City proposal on Simpson Park that would decrease the Dog park..attn: Simpson Stadium Dog Park Group..GET INVOLVED. Summary. The new city proposal to increase parking for the greater Simpson Park Renovation Project will shrink the size of the Dog Park because the basketball court will encroach upon the Dog Park.
Background. Our Simpson Park Dog Owners Group (SPDOG) received the final Dog Park (DP) Renovation design proposal in 2019.
• However, in March 2023, the city (Recreation Parks and Cultural Activities) posted an unknown to us new amended design that showed an expanded parking lot (+16 additional parking spots) that pushed the basketball court into the DP.
• The DP is the only section of Simpson Park targeted to shrink. To accommodate the expanded parking lot, the basketball court shifts and encroaches into the DP.
o Even if the city installs netting and plants evergreen hedges (more loss of DP space) (city informed the DP would lose 2% of its space as opposed to the original 6% - there was no DP CAD drawing to ascertain tangibly what this means).
• Intensified use of Simpson Park, mostly from soccer, is pushing the city in response to crowding, safety, traffic, and parking concerns.
Parking is the Issue. The city presented the modified design in a Zoom meeting on May 18, 2023, but discussion and presentation slides omitted any reference or discussion to the soccer fields. What is evident, and should be included, is discussion that soccer events generate most of the crowding, traffic, parking, access, and safety issues.
• This problem will not be solved by increasing parking, and it is ironic that the increased parking and this project will further decrease scarce green and open space.
• Every new city commercial and residential project, construction, and renovation proposal requests a parking reduction. Even the new Potomac Yard Metro Station has no available parking. Yet for this park renovation proposal, the city itself is requesting a reduction of greenspace to accommodate a parking increase.
• City policy prioritizes alternative transportation that promotes pro-environmental, health, and quality of life initiatives, yet this proposal does not.
• This proposal encourages more automotive uses, increases traffic, and does not comport with the city’s transportation, environmental, and health policies.
Explore Options. There are many alternatives to consider such as using adjacent unused or underused parking lots on weekends. Coordinate with the YMCA on an enter\exit configuration of the parking lot. Solicit Alexandria Soccer Association to raise matching funds like the city did with our group in the PARKnership program for DP improvements. Kelly Cares Field at the Lee Center did this as well.
• Reconfigure the current parking lot for drop off/pick up only.
• Most other local and regional athletic events\venues, employ drop off only and satellite parking. Event attendees could park at GW Middle School and walk or take a shuttle bus loop between Simpson and GWMS.
• Allow weekend parking along the SE corner of the soccer field where the wide merge area is where Monroe\Route One slip lane across from the large apartment – The Porter Del Ray.
• Coordinate with two dog businesses (Barkhaus & Your Dog’s Best Friend) or other nearby buildings (e.g., Reingold - across from the park with 22 spots available on weekends), Discovery Day Care, Commonwealth Academy) for solutions and alternatives for dog park users.
The city should defer a final decision until stakeholders can explore these options, but as the proposal stands it is scheduled to go before the Planning Commission and City Council in early June. GET INVOLVED