Auseez Dog Training LLC

Auseez Dog Training LLC Relationship-based, positive reinforcement training. Life skills: for a connected and cooperative partner.

LEG LIFTINGI see people letting their male dogs lift their leg and p*e on all sorts of inappropriate things - posts, fen...


I see people letting their male dogs lift their leg and p*e on all sorts of inappropriate things - posts, fences, garbage cans, bridges, mail boxes. This leaves a pool of urine for everyone to look at and smell! This is so inconsiderate and unsanitary.

And we wonder why dogs are not welcome in public places!

DO NOT LET YOUR DOG DO THIS - IT'S DISGUSTING! It is very possible to train your dog not to do this (rather teach them what to do instead). A command of "not there" works well once thoroughly trained. There is absolutely no excuse for letting your dog do this. Please realize that it only takes one dog doing this sort of thing to ruin it for all dogs.

In a world where we are trying to build goodwill for dogs and dogs out in public this is just a disaster.

IMAGINEImagine only living in one environment (backyard/house) and never leaving. When your humans are home they have mi...


Imagine only living in one environment (backyard/house) and never leaving. When your humans are home they have minimal contact with you. No one teaches you how to behave in either of these places. So you bark, bark, bark and try to "protect" your environment - it's all you really have to do all day.

This is not a life for a dog. They are social creatures who crave interaction and connection. These are the dogs in my neighborhood. And while it's very annoying to hear all the barking, it's also very sad. This is desperate barking that screams, "I am bored, unfulfilled and have no idea how to behave."

Please do not get a dog if this will be their life. They are not yard ornaments!

KENNEL TRAINING I am a proponent of kennel training. My dogs have an outside kennel for when I'm not home (weather permi...


I am a proponent of kennel training. My dogs have an outside kennel for when I'm not home (weather permitting). It is a secure place for them and they can relax and rest. They stand by my back door and wait for me to tell them they can go to the kennel- or they put themselves in there and wait.

Last night I was gardening and Jeb chose to hang out in the kennel (I always leave the door open when I'm home).

Dogs need a place to themselves that is away from us. Otherwise they are always attending to what we are doing and don't completely relax.

It takes some time to set up expectations for being in a kennel - i.e, being quiet, non reactive, non destructive, etc. It's worth the time investment imo. I have been fortunate that my other dogs have helped train (by being a good example) my younger dogs how to behave in a kennel.

Consider kennel or crate training so your dog can rest, relax and recharge away from you. It's so good for them!

RESEARCH THE BREED!Do you know what your dog was originally bred to do? Their original purpose? Is it pulling a sled for...


Do you know what your dog was originally bred to do? Their original purpose? Is it pulling a sled for many miles? Is it moving stock 25 miles a day? Is it working with the police or military? Is it killing vermin?

I have had quite a few people contact me recently requesting help with rehoming their dogs. The reason for rehoming (with a few exceptions) is that they are not/cannot meet the needs of their dogs. While I am happy to share resources, this could be avoided by doing research up front. I would be happier to share resources about specific breeds/mixes and what they need to be fulfilled.

Working/herding/sporting dogs are not going to thrive being locked up 8 hours a day and getting a 15 min walk per day. They will be bored and destructive. They will find an outlet for all that energy and it will not be good! As my first breeder said to me about her working Australian Shepherds, "they are not yard ornaments."

Every day I hear dogs in my neighborhood barking from stress/boredom. I hear the pattern to their barking and know that their needs are not being met. Dogs that are fulfilled do not generally bark like that.

It's worth the time up front to research breeds and find what will fit best in your household. A good breeder will be honest about their breed and what kind of home would be best. Many shelters will also be able to advise you about certain breeds and specific dogs at their shelter.

It's interesting, people notice a dog that is jumping around, straining on the leash and/or trying to meet all the peopl...

It's interesting, people notice a dog that is jumping around, straining on the leash and/or trying to meet all the people and dogs. What they don't notice is the quiet dog walking through the crowd by it's owners side minding it's own business. Or an owner actively training their dog.

Why is this? Out of control dogs are really ruining public perception of dogs imo. Keep training your dog and creating a dog who is a joy to have in public!

Here is Joe minding his own business in old downtown Albany.

LET THEM LOOK    (thoughts on environmental triggers)Many people train the concept of engage/disengage with reactive dog...

LET THEM LOOK (thoughts on environmental triggers)

Many people train the concept of engage/disengage with reactive dogs. The dog learns to check back in with the handler and to disengage with what is bothering them.

This is a good concept overall, but it doesn't really let the dog look until he has dismissed what is bothering him. He is looking quickly and then looking back to the owner for a reward.

If the dog is too close to something that is bothering him he will likely get "stuck" and not be able to look away. Or he will do some quick look backs for food rewards.

A slightly different way to work on this is to add enough distance that the dog can voluntarily look back after "dismissing" what is bothering him. I just keep adding distance until the dog can look and dismiss. If he is looking for a really long time, he is too close to a trigger. When the dog looks away, I quietly reward with my voice and food rewards (often a food scatter on the ground). I want the dog to be able to look away because they are no longer bothered, not just because they get a food reward.

I also like to add some language to this. So, I usually say something like, "I see it, it's fine." It all goes back to teaching the dog that the owner will handle whatever comes up and will keep the dog safe.

It is ok to let dogs really look at the environment. We are often very quick to try to get them to pay attention to us. True engagement will happen when a dog is able to look around, acclimate and feel safe in a new environment. There is much more to this - a subject for another post. :-)

NOT AT HOMEHow we set up our dogs when we are not home to supervise can make or break our training. When working on bark...


How we set up our dogs when we are not home to supervise can make or break our training. When working on barking and reactivity to sights/sounds we want to keep our dogs from practicing barking or charging at windows when we are not at home. If a dog is prone to looking out windows and barking then it is advisable to block access to the windows.

This can be done by having the dog in a crate or by blocking off access to windows with a barrier. I generally don't advise that dogs be loose in the house until their skills are in place. This means they are non destructive and do not bark. Dogs get good at what they practice, so we only want them practicing behaviors/skills that we want to continue. If we are working on reducing reactive behaviors and the dog is practicing reactive behaviors when the owner is not home it will be a struggle to move forward with training. Every part of a dog's life is connected.

When transitioning to being loose in the house, I often suggest blocking off areas to create good habits. If feels better leaving your dog at home when you know he is set up for success!



If you asked 100 dog owners if they'd do anything for their dog, I'm sure they'd all say yes.

However, rehoming rates, pet obesity, and dogs being dumped and surrendered is at an all-time high, so the math isn't adding up.

Doing anything for your dog really means:

Researching the right dog breed for you and your family.

Finding a reputable trainer to set your dog up for success.

Getting up early to walk your dog, especially when it's hot out.

Feeding your dog a well-balanced diet and not over feeding them.

Setting boundaries, guidelines, and discipline for your dog. Not just the "easy" and "fun" stuff.

Getting a dog walker or doggie daycare if you're working long hours.

Finding a way to make it work for your pet rather than discarding them at the first sign of struggle.

Doing things your dog may not like even though it's for their benefit. Such as: nail trims, crate training, walking nicely on a leash, and settling down when asked.

Shout out to all the dog owners that go above in beyond for their dogs. I've been fortunate to have some amazing clients because they are willing to put in the work and do what's best for their dog. They talk the talk and walk the walk.

So which kind of owner are you?

Eating part of dinner in a box.😊

Eating part of dinner in a box.😊

Happy Independence Day! Keep your dogs safe.♡♡

Happy Independence Day! Keep your dogs safe.♡♡

BE STILL AND CHILLLearning to be tied up is a good skill for dogs to learn. It helps them learn to chill and be still wh...


Learning to be tied up is a good skill for dogs to learn. It helps them learn to chill and be still while observing the environment. It gives us the opportunity to reinforce quiet and observant behavior. I don't mind if dogs move around a little bit while tied as long as they are calm.

I was helping my Mom with yard work and planting and realized what a good opportunity this would be for my young dog, Joe. He is a very visual dog and any opportunity for him to calmly observe in a new environment is good for him.

When dogs are first learning/practicing this, I give food rewards intermittently as well as verbal reassurance. As they get better at it and understand the expectation (to quietly observe), I just use verbal praise and reassurance. I also start with some distance from any activity/movement when they are first learning this.

So, think of times when you can practice this while also getting some work done. :-)

Awesome grooming salon in North Albany!

Awesome grooming salon in North Albany!


A BIG ISSUE – Today our breed expert Carol Price revisits the subject of how you can identify and maintain a most healthy weight in your dog.

How to know if your dog is the right weight

One of the more heartening sights for me on this page is the number of followers who send us pictures of their active, healthy BCs who are all of an ideal weight. For being the right weight will not only preserve your dog’s active life for so much longer, it will also spare them so many more unpleasant health issues in older age.

It is also vital for working or competition dogs to maintain the right weight to minimise the risk of injury or excess strain on the heart and joints.

Obesity in dogs, in general, is now becoming as massive a problem as it is in people. Similarly it makes them more vulnerable to so many other illnesses or conditions, ranging from diabetes and arthritis to heart problems and a number of cancers. And seeing as we totally control everything a dog eats, it is also completely avoidable.

What your dog weighs, on the scales, is not always the best indication of how healthy or ‘right’ their weight is, as collies can come in so many different sizes and body builds. A far better guide can be seen in our illustration, where we look at these key things:

1. WAIST. Does your dog have an immediately obvious ‘waist’ when you look down on them from above? If so, this usually signifies a healthy weight. Similarly, when you run your hands LIGHTLY down their sides, you should EASILY feel their ribs underneath without pressing harder. If your dog looks ‘squarer’ from above, without a more obvious waist and you cannot easily feel their ribs for fat, or without having to press quite hard, the chances are they are pretty overweight. Your dog’s ribs, however, should not actually be sticking out, which could indicate they are UNDERWEIGHT instead.

2. THE ‘TUCK UP’. Dogs of an ideal weight should also have a pronounced ‘tuck up’ where their underbelly tapers up, at an angle, neatly into the groin area (again see illustration). If the underbelly sags down instead, or you cannot see this same slanted angle of ‘tuck up’ your dog is likely to be overweight (though do note some health conditions can also cause swelling of the belly in dogs – covered a bit later).

3. PELVIC BONES. If you put your hand on top of your dog’s ‘bottom’ or hip area, in dogs of ideal weight you should just feel the top of the pelvic bones under the skin. If you cannot easily feel them your dog may be overweight. If they are actually sticking out, your dog may be underweight.

In longer coated dogs you may need to rely more on ‘feel’ than sight to tell if they are the right weight, or look at them when wet. And if in any doubt you can also ask your vet for their opinion.

If your dog is overweight, the most important thing to do is accept it. As too often owners tend to go into denial about it, instead, or say their dog “doesn’t eat that much” when the evidence right in front of them is that if this were true they would not have an overweight dog. Or they may say ‘the vet says my dog is fine’ when this may not actually be true, or the vet is struggling to be more honest with them, or may genuinely not be aware of what a healthy size or weight should actually be in a particular breed.

What they really mean is that they do not want to have to change what they are doing, and start giving their dog a lot less food and more exercise, and thus if they keep denyng their dog is overweight they do not have to do this. When I would argue that truly caring about a dog is always about putting their optimum health and best interests first, as opposed to your own need to keep doing what is most comfortable for you.

As many vets will be aware, the food or ‘weight’ issue in dogs can also sometimes be very emotionally complex for owners, as they may continually confuse the constant over-indulging of their dog with extra treats, snacks, leftovers etc. with ‘love’. However, it is worth remembering that dogs can get used to eating – or expecting – less food just as easily as they get used to eating more. So with overweight dogs, you just have to stick to a plan of more restricted food intake for them until the former happens, and not think they have to be fed every time they look at you or ‘seem hungry’. Giving them more exercise or stimulation of other kinds will also help stop them being more continually food

Weight usually creeps up steadily on dogs for the same reason it does on people – too many extra treats or snacks, as just mentioned, or portions of food that do not match your dog’s daily exercise levels. Some dogs are also more prone to weight gain than others. But the more overweight your dog gets, the more exercise becomes progressively harder work for them, and takes an ever greater toll on their heart and joints.

You should begin by cutting out all extra snacks, treats and food leftovers and then additionally cutting their daily food portions back by about a quarter to a third, so the reduction is less drastic. If you want to give them treats things like carrot sticks, or lower calorie treats made of fish skin, can be substituted. You want to aim for slow and steadier weight loss over time. Vets can also really help these days with weight loss plans and special diets if required.

People can be so used to seeing overweight dogs in society today – and thinking this ‘normal’ – that very often what they may think is an underweight dog is actually one of perfect weight. Again, if you are not sure check our illustration, or with your vet.

Collies who have been subjected to great trauma or stress – like rescue dogs – can lose weight very rapidly, as can dogs with more super-high metabolisms. Often when the stress element is removed from any dog’s life, their weight will return to normal. However some collies will always be harder to keep weight on than others, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they are not also healthy.

If your dog has suddenly gained or lost weight more rapidly, or over a shorter period of time, then a vet check up is strongly recommended. As conditions like Hypothyroidism or Cushing’s Disease can make dogs gain weight or give them a more ‘pot bellied’ appearance. Other conditions can lead to more dramatic weight loss, so it is always worth ruling these out first.

Generally, it is worth weighing your dog(s) more regularly, like every two or three months, to ensure they are maintaining a more stable, healthy weight. It will also give you a chance to act sooner, rather than later, if they need to lose or gain a bit more weight, or if their weight change is a first sign of something else not going right with their health.

Finally, if you had an overweight dog, and stuck to your goal of making them slimmer, you will not believe the difference it can make to their overall health and wellbeing. They may become so much more active and happy, and appear so much younger – and it can genuinely add years to their active lives. So if anyone among you has just gone through doing this for their dog, we salute you.
All text © Carol Price/Collieology 2024

Zucchini, green beans, blueberries, a little bit of kibble and water frozen in a slow bowl can keep your dog busy and co...

Zucchini, green beans, blueberries, a little bit of kibble and water frozen in a slow bowl can keep your dog busy and cool for quite awhile!😁😁

LISTENI took Joe to the Farmer's Market last weekend. Well, really on the outskirts of the market. He clearly told me th...


I took Joe to the Farmer's Market last weekend. Well, really on the outskirts of the market. He clearly told me that he doesn't care for that environment but feels fine about walking on the downtown streets away from the market.

Often places that seem like they would be really fun for a dog- Farmer's Markets, Coffee shops, etc- aren't very fun at all. Even though dogs may tolerate these places (esp if they are well trained), they can be conflicting for them. Dogs bred to be protective may be on the lookout for trouble. Dogs bred to control movement may be bothered by all the activity and quick movement. Also, imagine being squished under a table or having to worry about being stepped on or petted.

I'm sure there are some dogs that enjoy these type of activities. Consider what feels comfortable to your dog and what he would like to do. Many dogs would rather be out on a hike, swimming or something similar.

IT ALL STARTS AT HOME- Being a good leaderSetting up expectations for behavior at home is the key to being a good leader...

IT ALL STARTS AT HOME- Being a good leader

Setting up expectations for behavior at home is the key to being a good leader and having our dogs defer to our decisions. Leadership is not about being "alpha" it is just a matter of teaching our dogs the we will make decisions and help keep them safe. Dogs are often relieved to not be making the decisions in the household. They are comfortable having clear expectations and boundaries for behavior.

Examples of expectations for behavior:

-being quiet in house/yard (including when being confined)
-waiting for permission to go out doors
-staying off furniture/bed
-going to place/bed when asked
-moving out of our space
-waiting for food bowl to be put down
-stopping unwanted behavior when given a verbal cue (final goal is having them understand appropriate behavior)
-appropriate interactions with other pets in the household

Treating dogs like "furkids" and giving them all kinds of "privileges" without these skills in place is a recipe for disaster and is a disservice to them. They are not people. What makes them special is that they are NOT people! They want and need boundaries and direction. They want to learn their place in the household and are more comfortable when this is known to them.

BEING NEUTRALTonight I took Joe with me (in a crate) to pick up a grocery order.  I have prepared him for people coming ...


Tonight I took Joe with me (in a crate) to pick up a grocery order. I have prepared him for people coming up to the car and putting groceries in. I usually point out that I have a dog in the car, so employees are aware if they are reaching in the car. Note: I wouldn't take all dogs to pick up groceries!

Lately, I have had several clerks kind of lean in and stare at or talk to him. So, tonight when the employee said, "hi puppy," I said (like Joe was talking back to him), "please ignore me, I'm in training." It worked like a charm and the employee was very respectful about it. I was sure to thank him for that!!

I was thinking on the way home about how this sort of thing is such a wonderful opportunity to educate the public about dogs. It can help people learn to be neutral to dogs just as the dog is learning to be neutral to people (unless otherwise instructed). So, just because a dog accompanies us somewhere doesn't mean they are available for interaction or petting.

I try to have a phrase available when I tell people, "no" they can't interact with my dog. It pays to be kind and friendly when doing this - even when we don't feel like it - lol! I often just move away as I quickly explain my dog/client dog is in training.

I also think dogs will be better received out in the world if they are clearly being trained and minding their own business. Teaching dogs to be neutral to people and other dogs is a main goal of mine with client dogs and with my own dogs.

This is SO maddening and unnecessary!Stop taking untrained pets into stores! It is putting true service dogs and their h...

This is SO maddening and unnecessary!

Stop taking untrained pets into stores! It is putting true service dogs and their handlers at risk.

There are plenty of pet friendly stores to visit with pet dogs.

I was in Safeway the other day and saw a clearly untrained dog in the back of the store. By the time I got to the front of the store it was barking. I asked customer service what their policy is on dogs in the store. They said if a dog is disruptive they will remove it from the store. How refreshing! This is the first I've heard of this.

It is sad that we can't police ourselves and do the right thing instead of being selfish and having a "me first no matter the cost to anyone else" attitude. Truly disheartening.

OUTSIDE BARKINGThe weather is warming up and many people are leaving their dogs out in the yard. And they are barking AL...


The weather is warming up and many people are leaving their dogs out in the yard. And they are barking ALL THE TIME!

I have heard people say, “well, dogs bark.” I disagree! If a dog’s needs are met they should not be barking endlessly. The dogs in my neighborhood are barking because they have nothing else to do. They don’t leave their property, their people don’t interact with them, they are left in the yard to practice inappropriate behavior, and no one is in the yard with them teaching them how to behave.

This is so disheartening and really quite disrespectful to everyone who has to listen to this. Please consider how this noise might impact your neighbors. I woke up today at about 6:10 am because the neighbor’s dogs were charging the back fence.

It is not hard to set your dog up for success. Leave him in the house when you are gone (if possible). Only let him out in the yard when you can be there to supervise. Teach him how to be quiet in the yard- even when he hears other dogs barking. Enrich his life through your presence, training, taking walks and playing with toys. Look into taking some classes to fulfill your dog's original purpose - if it's a herding dog, look into taking some herding classes. As my first dog’s breeder said to me, “they are not yard ornaments.”

Be the neighbor who is working hard to have a content, well trained dog that understands what is expected when out in the yard. Your dog and your neighbors will thank you!



"My foster dog stinks to high heaven. I don’t know for sure what breed he is. His eyes are blank and hard. He won’t let me pet him and growls when I reach for him. He has ragged scars and crusty sores on his skin. His nails are long and his teeth which he showed me are stained.

I sigh.

I drove two hours for this. I carefully maneuver him so that I can stuff him in the crate. Then I heft the crate and put it in the car. I am going home with my new foster dog.

At home I leave him in the crate till all the other dogs are in the yard. I get him out of the crate and ask him if he wants ‘outside.’ As I lead him to the door he hikes his leg on the wall and shows me his stained teeth again.

When we come in he goes to the crate because that’s the only safe place he sees. I offer him food but he won’t eat it if I look at him, so I turn my back. When I come back the food is gone. I ask again about ‘outside.’ When we come back I pat him before I let him in the crate, he jerks away and runs into the crate to show me his teeth.

The next day I decide I can’t stand the stink any longer. I lead him into the bath with cheese in my hand. His fear of me is not quite overcome by his wish for the cheese. And well he should fear me, for I will give him a bath.

After an attempt or two to bail out he is defeated and stands there. I have bathed four legged bath squirters for more dog years than he has been alive. His only defense was a show of his stained teeth that did not hold up to a face full of water.

As I wash him it is almost as if I wash not only the stink and dirt away but also some of his hardness. His eyes look full of sadness now. And he looks completely pitiful as only a soap covered dog can. I tell him that he will feel better when he is cleaned. After the soap the towels are not too bad so he lets me rub him dry. I take him outside. He runs for joy. The joy of not being in the tub and the joy of being clean. I, the bath giver, am allowed to share the joy. He comes to me and lets me pet him.

His skin is healing. He likes for me to pet him. I think I know what color he will be when his hair grows in. I have found out he is terrified of other dogs. So I carefully introduce him to my mildest four legged brat. It doesn’t go well.

Two weeks later a new vet bill for an infection that was missed on the first visit. He plays with the other dogs.

Three weeks later he asks to be petted. He chewed up part of the rug.

Eight weeks later his coat shines, he has gained weight. He shows his clean teeth when his tongue lolls out after he plays chase in the yard with the gang. His eyes are soft and filled with life. He loves hugs and likes to show off his tricks, if you have the cheese.

Someone adopted him today... When they saw him the first time they said he was the most beautiful dog they had ever seen.

Six months later I got a call from his new family. He is wonderful, smart, well behaved and very loving. How could someone not want him? I told them I didn’t know. He is beautiful. They all are".

Fosters change the world, so please consider opening your home to a dog in need đŸ™đŸŸ

This is excellent! I especially like that this addresses boundaries. Boundaries and expectations for behavior are the ke...

This is excellent! I especially like that this addresses boundaries. Boundaries and expectations for behavior are the key to a great relationship with your dog!

Dogs are dogs. They're not fur babies. They're not children. They're dogs.

That doesn't mean I don't love my dogs. It doesn't mean you can't call them your "kids" or "fur children." But for their sake, respect that they are dogs. Treat them well, but treat them as they should be.

People humanizing dogs is actually what's getting a lot of them put down, rehomed, dumped, and loaded with behavioral issues.

The best way to honor and love your dog is to respect the fact that they are different from us. That's part of what makes them so amazing!!

Bringing home a new dog and giving it whatever it wants, whenever it wants, is not setting them up for success. It may feel good to "spoil" them. I get it, but what you're actually doing is creating a brat.

I hear this often: "My dog bit our friend on the couch because he thinks the couch is his." OK, who let them think that? The dog didn't just waltz in and claim your couch. The dog wasn't given boundaries to begin with. I let my dogs on the couch, but if I tell them to get off and go to their bed, they will without hesitation. They've earned that privilege based on respect, trust, and understanding.

If you want to "spoil" your dog, do it by setting them up for success. Exercise them, give them boundaries, give them a job, and give them what they actually need instead of the latest squeaky toy. The time you spend playing with your dog means more than the toy itself.

Love your dog. Cherish your dog. Respect your dog, but for the love of the dog, TREAT THEM LIKE A DOG.

(And before anyone wants to say something silly...My dogs are my family. They literally signed my marriage certificate, but they also have boundaries. Just like any healthy family should!)

E COLLAR RECALLSI’m so disheartened by the posts from people proudly displaying and defending e collar recalls. Training...


I’m so disheartened by the posts from people proudly displaying and defending e collar recalls.

Training a reliable recall takes time, it takes a history of rewards/reinforcement, it takes setting up a dog for success by not calling him when he cannot respond, it takes generalizing this behavior in different settings, it takes an understanding that a dog should be on a long line until this is completely trained. I could go on.....

I see e collars as a last resort option, maybe as a life saving measure. But, otherwise, I suggest taking the time to thoroughly train a recall. It is worth every minute of effort you put in. And your dog should be happily running to you, not running to you to avoid being shocked!

Here is a video of 5 mo old Joe - just as I was adding the recall word, “come” as he arrives at my feet.

BE THEREIt’s so important to be with our dogs in situations where they need guidance on how to behave. For example, bein...


It’s so important to be with our dogs in situations where they need guidance on how to behave. For example, being in the backyard. We need to be out with our dogs rewarding calm, quiet behavior and interrupting and redirecting inappropriate behavior. This will not happen if dogs are just let loose to bark, charge fences, etc. Consider shutting the dog door to prevent this type of behavior.

No, it’s not convenient to do this. But, you get out what you put in! The time spent doing this work will lead to an enjoyable time in the yard with a dog who understands how he is expected to behave. Ideally, it would be best to start this with a puppy. But, a dog of any age can learn this.

I was really happy the other day when my dog heard a neighbor dog charging and barking at the fence and brought himself out of the yard and into the garage (to me). He has been rewarded so much for not reacting to that behavior that he just took himself out of the situation. This is only because I have spent A LOT of time out in the yard with him guiding him on appropriate behavior. He is not able to do this every time he hears that but he is getting pretty dang good at it.

Another example of this is leaving dogs in cars. If a dog is left loose in a car and barks at every passerby he sees, he is just practicing and getting good at that behavior. Dogs are protective of their property, so this is not unusual. However, do we really want our dog barking at people from the car? With public perception about dogs at an all time low, I wouldn’t recommend this. First thing - get a crate and put it in your car! Then start working on this behavior in your driveway. Reward calm, quiet behavior and interrupt/redirect any barking. I’ve been taking my dogs to pick up groceries so they can practice being quiet and calm while the person brings the groceries to the car.

BE THERE for your dog!


Albany, OR


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