The inaugural Celebration of the Horse-Human Relationship (CHHR) this past weekend was such a beautiful experience that I’m honored to be a part of and to continue to see blossom in coming years.
It was a gift to be able to share the arena with other presenters who masterfully discussed diverse topics while a common thread weaved through all of our clinics – the foundation of putting the horse first…their bodies, their learning styles, their emotions. And it was so beautiful to be part of a representation that no matter where our individual paths have taken us, when we let our love for the horse lead the way, we are all much more similar than different.
This weekend meant a lot to me in so many ways. Since taking a break from teaching clinics, I’ve changed so much of my horsemanship priorities and ways to get there, that I had a nagging doubt about whether I’d be able to share this “new” stuff in an effective way. But once I got back in the arena in front of a horse, those messages flowed through me as easily as ever… reinvigorating my passion for teaching. I look forward to continuing to share my unique voice and perspective to those whom it brings value to.
I have so much gratitude to those who made this event happen.
Thank you to Mary MillerJordan AndFamily (I AM HERD Mustang Sanctuary) for letting this idea kindle from within you into the flame that was shared with everyone.
Thank you to Triple Crown Feed and EspanaSilk Grooming Products for sponsoring the event.
Thank you to all of the presenters for sharing horsemanship through your unique lens. My one regret is that I was unable to see more of everyone’s clinics.
Thank you to the support staff Hannah, Andrew, and Shayla for doing literally everything behind the scenes AND watching Alice while I taught. It was such a comfort knowing that Alice was safe and cared for so that I could focus on the horses.
Thank you to all who attended. It is an honor that you trusted us to be a part of your horsemanship journey.
I can’t wait to return next year and am already missing the special community that formed around the horse at CHHR.
I have already scheduled my return to Lake Waccamaw, NC to teach a two-day clinic on March 1-2. Mark your calendars if you’re interested and details will be out soon!