My majestic Fernando - a little glimpse of what we are working towards behind the scenes 🦄 Being a perfectionist disposition, I would be perfectly content endlessly working on the basics and throughness, but at some point you have to test your work and go to a show to see if you’re work is truly solidified! Super pleased with how his overall quality of gaits have improved, canter pirouettes are developing strength, as well as the in-hand work. It melts my heart that this horse has become such an honest soul, and truly gives me his all ❤️ Thank you Alison Head for all of your help with him! 🙏
My beautiful Levander🦄 Many often ask me about him, when I’m showing him again, what we’re working on…. The external pressures of being a trainer with a talented horse that’s been carrying the weight all of my hopes and dreams - honestly, he’s been a puzzle, something just slightly off, but not being able to pinpoint it - I wanted him to feel happy in his work and good in his body instead of just pushing onward despite my gut telling me he’s not comfortable. So I’ve of course gotten the x-rays and evaluations done, until finally treating him for EPM and supplementing with higher doses of Vitamin E. His body and top-line have blossomed back to the young horse that I started with. In hindsight, it seems so obvious and simple. He’s becoming content and willing in his work again, as I curate his training program to carefully and patiently restart him after treatment. Horses don’t owe us anything so it’s our job to be their stewards, to make sure they are content and comfortable. I cannot even begin to express the joy it brings me to see him out in his paddock with his topline and muscles filling out in all the right places again and to feel the lightness and joy this horse moves with when he’s feeling good! ❤️It’s a slippery slope to start attributing every behavior to a medical reason, but on the flip side it is so important to listen to your horses, take note of the behaviors that are out of character, listen to your gut, and ignore the outside pressures until you find what works for you and your horse. I always circle back to truly believing that Dressage is just like life, full of ups and downs, plateaus, and that the only we truly learn and evolve in our craft is through our mistakes and through the hardships. So I try to stay positive and view every hiccup as chance to study and learn more. It’s about the journey, not that fastest shortcut to the end goal. If you’ve made it this far, thanks for listening to my reflections and ser
Zorro also went on a field trip to Bruce’s Field to do a Fix-a-Test with Alison Head- she gave us some very valuable feedback to improve our connection, balance, geometry, and overall presentation - Zorro is a big boy with a heavy stallion like forehand, neck and head, so teaching him to move lightly, balanced, and navigate with grace takes a lot of preparation and skill - we have our homework and polishing of the test this week before the schooling show next week for Zorro’s Third Level debut 💜
Thank you Alison! 🙏
My beautiful boy, Fernando, and I finally made it back to a lesson with Laura Abner Dressage after our winter break and spending January to gradually regain fitness to PSG level work again.
As I bring Fernando back, my main goals are to revisit quality basics of suppleness and acceptance of the aids.
My other priority is to improve his overall canter quality - the clear 3 beat rhythm, uphill balance, height and length of stride, as well as developing that slow, medium canter feel which will ultimately improve his tempi changes.
Fernando and I also had the opportunity to have wonderful lesson with Felicitas von Neumann the week before. Felicitas really broke down the biomechanics of how to improve Fernando’s canter as well as how I can better use my seat to help him even more (he is not quite gifted with the highest quality canter by nature.)
My personal goal/obsession are to further develop my own elastic and supple seat with even better timing of my aids.
The beauty of Dressage is that we are constantly evolving, learning, and peeling back the layers of the onion to become even better versions of ourselves.
Thanks Laura for a great lesson and feeling inspired for the year ahead!
#lusitano #dressagetraining #aikendressage
Zorro Today 💕 Half Steps Coming Along - will aid in developing the trot, as well as make a quicker more active hind leg for the changes 🙌 Love this special horse 🦄