🐾🎉 Happy National Pet Tricks Day! 🎉🐾
We’re wagging our tails with excitement to celebrate all the clever pets out there showing off their amazing talents! 🐾 Whether it’s a paw shake, a roll-over, or even that head tilt that melts our hearts – today is the day to shine! ✨
To get your furry friend in on the fun, here are TWO super easy tricks you can teach your dog today:
1. Shake Hands 🤝
Start with your dog OR CAT sitting.
Hold a treat in your hand, let them sniff it, then say "shake" and gently lift their paw.
As soon as their paw touches your hand, praise them and give them the treat! 🐾
Repeat until they are offering their paw in any direction toward yours, and pretty soon they'll be placing their paw right in your hand!
2. Spin Around 🌀
With your dog OR CAT in front of you in a stand or sit, hold a treat close to their nose and move it in a circle around them.
As they follow the treat, say “spin” and guide them around in a full circle.
Reward them when they complete the spin! Before you know it, they'll be dancing! 💃🐕
We’d love to see your pup's best moves! 🎥 Share a video of your pet's trick on our page and let’s celebrate together! Bonus points to our exotic friends that can do tricks, it's not just for dogs! 🐕🐈🦜🐇🐀💖 Be sure to add #NationalPetTricksDay to your post!
🎬 Can't wait to see all the talented paws in action!
Check out a video of our BFVH dogs Sam and Flirt demonstrating these tricks!!
We had such a cute and successful Eastern Box Turtle release today, we thought we’d share! For those that don’t know, box turtles have differing personalities, just like people. Oftentimes they are shy and stay tightly closed up in their shell, and when released back in their territory, remain closed up until you leave. This little guy however has been full of himself since his arrival over the weekend. He was found trapped in a pool skimmer in Dallas. We kept him in a warm incubator for several days to be sure he had no ill effects, and he was released back in the area today! It’s funny to watch him surveying his territory as if to say, yep, right over here, and as soon as his feet hit the ground, he was off!!! 🏎️ 💨