Walnut Grovers*-Mark your calendars and RSVP for the 10th (ish?) Walnut Grove Farm Event Cup! Compete in all four phases for the chance to get your name on the coveted cup, or compete in Dressage Only, judged by Kim Blaszak (treated like a ride-a-test clinic with two shots at one test). Leadline available! To spread the school horse usage, the show will be held over two days, so you may opt for Saturday 8/12 or Sunday 8/13. Awards will be doled out at shows' end Sunday. Sign Up on the barn bulletin board, but it's only 'official' when you've paid your entry fee. (Three riders per school horse for the weekend, so rsvp early to get your favorite creature.) As always, the awards will be given to an equal-numbered junior and senior division. Riders may have a buddy for optimum time, but it will mean forfeiting your ability to be 'on the cup.'The Written Exam will (again) be titled "Are You Smarter than a D2 Pony Clubber?" (Google USPC D2 Testsheet)*Walnut Grovers constitute anyone in at least semi-regular lessons at WGF over the 2023 year.Volunteers needed Friday before and both days of...#dressage #optimumtime #showjumping #eventing #writtenexam #walnutgrovefarmeventteam #walnutgrovefarmdressageteam #haveyouhuggedaschoolhorsetoday #thoroughbreds #pmubabies #morgans #draftycreatures #quarterhorses #paints #tatertot #leadline
If you are a student at Walnut Grove, join us for The Walnut Grove Farm Event Cup 10/1 and 10/2. Dressage Judging by Bobbie Kerr. Written Test and Show Jumping Judging by Beth Walkowicz. Optimum Time Judging by one of you with a stopwatch. 'Dressage Ride-a-Test' an option as well. Closing Date: 9/26
*I know the video says it's September 15th, but it's A LIE. 10/1 and 10/2! Sign up in the barn!
Moments in Professionalism, brought to you by a ten month old puppy.
#goldenretriever #goldenretrieversofinstagram #nevermore #walnutgrovefarmagilityteam #baysfordays #charlesowen #edgar #draftcross #ariat
I could just write, "At the final regular season show in Alfred last weekend, our Middle School Team won Grand Champion for their third time out of five shows. Clare won double blues and brought home Middle School Reserve Champ Rider, Rory and Alexis put all the pieces of their season together and won their classes, Alejandra had personal best rides, Addison, Olivia, and Kaleb took home seconds, Lucy and Bella took fourths in large classes, and everyone who could qualify for Regionals (even if it was a long shot), qualified! What a day! We couldn't have done it without our perfect draws. Thanks to Alfred U and High Times for hosting." But then I wouldn't be me, would I?
December saw one of our toughest moments as a team. I didn't think that those it affected would have the mental toughness to have recent troubles on their minds, ride well, and support one another, but they really did. They did all that, and they did it with determination, visible nerves, grace, maturity beyond their years, humor, and the beginnings of forgiveness. They did it because they love horses and riding; and because they want to do right by each other.
They're probably not going to grow up and be axe murderers, after all.
#butlockyourdoorsjustincase #notabouttheribbons #rideiea #zone2region1 #canwecallfutureschoolmiddleschool #haveyouhuggedaschoolhorsetoday #winnerwinnerchickendinner #mentaltoughness #ponyclubproud #charlesowen #ariat #tipperary #samshield #lookoutregionalsherewecome #walnutgrovefarm #walnutgrovefarmieateam
Mini Cooper is looking for an intermediate rider to dote on him and take him to all the things. He is easy enough on the ground for my five year old to lead, bathe, and tack up, and he's great for trailering, the farrier and vet. During the summer, he was a solid citizen for my young Pony Clubbers and walk-trotters, and was simultaneously being leased by a petite 18 year old who kept him tuned up. In early fall, he was an asset at the IEA Show that we co-hosted. After a lengthy warm-up by one of my more advanced kids, he went on to earn many ribbons for the Future School flat classes. The weather turned cold, his leaser went to college, and we have a slightly different Mini Cooper: Still adorable. Still cuddly and safe for my little people on the ground, but Winter Mini Cooper is frisky (some bucking in which his front end seems to disappear). I told him I'd find him a kid with a great leg and seat to spoil him rotten in the manner to which he'd like to grow accustomed. Please email [email protected] for more information.
When I see my students cooling out together on an unusually gorgeous March evening, chatting away on saintly creatures, I think of my teenage and pre-teen barn days: Don Quixote with cornstalks with Johanna Freeman, dirty booger contests with Pete Ostrower and Flynn lying down to roll with Sarah Ostrower in the back field, Railroad Track memories with Marcea Funk, piggy back rides from Chris Johnson, Camp with Troy, Marissa Edmonston, Cait Peukin, Kate Scissors, and Kate Stripes, bribing the older kids with my lunch Doritos to put my bridle back together, and fair week at the Beers with Jenny Weeks. So much more that I'm not remembering right now...Thank you, Becky Backer
๐ท Credit: Lisa Mullen
#haveyouhuggedaschoolhorsetoday #whatawaytogrowup
When Gryff the cat joins the Adult Brunch Group Quadrille, outside December 12th! #lessonsoutside #walnutgrovefarmadultlessons #sunnybuffalo #walnutgrovefarmdressageteam #shoulderin
My Comp Team Group wanted 'in' on the no hands/no stirrups gridwork last night and made good choices as we went, pushing themselves but also knowing when it was time to scoop their irons back up.
Kaitlyn wins for finishing out the night hands-free and stirrups-free. Clare wins for knowing that Boston needed her a bit more 'present' and experimenting with both no hands and no stirrups. Carlie wins for taking Peppy through her first three-jump grid and over any height (in our time with her). Check out Carlie's release and Peppy's hind end! ๐
More pics and vids on our Instagram!
#ProudOfThesePeople #AlwaysProudOfTheHorses #NoStirrupsNovember #SeeYouSoonAdultGroup #Muhwahahahaha #EvilLaughHashTagsForTheWin
11 year old Olivia sees your No Stirrup November and raises you a set of reins.
#WalnutGroveFarmIEATeam #EastAuroraPonyClub #LookMaNoHands #NoStirrupNovember #BeginAgainHorseRescue #SherlockSuperPony @olive_oil_eventing
That's a wrap for Lehman! Thanks to the Millers, Liz Pinto, and Naomi for a great show. Thanks to the parents who supported their kids. Thanks to the horses who tolerated these people ๐ Good kids. Good ponies. Good times. #haveyouhuggedaschoolhorsetoday #walnutgrovefarmieateam #rideiea #unitedstatesponyclub #eastauroraponyclub #walnutgrovefarmhulateam