No matter the kind of weather- they p**p it, we scoop it! Let us stop by and give an estimate while we are out doing weekly cleanup on Wednesday and Thursday! Cleaning up dog waste is a dirty job, but someone’s gotta do it – and that’s exactly what we doo-doo! From a one-time scooping service to routine visits, we partner with you to make dog waste cleanup easy!
What we offer:
✅professional, hassle free service from a licensed business
✅no contract
✅cancel anytime
✅year round service
✅monthly billing (for routine service)
✅convenient payment options
(Cash, Check, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle)
✅no need to be home when we pick-up
☎️Call or text for your free estimate or to get more details! John- (605-626-6072)
🚨 Check out our Dakota-Doers page and send us a message!
✔️This is a licensed business!