Time Change (9:00am start)
Come join our pack and take a walk with us. You will see a new side to your dog. We are doing pack walks, Saturdays at 9:00am ( weather permitting ). The walks will be held at Mariposa Basin Park in Albuquerque. Come learn while your dog socializes with fellow pack walkers. Your dog will learn how to deal with aggression, reactivity and fearful behaviors under the supervision of our experienced trainer. Dog owners get to learn from a knowledgeable trainer in attendance to answer your questions. Be sure to bring plenty of water for you and your dog. There is no cost ( Free ) for the pack walk. Contact me for more details. Your dog will love you for bringing them out to make new friends. #packwalk #dogtraining #dogtrainingtips
PACK WALK (8:30 am start)
Come join our pack and take a walk with us. You will see a new side to your dog. We are doing pack walks, Saturdays at 8:30 am ( weather permitting ). The walks will be held at Mariposa Basin Park in Albuquerque. Come learn while your dog socializes with fellow pack walkers. Your dog will learn how to deal with aggression, reactivity and fearful behaviors under the supervision of our experienced trainer. Dog owners get to learn from a knowledgeable trainer in attendance to answer your questions. Be sure to bring plenty of water for you and your dog. There is no cost ( Free ) for the pack walk. Contact me for more details. Your dog will love you for bringing them out to make new friends. #packwalk #dogtraining #dogtrainingtips