Coi Board & Train Day 3
In order to keep Coi motivated, I’m using more “let’s go” commands with her. She is a very happy dog and is looking at obedience like it’s a game, which it should be.
We are also working at the park I hold group classes at. It’s a good middle ground between a familiar place and a new outside area.
She is having a blast!
Coi Board & Train Day 1
Here is the “before” video of Coi. She hads been doing our 6-month program but was having trouble with recalls under distraction. Her mom had been working hard with her but she needed a little extra help in that area 🙂
Day 4 with Abbie!
Working under distraction at the park, she is making a lot of progress and I'm very happy with her demeanor while we are working.
I'll post some videos in the comments as well!
Abbie - Day 2
We are working on some basic obedience in order to overcome her insecurities.
There has already been an improvement with her focus on the person working with her as well as more of her adorable personality coming out.
This is Abbie, our new board and train. The video was taken Monday before we did any work.
She is a 7 year old spaniel that is dealing with major insecurities and lack of confidence. Deep down she is extremely sweet and will just need some work to help get comfortable in new environments.
Day 2 video will be posted shortly!
Ranger Progress Video:
Ranger has been working his long leash skills, we are still keeping commands basic but giving him more room for error.
An important part of training is to check if the dogs have a true understanding of the commands.
You can see in the video how Ranger is responding to what I'm saying and how there is no real leash help either.
He is still a bundle of energy and has a long way to go with his refinement, but definitely on the right track!
Ranger Board & Train
Day 3 - Find what motivates your dog!
Progress video: Ranger has been doing a great job so far. For his training we have incorporated a tug toy as his reward for obedience.
(When training your dog, you must have a reward system in place. For me; I use praise & affection OR toys.)
As you can see in this video, Ranger is much more focused on what is it I'm doing. His anxiety has also decreased significantly due to his understanding of what is being asked of him and also with how much fun he is having!
On a side note: his grip on the toy is actually better than some protection dogs I work with! Haha!
New Board & Train with Ranger; an 8 month old German Shepherd Dog.
Ranger is from a working line and only did a few lessons with us when he was MUCH smaller...
Then life happened and his family got busy, we understand that and we are human too!
Now that he is an 85lb PUPPY, it is definitely time to get his obedience skills up to par...
In this "before" video, I wanted to show how Ranger responds to some basic commands and also demonstrate how difficult it is to physically control a puppy of this size.
We will have Ranger for a couple of weeks and will be posting short videos of his progress throughout!