Folks, by golly, we're getting there. Update as of yesterday:
We're installing the floors ourselves at the new space (us, and family, and the team, and the team's family), and it's coming along beautifully. My brother is painting the lobby, in addition to helping with floors and lots of other big stuff, and it looks awesome. The outside spaces are almost ready, and we'll be there tomorrow to get a ton more done. Plumbing is about finished, and we just need a couple more things from the landlord, then we'll be ready to start moving things soon.
Meanwhile, I'll give you an update on how as the team and more so management are handling it all. Overall? Well. We're doing our best to keep on top of everything happening, as well as do our current jobs, and I'm proud to say we are killing it. Amanda has covered so much for me/us lately and I am so thankful, and Miranda and I just finished working fourteen days straight. We're at the point where it feels a little like stressing for college exams (or maybe like finishing a thesis), where we're just trying to get food and sleep into our lives right now among the chaos of transitioning and expanding/building an entire business within a month. If you see me out in the world or driving, I most likely have a very concentrated, dazed and exhausted look on my face and it looks like I've been up for three days straight (though I haven't). Lmao. But! I am so hopeful, proud, thankful, and excited that this is all happening, and we are SO PUMPED to share this place with you all soon - that all of YOU directly helped make happen. Thank you so much for your patience, and your support - financially and socially, and we will soon be ready to present to you the REAL "Place That Every Dog Dreams Of." You'll see soon enough, and we can't wait.
[We're hoping to open at the new space around the 20th of February! Stay posted!]