Happy Gotcha Day Lakota!
Sweet Baby Boy, who's not really a baby anymore but will forever be called that, was sitting orphaned at H&S Facilities in Stillwater Oklahoma 4 years ago today. He'd come into the pens with a group of weanlings that were really far too young to be separated from their mamma's. There were 4 total, 2 of which survived and unfortunately the other 2 did not survive and never made it out of the pen.
Lakota was one of the lucky ones because so many people came together to make sure this baby had a chance and a future.
The years that followed for Lakota were rough, mentally. Not at all physically despite the diagnosis the vet gave him due to him being very "cow hocked". Lakota's personality was not at all what a babies should be. He did not play as a, baby should and didn't interact with the other horses. Chance took Lakota under his wing and was a wonderful mentor but Lakota chose to cling to Chance and him only. As time went on Lakota developed some very bad habits and a bit of a dominance issue with humans, never with the other horses. He was a sweet, friendly little yearling but without reason or warning he would have tantrums and turning his butt and sending out a violent kick was a far too regular occurance. His poor behavior escalated and as much as I hate to say this but he was deemed a "danger horse" after I had spoken to veterinary and training professional and received mixed responses regarding how to go about handling Lakota. The only suggestion made that didn't make my jaw hit the floor was to get him into training with someone who specializes with behavioral issues to see if he would be receptive to the methods and techniques used to assist and aid Lakota in his mental growth and development and try to determine the underlying issue for the violent bahavior.
Lakota remained in training from January 2022 until June of 2022 and his behavior only worsened and that was at no fault of the trainers or methods used as this is a trainer all
Snow day (really a snow storm) hype yesterday afternoon. I wish my level of fun and excitement matched theirs. 😕 I'll just sit here an panic about having someone slide through a fence. Ya'll just keep horse'in around and having a grand ol time as my ulcer kicks it into overdrive. 😖
This little gem of a pony will be ready for meet and greets going into spring. Looking back on where he started and seeing how far he's come brought me to tears. From a tiny little unhandled, terrified colt to a confident, social little gentleman. Oh sweet boy, the sky is the limit for you.