It happens every single time I have a cat on the table.
Someone will walk into the salon, see said cat and ask “is that a cat?”
Cats benefit from regular grooming as much as dogs, even short haired cats like Shiloh. She was in need of a good scrubbing (many indoor cats can develop greasy coats) and lots of brushing to remove coat that would otherwise be all over her owners furniture. Plus she gets plenty of extra love and attention from me, and you can hear just how much she enjoys it.
So there’s a lot of snow here…..
Today was a busy one! Groom photos from today will be posted tomorrow.
Grooming puppies can be such a struggle!
Between them falling asleep on my table and me being too busy gushing over them to get any work done, I don’t know how I manage.
When you have a very large dog that requires a lot of shampoo, you break out the power tools!
Look at the hair just melt off of Deegan 😮
It might be snowing, but the salon is still hopping!
Nothing better than a day full of my favorite kind of dogs - herding dogs!
As a follow up to my post about muzzles, here is an old video of one of Noah’s muzzle training sessions. I’m very glad I did this when he was younger because he actually ended up needing to wear one later in life after he had his dewclaw removed and the cone wasn’t really a good option for keeping him from fussing at his incision. He would wear his basket muzzle with no issue, as he could still pant, drink and take treats with it on. And you could tell he really loved his training sessions!
A few people have been concerned because they see my chickens laying sideways in the dirt and want to make sure they’re ok. Chances are, they’re just taking a dust bath. It helps keep them cool and guards against parasites. It also puts great big holes in my yard - those stinkers!!!
🎵 Just keep swimming 🎶
🎵 Just keep swimming 🎶
(Spot is an older dog and I put him in the grooming hammock to work on his nails and legs because it takes the pressure off his joints and makes the whole process a little easier on both of us)