Harvesting my very first Alpha 2eq macroglobulins for injections into a horse joint today. Very excited for using this new product. It gives enough product to freeze extra injections for up to a year. Unlikely steroids it has no real adverse effects on cartilage but it still reduces inflammation like steroids. So in can be used as needed or more frequently where steroids can not be used that often without adverse effects on cartilage.
This is an odd case. Yearling filly came in from field almost non-weight bearing left forelimb. The foot was hot and painful on flexion and with very visible coffin joint effusion. No signs of trauma or wounds and hoof was normal. Suspected coffin bone fracture which is not uncommon for yearlings out in pasture. But radiographs showed no fractures. Ultrasound exam showed what we call a significant proliferative synovial/joint effusion with floating debris which is white cells/fibrin and other material floating in the joint. A test called Serum Amyloid A was ran which shows infection or not. This filly’s SAA was 1500 which is extremely high meaning infection. So, without any evidence of a puncture wound into the joint this filly did have a joint infection. Joint tap of joint fluid confirmed it. Since surgery was not an option the treatment requires daily flushing of the joint for 3 to 5 days, and 3 to 5 days of regional limb perfusion, and systemic broad spectrum antibiotics for 10 to 14 days. So, this is an interesting case because usually joint infection of horses of this age require something penetrating joint, via trauma, or needle stick carrying bacteria into joint. I’m sure there was a small puncture that did occur, but any outside evidence was gone on examination of the foot in this case, but somehow it did happen. After the first day of treatment the filly was 80% better. Hoping for a good outcome but prognosis is guarded in joint infections. The below video is is flushing the joint out with large volumes of sterile saline.
Removal of scar tissue/fibrous tissue on side of face that kept getting larger after initial injury.
This week I have been the show vet for the Youth World Barrel Championship in Perry Ga..
Over 1,800 horses here. It is amazing to watch this young kids and their horses compete at this level. It has been a very busy week. Working 16 hour days. The heat and humanity has been incredible. Looking forward to getting back home to Virginia.
I like this video clip about vets