Earlier today, after running the Started dogs
Thank you Howard Dyck. We absolutely love our kennels
Couple weekends back at a Hunt Test, we rented a B&B which had a beautiful pond right out back. This woman of mine, she's all in to survival shows. One of the evenings after I was dome with dog chores, I went to sit on the fishing pier. My bride brought me a cold drink and noticed some fishing line on the dock. She also found an old hook and a piece of used worm. Enjoy!!!!!!!! Yoy might turn the volume down a bit. She was a little excited. This was great way to end a very successful day with the dogs
Moses parting the water
OK GunDogs Don't Stop Retrievin'
Co Owned with Matt Wood
Cache (owned by the Hendersons from Lone Grove)
Good luck Bryan Bratton and Maverick today and tomorrow as they run for his Title this weekend. Expecting Bryan to bring Maverick back tomorrow evening with his AKC Junior Hunter Title. They just got Maverick's UKC Started Hunting Title couple weeks back, and right after, his first two Junior passes.
Training with some friends on this beautiful wet Friday
Thankful for Front & Rear Lockers early this morning. About buried up training. Video taken after driving back in rain. Look at picture in comments