Equine dentals!
A lot of people aren't quite sure what to expect when seeing a dental performed for the first time.
Here's a deep dive into the dental process!
A PSA to horse owners,
In the last week there have been two confirmed cases of EHM in eastern washington state with possible exposure of numerous horses. What is EHM?
EHM Stands for Equine Herpes Myeloencephalopathy/myelitis, a neurological disease in horses caused by the Equine herpesvirus (EHV). EHM occurs when the EHV-1 virus damages the blood vessels in the brain and spinal cord, which can lead to tissue damage and loss of normal function in those areas. It has also been known to cause abortion in breeding mares as well as weak, nonviable foals.
Symptoms: EHM typically begins 8-12 days after a fever, and symptoms include incoordination, urine dribbling, weakness, reduced tail tone, and inability to stand.
EHV is highly contagious and can be transmitted to other horses on skin, clothing, boots and through any sort of contact with nasal secretions. Humans can act as fomites.
For any of our horse owners who are traveling, showing and or potentially hauling their horses to new environments we want to make you aware, and encourage you to take precaution with your travels. Please be sure your horses are vaccinated against EHV-1 and EHV-4, and that you are taking extra care if and when you are hauling out.
Is there a treatment?
The treatment is mostly supportive, and nursing care. While there has been a new drug introduced to us that claims to stop the disease and clear any symptoms, there is no Clinical evidence or studies to indicate that this product can and will treat EHM.
5 day difference with Arthamidvet! Cowboy is feeling GREAT!
End of watch for officer Chetco K9 unit and beloved family member of officer Arthur, partner till the end. RIP Chetco and thank you for your service.
- Repmc team.
#k9unit #albanypolice #endofwatch #albanypolicedepartment #vetmed #riversedgepetmedicalcenter
When the boy tries to wake up during castration surgery. Called brutacaine. Don't mess w these ladies boys!
With climate change, extremes of summer heat, winter cold, and air pollutants, lower inflammatory airway disease is on the rise. This will produce clinical signs (cough, nasal discharge, exercise intolerance or decreased performance). This is a result of both airway constriction and inflammation. Alpha 2 from astaria global can help mitigate these respiratory symptoms, with the Flexineb nebulizer. Please call us at River's Edge Equine - 541-924-1700 for a full evaluation and consultation.
#flexineb #equinemedicine #equinevet #alpha2 #equinelife #vetmed
Happy holidays from the equine team!
We are doing a promotion from now until January 20th for 10% off of your annual dentals!
And please feel free to reach out to us about any other care you might need!
#vetmedicine #veterinarians #equinemedicine #equinevet #horsefamily #fortheloveofhorses