First we want to thank you for joining what is to be the strongest and fiercest voice of rescue you will ever hear! If you think that that is bold than we have already accomplished our first objective, to get your attention. The concept for this page has been in the works for some time and is the combined efforts of several rescues that you may already follow. One thing that most of us in the resc
ue world face is a hidden enemy. More times than many will know it is rescuers that hinder and work against other rescues. So what we have done is bring together a group of like minded rescues, rescue support. We will each still maintain our own groups and our own rescues but here, on this page we will combine our knowledge, our resources, our passion and our fight to show the world that rescue need to work together, that rescues need to bury the drama and the politics that are costing lives. We have established a motto that rings of an older motto. Rescuers across the globe will proudly say that we are all the voice of the voiceless. With this group we will no longer be individual voices, we will be a mighty roar, a defiant fist in the air, a sonic boom that will rattle across all thought. Here we will share in our victories and in our tears. We will share our stories and we will fight side by side to bring more babies out of the grip of death. We invite you to join us on this journey, to not only follow us but to be a part of that voice. We are nothing but the pebble tossed in to the ocean, it will be up to you to carry the ripple to every shore. When each of us post we will sign our post with who we are and what rescue we represent so that you can put a face with the name. Join us, fight beside us, and lets make an impact that can be felt around the globe.