Say hello to Turbo, he is 10 weeks old and currently available for his new home. For more information contact us via messenger or call/text 989-464-7843. Please share. Thank you.
Say hello to Lilly she is 10 weeks old and currently available for her new home. Contact via messenger or call/text 989-464-7843. Please share. Thank you.
Say hello to Rosie she is 10 weeks old and currently avaliable for her new home. For more information contact us via messenger or call/text 989-464-7843. Please share. Thank you.
Molly cooling off in the pool with the puppies.If your looking for a puppy we have 1 boy and 2 girls avaliable. Contact us via messenger or call/text 989-464-7843.
More of Kipper loving the beach at Bell Bay with his family.
Kipper had a great time Sunday evening at Bell Bay. He is doing so well on his leash and loving his new family.
Jake , Molly and Willow getting some together time in this morning.
Puppies just saying Hello this morning.
We currently have 1 boy Turbo and 2 girls Rosie and Lilly available for their new homes. For more information please contact us via messenger or call/text 989-464-7843.
Hello folks, we have one of our puppies that came available again. Say hello to Lilly (Purple Collar). She is available with her sister Rosie (Pink Collar) and brother Turbo (Red Collar). Contact us via messenger or call/text 989-464-7843. Thank you
Here is one of our two remaining 8 week old puppies that are avaliable for their new home.(Rosie Pink Collar Girl). For more information contact us via messenger or call/text 989-464-7843.
Here is one of our two remaining 8 week old puppies that are avaliable for their new home.(Turbo Red Collar Boy). For more information contact us via messenger or call/text 989-464-7843.
We have two remaining puppies avaliable for their new homes. Turbo (Red Collar) and Rosie (Pink Collar) . Here they are playing together. For more information contact us via messenger or call/text 989-464-7843.