Rex and Bug
We have males and females available for adoption. We are in Albany Oregon pm me for details
Jango and Teddy litter
We have 2 males 1 black and 1 yellow and 2 black females. PM for details we are in Albany Oregon
Duckflat babies
We have Chocolates 2 females and 1 male and 2 yellows females looking for their forever parents. Direct message me for details
2 yellow females
Dad Master National Qualifier and HRCH mom beautiful black. Great bloodlines. Parents have all health Clearances. Ready for their forever home October 20th. Albany Oregon please pm for more information.
Chocolate babies
We have 3 females and 1 male ready for their forever homes October 19th. Parents have all health clearances. Please PM me for details Albany Oregon
We have a box of chocolates. Rex and Jaxx litter. We have 4 boys and 4 girls up for discussion. Please DM me for more information. Males will be 65 lbs and females 55. Parents have all health clearances and puppies have 26 month health guarantee. Albany Or.
We have 2 blacks 1 female and 1 male looking for their forever home. Will be ready on Nov18th. Please PM me for details
Battle royal 3 of 4 males available
We have babies available 2 girls and 4 boys Oct 7th pm me for details
8 weeks old 1 female and 2 males very friendly and well adjusted. Shots and wormings. Full registration Pm me for more information