how many murder and r**e cases have been registered on this day?
This day is demonic and wordly. Sin is on the rampant on this day ! James 4:4; 1John 2:15.
We need to redeem the time, and are in evil days. Satan roaming around looking for someone to devour. Be warned for this day is totally evil, wicked and of Babylonian origin.