These 2 cuties are Jet and Jed, the 2 mice we recently took in. I'm happy we have them, but they sure have triggered my allergies. Because I've had allergies since I was a kid, I had allergy tests years ago and learned that I'm allergic to all animals (especially rodents), plants, trees, flowers and other misc things. After the tests, I began having 3 allergy serum shots every week, which continued for years, but now I'm on maintenance so I get 3 shots only every 4 weeks instead of weekly. I'm curious, have any of you had allergy shots and are now on maintenance yet you are still reacting to what you're allergic to? I suspect I'm going to need to be re-tested and have my maintenance shots serum either tweaked or that I may have to start weekly doses again. I'd love to hear your opinions. Animal rescue means everything to me so I need a solution. I'll make an appointment with my allergy clinic for an evaluation.Thanks.
Fun with gorgeous Gabriel tonight
Rattie dinner for tonight is cooked butternut squash, a rat favorite. Make sure squash and potatoes are always cooked to a tender consistency for ratties. Never raw please. β€οΈ
Here's an update on the last 4 lab rats we took in. We named them Addison, Averie, Ariel and Adria.
Our boys Elias and Elijah are silly sleepy heads tonight.
This morning our "breakfast club" was a bit smaller than usual BUT so much more interesting with the new arrival of the gorgeous dove who I've not seen before. The gorgeous brown pigeon who I call "Chocolate" doesn't come every morning, but rather every so often. I love these beauties.
I'm posting this a bit later this evening than I had wanted to as I've been busy. Here is Malcolm who was humanely trapped on October 23rd in the backyard of a kind lady named Becca. He was frightened when he came to us, but is doing so well now and is open to being held and petted. I'm so happy for Malcolm. He's absolutely darling.
Vada says, "Mommy gibs me linguine and I lubs it."
Moments ago, I accidentally interrupted a darling mouse's nap as I was watering a tree adjacent to a lizard habitat that the mouse was napping inside of. Poor mousie. That habitat is now all wet. Years ago, I piled up volcanic rocks I had gathered from a roadside near here and placed them in 2 corners of our backyard so that the many lizards in our yard have shelter. Now I know our yard mice are using them too. Volcanic rocks are plentiful here because just 5 minutes from our home there are many dormant volcanoes. Before I got sick in 2022, I used to hike among the volcanoes. Many incredible petroglyphs are there too.
Okay, and then here's the video so that you can see the cute ornaments. Have fun.
Our hamster Princess sure enjoyed her mango tonight. Rats are crazy for mango too so we buy mangoes 1-2 times each week when they're on sale.
π Darling baby Casper passed away about an hour ago. I promise I tried so hard to save him. He was just a 5 week old baby who somehow wound up outside in freezing temperatures where he became so sick. By the time the young lady Katie found him in her yard and got him to us it was just too late for the antibiotic to work on Casper. This poor baby. π