Being a professional in the horse industry, I have experienced and witnessed a lot of negativity from mean girls to bullies to poor riding to animal abuse to lack of safety to poor sportsmanship and horsemanship.
I’ve forever been an advocate for the opposite of all of the above. I’m not sure it’s earned me any fans. Regardless, I will always stand up for what is right, even if I’m standing alone.
I hope to see…
Less pointing fingers, more helping hands.
Less Instagram, more education.
Less abuse, more understanding.
Less aggression, more compassion.
Less mean girls, more camaraderie.
Less upper level movements, more basics.
Less drilling, more hacking.
Less rollkur, more open throat latches.
Less perfection, more progress.
We need so much progress…
For the love of the sport. For the love of the art. Most importantly, for the love of the horse.
🌻 Cara
📸 Max & Maxwell: Equestrian Photography