We are a Horse and Pony club who also have mule/donkey members! We are here to teach kids (and their adults) the values that 4H embraces. "To make the best better/To learn by doing" as well as teaching leadership, helping others, kindness, standing up for what's right, but knowing when to listen. The 4H motto is " Head, Heart, Hands and Health" and the 4H Pledge is " I Pledge my Head to Clearer Th
inking, My Heart to Greater Loyalty, My Hands to Larger Service, and my Health to Better Living; for my Club, My Community, My Country, and My World." We teach the kids how to properly and safely handle and manage their equine partners as well as what to look for in the animal. What is healthy and what is not. What kind of tack is acceptable and necessary and what is not. We have leaders that can help with all disciplines. We start with inside meetings during the cold season to cover lessons that can be done not mounted. Any of your leaders can be approached with a question about anything, and if they can't answer they can find someone who can.